How do we solve the depression problem Sup Forums

How do we solve the depression problem Sup Forums

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Make suicide socially acceptable.

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Why do they make pills so colourful if I was drunk I'd grab a handful thinking they were sweets.

>Depressed Europeans

Move to the inner solar system?

Turn off the tv, turn off the computer, go volunteer or some other positive shit that adds value to yourself and your community. That or seppuku.

tell them to man up, if people weren't so coddled depression would be non existent

make it so people dont have to work to get money

Antidepressants don't help, the feel good moments only temporary and the long lasting effects are worst

Exercise and CBD oil

I just watched a documentary on Andrew Carnegie and the industrial revolution feel much better. The word wageslave came from this time steel mill life is hell.

>you can just give everyone free money forever and not collapse the economy making said money worthless anyway.

stop being depressed
it's that simple

Yes ok doctor Phil

Go back to living in small animistic tribes of 200 people in regions where you wont freeze to death for leaving your window open.

I seriously recommend this for any r9k faggots. Exercise is the best, but if that alone doesn't help. Hemp CBD oil is legal everywhere in US now. Doesn't get you high, helps you sleep, helps with anxiety. Feel better.

The savior of the human species, Jesus Christ

Depression is a symptom of massive social problems.

We have bypassed natural selection and as a result mental illness grows out of control.

Depression may have had a natural cause and an actual purpose for survival in the past, however modern life and its empty promises leaves men unfulfilled.

Drugs treat the symptoms but not the problem, just as the governments solutions to issues is to treat symptoms but not problems.

We should give young men a reason to exist, like work for a "greater good". The reason so many young men are depressed is cause they've been taught only to live for their own pleasure. This means they stay inside, drink coke, masturbate 4 times a day.
If you live for something greater than your own life, like nation or people, you'll achieve joy and happiness knowing that you're rebuilding, or defending both.

I wanted to kill myself once. If you're depressed, start nofap, eat healthy and take long walks in daylight.

Exercise. It has been proven over and over to be more effective than medication when treating anxiety and depression disorders.

Fixed the unarchived clickbaiters

More gut bacteria.

Dismantle society

>IF I were drunk
99% of brits are alcoholic degenerates.

Nice try Schlomo, but AD pills are useless

I'm really liking this CBD shatter that I bought. My only complaint is the price.

Still wish I could get medical for short-term use when I'm feeling suicidal. It's insane to me that benzos are okay but herb isn't.

Where do you buy it user?

Headshops. They all have it now.

You have literally no clue my friend. I am a psychologist and ADHD pills are one of the most useful, cause-effect pills there are.

we need to destroy all life

live like varg

Encourage traditional life

Exercise. It's your body's natural stress relief.

we take more pills

by taking opioids.

The problem for me is that exercise only helps when I'm at the gym itself. As soon as I walk out the doors, I start feeling like shit again, and all I want to do is go lie down in bed and go to sleep. 9/10 times that's exactly what I do, too.

bulldoze wallstreet into the ocean and make minimum wage a living wage and have affordable universal health care, then people dont have to live with daily anxiety of poverty and sickness and debt slavery


>e dep

that and get a dog

dogs were actually bred as cures for depression over thousands of years

by bullying the depressed into wellness. Seems to be the attitude to every other activity humans engage in...

Get a Girlfriend

Wellbutrin, mindfulness based meditation and exercise. Remeron is real shit, too. Makes you drowsy as fuck for the first few weeks but it's very effective if you have severe depression.

>what is placebo
when the weed craze dies down you'll realise how retarded you were wasting hundreds of dollars on a product that does literally nothing, there's less backing for CBD oil than valerian or st john's worth

Stop pushing programs and ideas that literally pit people against their own biological urges such as suppressing men's natural aggression or telling women to not have kids and get a job.

Legalize marijuana

Go /out/side. Especially into a forest. Not only is the air better, but the body also reacts to it by putting out antidepressiva.
You don't even need to hike or anything. Just go for a walk now and then.

this, and ban porn.

Turn off the news/skip reading the papers and have about two hours to yourself. At this point there are people who can not be happy unless they have something to be depressed about, but to the surprise of nobody most of those are women.

Women should ultimately be ignored on most things. Going through life with a pussy pass and diagnosed autism then spouting insane ramblings to young men who haven't enough winters behind them to know the perspective they are dealing with is like smashing a square block into a triangle hole.

Yeah. physical exercise is also important and relieases endorphins.

Maybe workout harder you pussy
Also google Rich piana 8 hour arm workout and be happy for 33% of your day

obviously people with better mental health are more likely to excercise. There's no proof excercise helps mental health, there is proof antidepressents help.
Still it's good to excercise because you'll gain a bit of confidence and if you end up getting a good body you'll have that going for you, but don't believe these niggers who say going for a walk or a run or starting lifting will cure you

Gas chambers

user you have depression. I recommend you start developing hobbies first, like playing a video game or reading a book depending on how hard it is for you to motivate yourself. Start small and be proud of developing something you can enjoy, it's ok even if it doesn't fit in with some /fit/ meme.

medication is bullshit

only schizophrenics need medication, everyone else is a weak minded bitch that needs to snap out of it


I know medication is bullshit, I've tried prozac, sertraline and duloxetine, but they're at least proven. There aren't just correlations like the "excercise for depression" fags base their arguement on they have proof of its effect on the brain and what a brain of someone with depression looks like.

LSD, psilocybin, DMT.

>only schizos need medication
>implying you don't take medication for burns, headaches or indigestion
we're all weak

>it didn't work for me so it won't work for anyone

Prozac doesn't work for a lot of people

I never said that but the fact is prozac doesn't work for a majority of people and it's like 5 times more likely to give you temporary sexual-dysfunction than it is to help. I'm the one saying medications actually work here.
