Swedish mob attacks migrants!

Why are Svens being so violent
so much for tolerant Sweden baka


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Is Sweden finally waking up?

No, but the virgins are leaving the basements.

Sweden no?

Remember what happened last time?

It's fake news made up by media, the journalists even dressed up as cops and took pictures of themselves. And this is from years ago. Reminder to Sage.

Mm, the young Führer. So handsome.

This is horrible and in no way represents Swedish people.

this was last year

>meanwhile constant gang war betweeen different migrant factions are ignored

Divide and conquer

The Endgame is an EU army and a life like this:


Director plus whole family & their dog have been killed

I've said it once and i'll say it again. Sweden is the litmus paper for western europe. The scenes you see here will be the scenes you see in other countries if mass immigration is allowed to continue. The people of europe have been spread thin by the recession, stagnant wages and lower wuality of life. Add to that the mass migration of economic migrants that are mostly incompatible with western ideals and who further the plight of native europeans and what you have is the makings of a dangerous situation that will kick off with the slightest provocation. The people of europe are sick of this treatment, and the blood will flow freely in the streets if those in control don't do their best to reverse this.

Screencap this, widespread civil unrest will happen before the end of the year.

They killed an innocent doggy? Monsters.

>alexandra mezher

that was in 2016 i think

>tfw not Yuropean

This is almost as fake as cnn

Is this real?

fucking pinch me lads

I'm curious to see just how vicious the RaHoWa in Sweden will be.

You know what ghengis, what's the closest thing to a fishes asshole?

A fin.


wow it's nothing

What a shame, then.

2016? By now they've been to reeducation camps and given their new genders to prevent futures rebellion.

On September 23 this shit goes down everywhere.

ay vey !
bad, bad goym !

>those tiny ties


didn't the guy who was working on this get killed?

rundown on september 23 plox

i hope desu
the world is pretty boring
it's "oy" you dumb nigger

About fucking time.