Resources and Discussions for "conspiracy theories" a.k.a. Jews

Dear Pol,

First I understand I would have to go to multiple websites and will not treat this as evidence against the claims you always make should you not provide what I'm asking for. So there may be several posts on this to try to gather as much evidence as possible to assess the validity of your claims.

I am here now to ask you if you would be so kind as to give me resources and actual facts and data about how the Jews are actual behind such things as globalism, social marxism ect. And hell if you have evidence on how the Holocaust didn't actually exist go ahead and throw it out there but don't make it anecdotal and if you there sure as hell better be tons of it.

Because the fact is

1.) Saying ((((they))) are behind everything with unsubstantiated statements doesn't make it so.

2.) Pointing out a few "Jewish" people ( I put that in quotations marks because I saw a post showing all the Jews in CNN but you see first of all no resources are found to see if they are in fact Jewish and second does that not prove that they are just in high places? Ashenazi Jews are supposed to have high IQs after all so it makes sense they would be influential.)
This does not prove however that there is an organization of Jews that have a political agenda and that's what I'm looking for evidence. Evidence that there is a CURRENT group of Jews that is recruiting and indoctrinating other Jews into leading these political fronts against the rest of the world.
Now I understand maybe you are worried that they will take down these websites if you link them so do a screen shot then but it would also be helpful to give me from where they are in terms of diaries, government documents ecetera.

Because you can call people goyim all day but unless you have evidence you aren't going to convince many except by possibly peer pressure without backing it will fall through though.

Thank you for your time.


A pursurer of truth

Other urls found in this thread:ür_Sexualwissenschaft

If five people would be so kind as to just type something so simple as hi on this post to cofirm it hasn't been the Sup Forums equivalent of shadow banned that would be great.

I'll wait another 30 minutes or so. But you guys do realize that this is extremely beneficial to you right? To have evidence to support your claim. If you have hard facts and evidence and are not misrepresenting documents (just giving the documents fixes this problem) or given accurate critique of others it makes you argument very hard to dismiss on any other grounds then I don't like it or you are just "spinning" a narrative.

And the more data you have the less you can be accussed of spinning a narrative.

pururut worst nep.


This one doesn't include data really but it's extremely revealing

I mean who is best Nep in your eyes?

Ur shadow banned. Only "we" see you.


Thanks man. I'll have to look at the author and these sources. I appreciate it. :) That's the problem though (and I'll try to start doing it). But this issue needs the equivalent of a historian. Someone who can sift through and compile this data and then write articles on it.

They literally admit it.


Thanks man. I appreciate the list of organizations I'll have to go through them. I'm just trying to create a database of sorts. For people to be able to go through and discover for themselves the truth.

The more info the better.

See this is good as it represents one person but we need to see if either

A.) She influences others or
B.) She has been influenced by a larger organization and if we can pinpoint that organziation and its doctrines then we can indeed say that yes there is (assuming it's Jewish) a Jewish organization with a platform on this and that.

But until that it's just one person. We need to understand why and where her thoughts come from though.

I mean I'm not sure about the whole objective part (as opinions are inherently subjective).
But I don't doubt your love of her. :)

I wish you the best of luckwith that. I have a few infographs to share

Are you joking or serious?

Tbh I don't know if this is anything more than anecdotal

Nvm I thought that was a different one

>1.) Saying ((((they))) are behind everything with unsubstantiated statements doesn't make it so.

>The Institut für Sexualwissenschaft was an early private sexology research institute in Germany from 1919 to 1933
>It was headed by Magnus (((Hirschfeld)))
>Magnus Hirschfeld coined the term transsexualism, identifying the clinical category which his colleague Harry Benjamin would later develop in the United States
These protests were headed under the informal leadership of students Mario Savio, Jack ((Weinberg)), Brian Turner, Bettina Aptheker, Steve Weissman, Art ((Goldberg)), Jackie ((Goldberg)), and others.

just some of the many/

Thank you names are very important in this matter. (So you can look up their history and works.)

That being said do you know who the individual on the bottom right corner is?

This post is all well and good but the problem is we can't just rely on thought experiments. We need proof and enough of it to piece together something. And most importantly we need to debate others with this proof.

We need to build up an image and discover how and where all these people are coming from. Which will likely be hard but it must be done or people will just throw it away as coincidence.

At least with Islam we literally have their holy book and I haven't researched it much at all. But from what I've heard on this topic their book is pretty damning in and of itself. Given what it teaches. Again I don't have quotes and such from the clips I've seen so I won't try to debate this but my point is...

We need to find influential Jewish thinkers, organizations, or other things like that would have similar things that are damning. If you understand what I'm getting at.


Just to ask you to confirm. (I don't mind digging on my own of course.)

But do they have traceable connections?

As in, can I at least see they funded these things?

Or is this given in the wikipedia article?
Also the wikipedia article has sources so I won't ask you about those.

Read Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald

*blocks ur path

I have a quite a few people to look into now thanks to you and hopefully others will take this oppurtunity to look into this as well.

Feel free to list more sources and I will definitely check up every hour or so and see if there is anything new.

For now though have a good evening. :)