Why are stupid people attracted to extremes?

My theory is because they are stupid and their brain are incapable of holding a more complex and realistic world view. Also they don't read enough, don't think enough and get offended instead of changing their mind when someone points out a fault in their thinking. They only participate in echo chamber discussion and for them it becomes "clearer" and "clearer" how "everything" works when in fact they actually see less and less reality. It's like 4K vs 360p monochrome.
Some examples could be:
Tinfoil conspiracy believers,
Muslims and other religious nutheads,
Some people on pol/

Other urls found in this thread:


Oh my god look at those animals

I think your slide thread would've gotten a lot more replies if you included the fact that your webm involves public spaghetti. That's real clickbait these days.

Bump. Webm involves public spaghetti.

Everytime I take a level headed political test I come out as a liberal centrist. But here I sound like a fucking far-right authoritarian because I use these place to went my frustration about society going off the left rails while its still accelerating.


it takes about 5 minutes of hard thinking to debunk most of the bullshit ideas
for example communism
>it would be cool if everything was free !
>no. actually it wouldn't
>it would suck
some people just can't think critically

>Not including OP
Wrong. Sage, fuck off.

> society going off the left rails
Society is fine. We actually live better than anyone lived in human history.

>Society is fine goyim
>Don't pay attention to all the telltale signs of a collapsing civilization haha

Majority of people can't think critically. I think the reason that stupid people's extreme in USA is
> Fuck gubemint
> Muh guns
makes it the strongest nation. Simply because those ideas are actually good. Especially comparing vs communism or religious fanaticism which attracts idiots like shit attracts flies.


> Muh joos

This thread is also about people like you, you stupid leaf.

It's much simpler than that.

>Why are people attracted to extremes?

Because by nature a centrist will bend and compromise on things. People are attracted to confidence, and more readily follow someone leading who appears to have answers and stands firm in their belief.
>I don't know where we're going, but we're going somewhere!

Do you think anyone would go to church if the sermon was, "God exists, probably. Unless maybe science discovers something new ". No, the sermon is "God is 100% there and heaven and hell are real."

Environmental science has become a religion and in fact there are a plethora of new bunk religions out there (yoga/veganism, global warming, etc.). What do they all have in common? An extreme belief (killing ANY animal is bad! ALL carbon dioxide is bad and WILL destroy earth!) and unwavering leadership.
Malthusianism is probably the worst and the father of many of these. The mistaken belief that the world is overpopulated and that continued human growth and progress will damn us. It literally calls for genocide of billions.

I should add/explain why this is the case.
Just like physical needs (food, water) humans have mental and emotional needs. Two fundamental things that all humans need or literally go insane without, are something to belong to, and something to believe in.
Most people are not okay with belonging to a club of one, and it's hard to create your own belief system (and impossible to validate without others sharing it). So most people pick someone or something else already going on and follow suit.
I mean this is like business 101: branding.
>I'm a dapper Dan man, dammit! I don't want wop!


This is so true.
But it is a bit depressing - absolute majority of people are bots. What makes it harder is that our brain is hardwired to dismiss any proof that our belief is wrong and any proof that our belief is right enforces it even more. You basically need strong will power to get out of your comfort zone and change you mind when the facts changes. And not that many people can do that.

does anyone have pic of that tweet shitskins celebrating white people replacement and having like 50 k likes? need it to redpill normies about average nonwhite

Can't trust the tap water, much less the kettle.

A double entendre to the phrase "test your mettle".

The rest will settle, just to get fed well.

As the living dead infect the red cell.

Every great person in history was an extremist. Kys.


aaaaannd back to r*ddit you go

>our brain is hardwired to dismiss any proof that our belief is wrong and any proof that our belief is right enforces it even more

I assume you have some racist beliefs. I also assume you use it as a proof that you should be racist. What happened in this video is very very bad and sad. I also believe there would be some retards in SJW that would defend it somehow. Neither extreme is any good.

Yeah but people who shy away from extremes are intellectual cowards who fail to commit to any idea for fear of having the "wrong one". Sometimes extreme is the only way to go. You're either free or you're not. You're either alive or dead. Some ideas need to be put in the extreme or else they can't work.

You're not some intellectual giant by falsely equating things because you notice a similarity that can be chalked up to basic human social behavior rather than invalidity of the ideas the humans are presenting.

>get offended instead of changing their mind when someone points out a fault in their thinking

You haven't made an argument.

>Why are stupid people attracted to extremes?

Its the total opposite OP you faggot, stupid peoples as you refer them lack the capacity, may it be emotional, mental or both to come up with a properly informed opinion on complex subjects or circumstances thus relegate the possibility itself as an absurdity as to protect their ego and latent awareness that they are full of shit for doing such.

Sadly, these kind of peoples are becoming more numerous by the day which brought about the awful result that they can have a genuine influence upon the general way of thinking of the population as they fester in their ''safe spaces'' like localized infections.

>implying I got offended
don't put words in my mouth, thanks
besides, what fault in my thinking?
completely denying the possibility that national socialism can be beneficial seems is rather the exact opposite of a "complex and realistic" world view.

>Why are stupid people attracted to extremes?
Because they're easier to understand and predict.

Viewing a problem through one perspective is easier than 2 or more like a moderate. It's also easier to predict the "correct" stance of your chosen group if the ideology is uniform

People who held extreme beliefs for the time usually were geniuses who knew what they were doing. They were expanding their world view instead of shrinking it (e.g. Copernicus who said that earth is not the center of universe - now we know that church actually had limited and extreme world view). What I have in mind is not some geniuses but a stupid masses. I guess user answered pretty well.

You're actually both right teehee

>he fell for the centrist superiority meme

ahaha yeah man serious convictions are LAME lolx---d haha


>ULTRA plebbit spacing
>muh le juice
>stupid goy
I hope you die the most unimaginable death, you degenerate inbred kike faggot

It was an answer to ad hominem. I can't make an argument to that.

>completely denying the possibility that national socialism
I don't deny it. Actually there are some interesting economics examples that were successes. For example I would argue that Japan, Korea and Singapore were somewhat natsoc economics. I have more of libertarian views but facts are facts. Free market and free trade is of course at the core of country's economic success.

I'm attracted to extremes ;_;

I want to kill all blacks

perhaps not "attracted" in the sense that they go looking for it, in isolation, but in the sense that stupid people can distinguish nuances, and everything is a blur in the middle, and only the extremes are noticeable

/pol is always looking for whack job outcomes and they gravitated towards a president that does the same

and its stupid people that can't see fine differentials and make money from it, so that's why we're where we are now

Sometimes it gets funny though. For example LGBTs SJWs being pro muslim who would fucking stone them the first chance they get. This is actually interesting dynamic that even when part of your ideology is dangerous to your own group - people still have to turn off their critical though and go with it just from sheer social pressure.

Ką tu darai?

You're mistaking national socialism with socialism buddy. Maybe you're the one that needs some reading?
National socialism isn't against free market nor free trade, as long as it serves the common good.

I am not mistaking it. I know that it's not against free trade just wanted to emphasize what I think is actually the most important thing for economic well being. One danger with natsoc is a lot of regulation and that can backfire especially with such a concentrated power. Basically you need very competent leaders to have any success.

>Also the'y don't read enough
Reading shit doesn't make you smarter, for example the Torah, if you read a fluid dynamics encyclopedia, then the results are different.
Also fucking Muslims could have anything under those degenerate robes, so it's normal to be afraid of the unknown. (Fucking immigrants)

Extremes look nice when the situation calls for them. They are good solutions for very dire situations.
Lets say you have a group of people in power and they unquestionably work against the nation for their own personal gain.
Are you going to lead a political campaign against them, devoting years and resources to potentially remove them from office or are you going to seize power and give them helicopter rides?

I am bipolar and cannot deal in moderation

le rational centrist sceptic


You're right. Regulation can backfire just like liberty can. I believe a healthy balance is required, and I think national socialism has this balance. You're more reasonable than most Libertarians, I'll give you that.


>people who think in extremes are stoopid
>proceeds to think in extremes

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