Trump Jr and this woman

This is the assistant of the Russian lawyer.

He never interacted directly with the lawyer. Only through this woman.

Most men would use any excuse to meet this woman.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'd interact through this woman if you know what I mean


Oldest trick in the book, every mans weakness is their dick.

Who's this dumb skank and what's her phone number

Why would he cheat on ivanka with this twat? Ivanka is way hoter.

That's Aunt Mae.

Leaf with faultless logic.

Agreed, liked and shared.

i'd put it in her butt


"holy cow she's hot. Time to write an article how he has cheated on Ivanka with her!!"
>t. SalonsmbcnnHuffinpaintfeed

Cernovich scoop thread theme

Why it's always Russia they try to use? They tried to stage Assange to take 1m $ from Russia too. Isn't it too obvious already? There is about 200 countries in the world, always the fucking Russia. Is it just lazyness?


HoneyPot, and if she is not one she should consider it. That kinda woman can control 90% of males.


that's marrisa tomei tho

Fuckin Leafs

Because Russia is an aggressive nation in the process of reworking the world's balance of power? Why wouldn't the US try defame them?

because the jews hate russia

That's Marissa Tomei you dumbfucks.

Marisa Tomei works for a Russian lawyer?

mentally retarded female

That's okay explanation for few times but EVERY FUCKING TIME. Not credible.

Proof that Spiderman colluded with the Russians.

If you look at what NATO has been doing in the past and present then it's easy to see that they try to encircle and contain Russia, maybe at some point try to break it apart or something, the US can't allow Russia to exists, because it still can pose a threat, it's just geo-politics, but it's retarded to think Russia, and other nations opposed to an US hegemony, would just let that happen. At this point I hope it's true, I hope Russia manipulated the fuck out of everything and Trump is a straight up puppet, just so the CIA is on the receiving end of it for once and sees what it's like. It is much more likely to be a big nothing burger though, they choose Russia specifically, because it's the favorite antagonist of the USA, the old arch-rival and in a way to attack right-wing Trump voters, who they think, usually should be opposed to everything Russian, also maybe in order to condition the public for a future war they already have planned. It's also to legitimize Trump in the eyes of the public, basically it's their birther movement.

moar please.

lmao american faggots got honeypotted by russian aids pussy. How dumb is the average yank?

taylor swift in disguise?