Japan has a labor crisis that refugees could fix, if the government would let them

Japan would rather have robots nurse its elderly, and self-driven lorries transport its goods than allow refugees to help ease the nation’s ballooning labor crisis.

Japan is drowning in a surplus of jobs, and while that may sound like the pinnacle of capitalist aspirations, it’s actually a huge economic problem. Put another way: bleak demographics have saddled Japan with its worst labor shortage in decades. The unemployment rate may be joyously low at 2.8%, but the dwindling workforce chokes growth and forces businesses to take desperate moves, like resorting to “digging robots” at construction sites, and letting overtime go unpaid.

With no one left to build their roads, harvest their food, or empty their hospital bedpans, Japan needs workers, and it needs them now. At the end of May, Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare announced that vacancies exceed 1.48 jobs for every applicant. The ratio is 2:1 in Tokyo, and 3 or even 4:1 in the pinched nursing and construction sectors. The bite is only set to get worse as the current workforce grays and the birth rate continues to decline.

Yet Japan has willfully ignored the obvious solution already sitting on its doorstep: hiring asylum seekers.

Despite what appears to be an obvious win-win, Japan accepts fewer asylum seekers than almost any other developed country. Last year, just 28 out of 10,901 asylum applicants—or 0.26%—were successful, one more than the previous year. UN chief António Guterres at one point called for an overhaul of Japan’s system, calling it “too rigid, and too restrictive.” If humanitarian grounds alone were not cause enough to move Japan to act, financial imperatives should make the choice an easy one.

How do we force Japan into taking inn more refugees? Multiculturalism makes a country stronger


You never will. Japan is a country of xenophobes who treat people not like them as aberrations that will bring ruin to the country. My mom was half and they still treated her like garbage.


They are importing gooks from SK, Mohammad.

>Uses LARP flag while making fun of someone's geo flag

refugees just want gibs they will never work a day in their lives

I have a manpower solution.

Propaganda from political correct establishment that wants mass immigration from black and Brown illegal immigrants.

None, not a single one is a refugee.

Not one.


They are infiltratörs once they pass the FIRST counry thats not at war.

And yeah, there has never been a history in any White country of underpopulation while there has overpopulation of africa, india and china.

So yeah, fixing the current unemployement problem which there IS evidence for, hell this shill even admitted it, with MORE people to be unemployed does not work.

Since it wasnt just specialist in those jobs, it was all of em.

So yeah, you dont solve unemployement with more unemployement.

You have lower amount of population decrease to increase the living standard. thats why Nordic countries have such a high living standard and has NEVER, not even counting "population boom" in any of its history, which is a gigantic fabrication since it implies heavely that at least 60% of the population back then had 6+ Children, which it didnt. It would need 20 Children eachhouse hold back then for it being a crisis since there ALWAYS will be and Always HAD BE, unemployement.

its george soros propaganda, dont lissen to it.

Jesus Christ, you fucking people on this board. You fucking basement dwellers are too much lol

kill yourself

Japan already has almost a million Koreans that have lived there for centuries and they still haven't been given citizenship.

It isn't going to happen.

If it does, they are getting kicked out after their foreign bank accounts are seized.

And it isn't going to happen after 2 of the less than 30 migrants they have robbed a bitch.

>Faggot flag
>Reddit spacing
>Missing the joke
Consider suicide, hand over your white women and turn your ass to the nearest achmed you fucking cockgobbler.

How dare you takku to mai country liku that

>low crime
>low unemployment
>innovating to account for lack of human labourers
Fuck off with your quartz shit Sven.

I agree.

Fucking racist sexist homophobic islamophobic transphobic lbgtphobic backwards conservative Japanese bigots needs to stop actively oppressing refugees and lgbt already.

>Multiculturalism makes a country stronger


Wish they would allow good german weebs to migrate and work in a nation that has a culture left...

shitskin detected
no recorded history to back your argument
using redit spacing and claiming others who dont use it, use it.

missing that you and your family are the joke.

Jamal go back to your cuckshed, we arent having the rest of your family here or to any other White country.


Have they considered increasing the pay for said jobs?

You're an idiot.
Fuck immigrants.
Nobody needs those useless eaters.
They bring crime and disease.

>Japan has a labor crisis that refugees could fix, if the government would let them

>trading a labor crisis against a slow but assured genocide

I will give you this rubber band in exchange for 1 million $. You seem like the kind of guy who would consider that to be a good deal.

At least Japans laws are well suited to take in migrants. They barely ever give out Japanese citizenship.

There are Koreans who have been there for generations and the are still considered alien residence.

This means Japan reserves the right to deport any alien resident at anytime especially if they commit a crime.

This is what Europe should be like.

Asylum seekers are a net loss though so you are retarded. If Japan were to accept migrants in mass it would not be brown useless people it would be other orientals

> allow refugees to help ease the nation’s ballooning labor crisis
They create an even bigger labour crisis, because.
1) they have no useful skills to a highly automated society
2) they often have extremely limited language skills
3) they make no effort to integrate
4) they demand the hosting nation cater to their dietary preferences
5) they explode the expenses in policing especially in countries that try to act progressive and non-discriminatory
6) depending on their numbers, they start demanding segregation and obstructing policing

Niggers wouldn't want to go to Japan anyways because there is no government gibs as here in EU.

Japan have dekaseguis and arubaitos since decades ago spread your trash for another coutry

>sweden advocating mass immigration based on a lie
Misery loves company.

Not to mention that the refugees that are employed are often employed in jobs that were specifically created for them with tax payer money, such as translators.

>Yet Japan has willfully ignored the obvious solution already sitting on its doorstep: hiring asylum seekers.

>have labour shortage due to population decline
>could let the economy shrink to an appropriate size
>could hire actual workers from civilised countries
>sweden says no, says it has to be "refugees"
Nuke sweden when?

You want to see more niggers in your anime?
I sure as hell don't

Alisa is my waifu

I would prefer a robot to tend me in old age instead of a fucking migrant.

I know this is just your monthly shit post, but did you know fewer than 500 of 163,000 asylum seekers found jobs

>How do we force Japan into taking inn more refugees?
By sending them to Sweden.
>Multiculturalism makes a country stronger
It has already been proven that migrants don't help the economy. Plus they're literally useless.

>It has already been proven that migrants don't help the economy. Plus they're literally useless.

The US is a country of immigrants and is also the richest country in the world my dude.


They rather went extinct by themself rather than get killed by rapefugees on every corner in the street.

Japan is not the US, which was colonized by a multitude of Europeans and former African slaves. The so-called native Americans died from disease and they had committed genocide against the real natives (of European origin) long ago.

Japan is not going to become a second Sweden. Keep your misery to yourself.

Just saying that migrants have a pretty good track record when it comes to helping economies, and Sweden's a way better place to live than Japan, I'm living very well in Malmö even. For all the shit this city gets it's still a fantastic place to live.

>said the swede as it is on track to plunge into 3rd world category

Why should I believe an image that looks like it was made in paint?

I bought this game but after 3 hours she still hasn't showed up. Does it get any better? I'm thinking of dropping it, all characters are annoying as fuck

>Japan would rather have robots nurse its elderly, and self-driven lorries transport its goods than allow refugees to help ease the nation’s ballooning labor crisis.

Yeah I really fail to see any kind of problem here

Stfu jewtard

Japan is the only country that will survive the demographic chaos that will destroy civilised countries in the next decades as long as they keep their immigration ban.