Fuck You Sup Forums

Fuck all of you racist white bitches. You racist bitches talk all of this racist shit about People of Colour and other minority groups online, but you bitches are too pussy to say it to our faces in real life. You call us "Niggers" and "Shitskins" when most of you are fat virgins. I dare one of you racist bitches to go to a community filled with POC and say the shit that you say. Then we'll see who the real "Master Race" is.

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turth hurts

The truth is that white people are racist bitches who'll get whats coming to them.

is the pic related?

Dear nigger, the fact that you threaten to escalate being called a nigger or inferior to violence where you spend the rest of your life in prison shows that you really are a pavement ape.

>Yeah I'm in jail for 10 while my seven kids grow up without a father but me and my 7 homies showed that racist white dude what's up!

Yes, the people in the picture of POC standing up to white racism.

also you spelled color wrong

The truth is that people are racist bitches who'll get whats coming to them.

Whites are the violent ones, the white race has murdered billions of POC, ranging from Africans to Native Americans to Aboriginals to Indians to Asians. You whites enslaved us, and soon you'll see what it's like being oppressed.

where did they get the money for those flashy leather jackets?

Sup Forums

Wow, white people can't even spell words in there own language correctly. It's spelt C-O-L-O-U-R

This is now a digits thread

Typical white racist trying to silence the voices of POC

Arabs enslaved, and enslave, you in greater numbers. The Chinese are catching up.

Billions? Save the hyperbole for when you might actually need it.

By the way, you didn't fight back. And when yu did, you lost. Every time.

why so many hyphens?

Id fuck you up u little chimp.

You're wrong about us losing. Soon, us POC will stand united against you racist scum. Enjoy being racist on your websites while it lasts, white boy.

This Guy

Complains about whites taking black slaves

Arabs took more black slaves, treated them worse than whites did treated back slaves and whites stopped slavery when Arabs haven't.

You talk about how 'The blacks are oppressed and use to be slaves' when there are still black slaves run by others blacks and Arabs and you don't fight for them.

Yeah...I'm real scared of your pathetic selfish stupid ass

Again, you don't know your own history. Africans were genociding each other for thousands of years before the white man set foot on Africa. We just came and were better at violence. You're more inclined to use violence because your ape brains go directly to it, whereas we are less inclined to use it but way fucking better at it. You people chimp out and destroy your own neighborhoods. We chimp out and fuck up entire continents.

Europeans came and found you in grass huts, enslaving and eating each other. Then white people lost millions of lives abolishing slavery and ultimately left Africa having vaulted it centuries ahead in infrastructure and technology. Africans then regressed back to their huts and witch doctor ways, only now, because you don't have the mental capacity to draw a connection between actions and consequences, your shit civilization is now the white man's fault.

OP, I want you to know, that whites spent the last 70 years integrating and providing opportunity for you "people"

What has it gotten us?
Your smartest play our music.
Your strongest play our sports.

We still own you.


you wont do shit, you white bitch. All you can do is talk shit online while you sit in your filthy bedroom while you remain a burden on your parents.

Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough!

The truth is that you are a federally protected species. For now.

at least we have parents

As for you, fuck off back to redit.

you're time is up nignog, now that Obama ain't in office the world is waking up to your Jewish tricks. Blacks are a meme.

Wearing clothing is white cultural appropriation.

Irony, red in tooth and claw...


that indefinte amount of time will last forever, and you know it. That's why you're so sore.

If you were in any way confident in your assertions you wouldn't have to rely on blanket general statements and hollow rhetoric.

"""""""""""people""""""""""" of colour

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA 13% of the American population wants to start a race war. Bring it chimp

>I dare one of you racist bitches to go to a community filled with POC and say the shit that you say. Then we'll see who the real "Master Race" is.
This is why niggers are shit...They just start fighting and shooting stuff...Then the government lets it go.


It is a serious question among them whether the Africans are descended from monkeys or whether the monkeys come from them. Our wise men have said that man was created in the image of God. Now here is a lovely image of the Divine Maker: a flat and black nose with little or hardly any intelligence. A time will doubtless come when these animals will know how to cultivate the land well, beautify their houses and gardens, and know the paths of the stars: one needs time for everything-Voltaire

>Saves thumbnail

Typical nigger.

get a job and raise your damn kids. try reading a book sometime.

You forgot to get properly in character.

Next time instead of

>all of you

its actually

>all y'all

Who the fuck cares if some whites died abolishing slavery. They created it in the first place. And the slavery that wen't on in Africa was diferent from the trans atlantic slavery. In Africa, slaves were usually POW's and were released after some time, while Africans who were enslaved by whites were never freed, and they were forced to have children who'd also be enslaved.

>Nigger with a uppercase n

We need you Moon Man.

Fuck off nigger, we are the master race


>Don't live with parents.
>Owns a 5 bed house for a family of 3

Dumb nig.

At least I know what it's like to have parents... You know, with an 's' on the end.

What's your story, chimp? Daddy run off? Arrested? Shot by cops for being a nig? Or is he now the town crack head?

Moonman is what all of you racist bitches want to be, a white man who kills POC, but none of you can, because you are all fat pussies who talk shit about minorities, but keep your racist mouths shut when you see us in real life.

>I dare one of you racist bitches to go to a community filled with POC and say the shit that you say. Then we'll see who the real "Master Race" is.
We ruled over violent savages like you for decades and we will do it again if we decide to.

>billions of poc

Top Kek, you niggers kill eachother more than whites ever could and the number is nowhere near a billion you retard. The Rwandan genocide was black vs black. You think whites are racist? Shitskins are 10x more racist. Different Asians, Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, they are all Asian yet most hate eachother. Niggers from Africa hate niggers from America. Niggers from Africa hate other niggers from Africa. You stupid fucking nogs rape your own babies cuz your dumb asses think it cures AIDS.

And people of color? What color? Brown? Shit color? Real nice. Call me when niggers can have blue, green, hazel, or amber eyes. Or blonde, dirty blonde, or red hair. Or any skin tone that isn't just a shade of brown.

Whites are the true people of color, we actually have colors. You're just brown shit.

>No nigger ever invented anything past grass huts
>Thrust into white man's world and fails
>This is white people's fault

Unironically it is our fault. If we were more calculating and less empathetic we would have, upon discovering you, just walked off Africa and left you to your own devices in the hopes that hundreds of thousands of years from now you could join us in civilization. Like an advanced alien species discovering humans, we should have monitored you from afar and not interfered. I officially apologize for ever expecting niggers to be able to fit in in civilization. If you were a more humble species, more aware of your own shortcomings, this could still work but your violence and unwarranted arrogance is causing us lots of problems.


Niggers are not "Persons" You are a fucking animal that needs to be put down, fucking bonobo

Give me some black pussy and we call it quits homes

US english and UK english are not the same. Its similar, but not the same

While that may be true that you ruled over us, our time is coming. We are going from the colonized to the colonizers. Soon many European nations, like Germany, will be POC majority countires. Than us POC will get our revenge.

You're talking to a nigger, tomorrow he would have forgotten everything

Daily reminder, niggers owe us EVERYTHING

>keep your racist mouths shut when you see us in real life
Implying we don't advoide people of crime (POW), even their smell is terrible so I don't even see the point in telling them shit this, shit that because they know that they smell like crap already.


>I dare you to go by yourself into a hive of violent, unthinking nogs
Always go in groups around dangerous animals, anons

Do us all a favour and go and starve in Ethiopia, mate.

keep this one

Yes, please have children with our woman. Your white genes are weak and our black genes are strong. We'll just breed you into extintion, it'll make our jobs easier.

>[Whites] created [slavery] in the first place.

Um, no sweetie. Every African and Arab nation has forever had African and Non European slaves, well before Europeans did. Many of these areas still have slaves to this day.

Additionally, many Europeans were enslaved by Muslim and African invaders, and these numbers far out-do the numbers of slaves even purchased by the entire United States during the period of the Atlantic Slave Trade. The United States and other European nations are the only nations historically to ever fight for the abolition of slavery, and this epic fight has involved years of world-wide invasions to free slaves. It is a brutal, treacherous and violent history most people want concealed and covered up to destroy any European culture and technological advancements.

There were over 5,000,000 African Slaves alone traded throughout the world by the Muslim Arabs. It is a cultural norm in the Middle East to replace something when it is broken rather than even try to fix it. This applies with cars and other appliances, infidels, and slaves especially.

The enslavement of Blacks by Whites in the United States is EASILY the kindest, most humane form of slavery which has ever existed in the world. Also, it is known that approximately 95% of the black slaves from the trans-Atlantic trade went to the Caribbean and South America -- Why don't I ever hear you low-IQ Negroes complaining about these brown people who enslaved you at a tremendously higher rate, and under far worse conditions?

Thanks for at least being open about your true motives. I think white people will be in the minority when they notice it, but even 10 perecent dedicated white people should be enough.

Whites didn't invent slavery you fucking moron. We literally set foot on Africa and your fellow niggers were "here, mayne, take these worthless niggers". He'll, that wasn't even white people, that was Jews, who to this day are the ones whispering in your ears to point the finger and blame whitey for your problems. Middle Easterners to this very day are taking your people and castrating and enslaving them but I don't hear a peep about that. Why? Because they'll enslave your ass too but our Jewish government protects you while you spout your bullshit and lies.

More whites were enslaved by the Barbary slave trades than niggers during American slavery.

Where's our reparations for that? Why do you shitskins pretend you can do NOTHING to advance society or technology and then take advantage of what we built? And then have the gall to act like we never coulda done it without you or we somehow stole it from you.

Shitskins are inferior because instead of seeing a superior group and coming together to make yourselves better, you complain and drag down that superior group to your level. Fuck you.

>Your white genes are weak and our black genes are strong.
History proved otherwise. While your grandfather was hanging from a tree, White people reached the Moon

>no one saging a slide thread
Keep up faggots.

It doesn't actually work like that. Mulattos are not black.

Tbqfh these guys have an ACTUAL reason to HATE whitey. Grew up near a rez. They mostly hate whitey. Knew a few that liked death metal and were bros.

you should be grateful we didn't just exterminate your ancestors when we had enough of you. We allowed you to live alongside us. Had we known how insufferable you would become we should have just ended you. Ungrateful shits

>ayo hol up whyte boi
>why don't you go get some pavement apes to chimp out on you
That will just prove our point that you are all subhumans without impulse control.

>Implying triggering niggers on a NatSoc board isn't funny

Whites forced Africans to give them slaves. If Aliens invaded tomorrow and asked Earth to give them slaves or face genocide, what would Earth do?

kek has spoken

I think exposing, what the "other" really thinks is quiet helpful.

They pretty much are. Obama is mulatto half breed. Was he white? Nah he was the first black president.

her yu go your black pussy, enjoy nigger.

When the first post is also the best

No we didn't. We traded slaves for shells and shit which dumb ass Africans accepted. Why do you niggers refuse to call out Arabs who would enslave and castrate blacks?


We didn't force anyone you lying fuck.

First off, if you read his post, the people who owned the ships were JEWS. THE Jews bought your slave ancestors who were ALREADY SLAVES by trading precious metals and goods with them. JEWS bought nigger slaves. No forcing required.

THEN when they got to America, whites bought those slaves FROM Jews.

You're right, Obama was a mullato who married a black woman and had Black children. Do you think a mullato child will identify more with his white side or black? Obviously the black as we saw with Obama. If every mullato has children will a black person we'll out breed you.

He was mulatto genetically. He chose to identify with his black side but he wasn't black. Look at the color of his skin. Bob Marley and Fredrick Douglas were also mulattos. Superior white genes improve blacks.

It depends on the country of which you use it, usually in the united states, it's spelled "color. In the United Kingdom it's spelled as the latter. just like how in The US You spell as "Armor" and In the UK it is spelled "Armour. Your both equally stupid.

>whites forced slavery
The nigger king of Africa was the biggest slave trader in the world, he spent money campaigning against abolishing slavery

The other African tribes already held other Africans as salves and they voluntarily traded them in most cases. It isn't like some "aliens" came and forced them, that's a cheap rationalization.

Keep talking tough nigger

None of us are white you dumbass faggot OP also saged

But yet a lot of mulattos prefer white women so it could go the opposite way. Even mulattos breeding with black women still dilutes African genes.

Keep posting racist shit cracker, your time will come.

I put a Confederate flag decal on my car, HOPING that one of you niggers would have the balls to come speak the ape to me.

No nigger has ever obliged :(

>If Aliens invaded tomorrow and asked Earth to give them slaves


Don't start shit you ain't willing to finish, boy.

>the white race has murdered billions of POC
Best shut you fat nigger mouth then you black bastard, or some evil white gonna skin you alive.

I find this funny.

You are either a troll or if you're serious you need to do a lot of research.

Arabs owned more black slaves and treated them worse than whites did.

The white west ended slavery but it's still around in places like the middle east and Africa and yet for all those blacks who are enslaved by other blacks and Arabs...we hear not a peep from you about them.

The whites Ended slavery and still do what we can to help you blacks in places like Africa and you hate us for it.

You know what will be funny to see. When whites are away and no long, who will you point and bitch as saying 'They are oppressing us'

There has been many successful White nations. Asian Nations. Arab Nations. Mexican nations. But no successful black nation.

I wonder why.

Keep talking shit you racist black nigger. Your time will come.

I'm not a "boy" cracker, I'm a BLACK man.

Hey look guys a nigger

>Trade is forcing
Top fucking kek, we traded our goods for gold and slaves.
The conquering came because africans didn't like us plucking the stones they had zero use for out of the earth and creating large settlements, and abolishing slavery (a staple of your ancestors culture) in practically every war