Is it possible to fix white women without using violent means?

Is it possible to fix white women without using violent means?

Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/)

Nowpe but they Will like the violence so it's okay

Why do Jews promote sexuality, sexual liberation, perversion and vulgar language so much?

How does it affect the human psyche and society?

No, anytime in history when women are liberated too much these liberations are never reversed.
Just gotta wait for everything to collapse and it will put them back on place

women aren't the problem
Man's addiction to women is the problem.
If men can't control themselves, they should take medication to reduce their sex drive.

no, it appears they desire rape (flag related)

Those girls are already lost.

Chicks dig violent memes.

>How does it affect the human psyche and society?
According to Freud, Marcuse and Kinsey it's essential to promote sex liberation and perversion.
These women behave like rats in laboratories, they respond to stimulus like code words"Patriarchy, white male, capitalism, right-wing, fascism" and they become addicted to code words to the point their whole life and personality is built on fighting white people and white men.
This BBC documentary touches on Freud and the sexual liberation in america

Start a slut shaming site where people rag on these whores and can make sure these aren't any of the mates they choose to settle down with

Yes, I know they are doing it, but why exactly? How does it affect the human psyche and society?

I am not sure why you mention that they are trained to react to buzzwords. This is true, but what has this to do with sexualisation?

A pic to illustrate the rat model applied to modern women
Replace loud noise (or heat for that matter) with "White cis male" or "Patriarchy"
There is a point the rat doesn't feel fear anymore because he has received so much stimulus he becomes aggressive
The first reaction is obviously fear and retraction, then it's anger and aggression.

White women were made for black cock

Muh cherrypicked images

**** goes in the options filed

Birth Control causes Frontal Lobe Damage/Disorder in Women. While "empowering" them to waste there energy in having sex with a unlimited number of partners rather then have Families.

(Did threads on this: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/)

Feminists need to be Eliminated if you want to save The West & the Planet for that matter.

>This is true, but what has this to do with sexualisation?
I'm not an expert in anything but sex is totally related to human emotions.
Sex has a pretty emotional impact in everybody
I assume they use this to destabilize the target. When you break the target inhibitory answer to sex (which would be the opposite of showing your tits and proclaiming you are a whore)you can pretty much do whatever you want with their psyche

Worldwide catastrophe would do the trick

If the girl is ready for slutwalk she is ready to work (and do anything) for them

I bet these studies aren't accurate. A woman that slept with more than 1 man is pretty much useless for wife and children, everybody knows they are emotionally broken, cry all the time, get hysterical over anything, etc.

>Man's addiction to women is the problem.

This. Addicts will do stupid shit to get their fix. In this case giving women the right to vote and enabling them to sleep around with Chads.

As long as beta males think enabling female sexuality will get them laid more (which it won't; it's the opposite), women will do stupid shit that undermines Western society.

Weak men created the hard time we're in.

>Let's destroy morals!
>we are progressive!
why women do this?

"empowered women" is the biggest meme ever invented

literally no society that has ever existed was stupid enough to give women systemic rights

The'll do everything that gives them better reproduction possibility, they are not moral or rational being, they are objects and at most mascots.

we are living in a society that gives women equal rights
That's why we are in the end times towards total destruction
Maybe there is a way to fix it but I can't think of anything

There is no fixing, the most we can do is preserve knowledge so future generations can have a better shot at this.

>future generations
I don't even want to know what will happen next
Hopefully there won't be any future generation

Humans are surprisingly hard to exterminate, even prehistoric humans had to live in underground towns to save themselves from a yet unknown phenomena in the surface, the thing we must do is to exterminate as much r-selected individual during the collapse, so k-selected individuals are better off.

Meanwhile teenage pregnancy and abortion are at all time lows.


I think when women were first granted voting rights, things were fine. Now I cannot imagine how we can fix this problem.

Not only white women.
All women who fit the descriptions of being disgusting.

And no, you can't.
Humans are diverse and every individual is more or less genetically prone to some behaviour and their upbringing also plays a role.

If a person has a Gene that raises the rate of being triggered to be promiscuous and they have been reached to be promiscuous, then you can't and it is extremely unlikely for them not to feel oppressed about it.

I would rather suggest a genetically and psychological screening for traits very regularly and encourage, nudge them into positions and roles more fitting to their needs.


To may women have been lost and they are heavily entrenched in their brainwashing delusions
Only thing that will make them see the error of their ways is when they turn 37 and realize they have no husband or kids and nobody wants them for the used up cumbarrel they have become

Deep down. I think white women love violence. They are alwayd watching the lifetime channel, and being beaten seems to be something they add as a notch to their belt.

It's like they put themselves in situations where they want to get hit. Not all women, but I think a lot of women do.

Maybe I'm wrong.

1. They're doing it because misery loves company. If Jews have to be "outsiders" then everyone has to be.
2. They're doing it because they're hypersensitive to any form of cultural standard. Any judgement is seen as one or two steps from "annuduh shoah." Immigration laws? Shoah. Unrestricted speech? Shoah. Not funding Mossad? Shoah.
3. They've brainwashed themselves. This is part of point #1. Instead of processing the shame they must feel over ignoring their own religious and cultural traditions, they just double-down on secularism and debauchery.

Men want women who are virgins for everyone else but sluts for "me." Women want men who are ego-maniacal monsters to everyone else but accommodating partners for "me." Men see women along the madonna/whore axis, women see men along the conqueror/supporter axis.

Point being, RESTRAINT is a core component of sexual identity regardless of gender. Men want women with the potential for sexual excess but the moral/intellectual fiber to restrain that potential until the appropriate time. Women want men who have the potential to rape, pillage and kill but with the moral/intellectual fiber to restrain that tendency unless/until a situation requiring force/violence presents itself.

feminism is cancer because it preaches unhealthy restraint to men and unhealthy indulgence to women.

No! You can't fix stupid!

Easy, cut off their government force ensured finances

The only way would be if all men agreed to never touch known degenerates.

It will never happen though.

No. The longer this goes on without violence the worse it's going to get.

You will never fix them as a whole. But you might be able to save one.

No. Fuck them. White women were a mistake.

Given a chance, any woman of any race would go whore-mode. /shrug

Cut off welfare. Then they'll have to act like human beings to attract a bread winner. This applies to all women though, not just white women.