We have just been upgraded to COGCON 3. Anyone on the inside have anymore news on this?

We have just been upgraded to COGCON 3. Anyone on the inside have anymore news on this?

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oh shit is this a different defcon?

yellowstone i bet

It's basically DEFCON but for the entire federal government as a whole instead of just the U.S. Military.

oh shit is this different from zogcon

no news, but probably just testing - you know for when the volcano blows..

Does it means I'm being tracked?



>Following a catastrophic national emergency, the President, or his successor can authorize the establishment of a temporary "shadow government" to maintain control of the essential functions of the Federal Government.

>shadow government

literally zogcon then

seeing that
>The President alone determines and issues the COGCON Level.
Daddy Drumpf is probably willing to lock down the White House to keep out reporters because muh emails


Yeah thanks for the source bud, quick Google and nothing came up shit thread and op is a fag.

My uncle recently applied and got a job like this. Without giving away too much info, but he helps in disaster relief and texted my dad about this. He mentioned it in passing today, but I wasn't sure what it was.



Fake parody website

Irrelevant, wake me up when we upgrade our status on the BOGCON

why don't they just turn yellowstone into a powerplant?

It could just be testing. I wasn't sure that's why I thought I'd ask here.

so when cogcon 1 happens we are all gonna switch to ham radios right guys?

You go ahead and work that drill rig to tap the heat. I'll come in after you knock the holes out.


>still doesn't use meshnet

As I said earlier, this is second hand information from a family member. He's in the National Guard and 6 months ago relocated to Baltimore for a new job.

Like that one guy said, it's probably a nothing burger but thought I'd share it here because of the LARPers.

The Bogcon alert warning system is based off of temporal fluctuations in the LHC at CERN. In reality nobody knows where or when their iron, but fair, fists will strike, as they occupy all spaces in time at once.
The closest humanity ever reached to a Bogdanoff disaster was during the 2016 election, when Hillary attempted to hijack the timeline, but the Bogdanoffs intervened.