1.6 billion? That is not enough, Burgers

I still do not get why Trump isn't proclaiming a state of emergency and let the military erect a fortified barrier to Mexico within 3 weeks.

If there was war with Mexico, I doubt that trenches and barriers wouldn't be drawn up within days!

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Well then Drumpfy is going to have to put up the other 20 billion himself, get fucked dingleberries.

The military is paid already, dude. You just use them and their machines to do it. The concrete or steel you need can just be purchased with the military emergency budget or the FEMA budget.


mfw mexico still isnt paying for it


Uh, how is Drimblestein supposed to use his military when they're busy in Syria fighting for Israel, our greatest ally like the good goys that they are? Checkmate, pumpkins.

>GOP leaders said the $1.6 billion fully meets Mr. Trump’s request to begin wall construction, which includes 32 miles of new border fencing in Texas, 28 miles of levee wall along the Rio Grande Valley, also in Texas, and 14 miles of replacement fence in San Diego.
That's it? What the fuck

Better than nothing but still.

Trump could also revive the US Army Corps of Engineers and build it. We built a lot of amazing shit from the Panama Canal to nuclear and NASA shit in the past with them but they don't do much today. I'd like to see them come back and build some cool shit instead of walls of dirt to stop flooding.

Oh come on, there are a million soldiers and coast guards and state troopers who are doing nothing all day right there in America. Send them down to the border for 2 weeks a time and let them dig with their bare hands if necessary.

10,000 folks built the freaking Suez canal, a million soldiers can literally build a canal right on the Mexican border within days!

That wont boost employment figures

>That is not enough

Don't worry, that's just for the current fiscal budget.

What they could be doing instead is valuable paperwork, instead. Like, what a waste of time for our officers, like people just they can tunnel under it XD fucking bumblebees are retarded.

>GOP leaders said the $1.6 billion fully meets Mr. Trump’s request to begin wall construction,
That's just for the first section.

San Diego nice place

What do you mean revive? They still exist I work with them on my military base.

I eagerly await the shitshow that's going to be.

Add the wall to this list

Trump is a machine

AZ fag here. Right on the border with that stinking shithole.

True, Hans... not enough.
We can stand the beans a bit longer if it means Trump can break the pedophile ring, which appears imminent. The beans have been self-deporting since SB-1070.

Illegal mexicans are only a benefit to the United States as long as minimum wage and welfare state keep workers down. Trump's next move once total deportation of mexicans and redguards is to roll back both of those policies.

I mean that they suck a lot more today than compared to the past.

I don't see much major shit coming from them today. Just failures like in New Orleans.

I'm not entirely sure what you are expecting them accomplish. They were never meant to be a permanent construction wing of the US Military. The Navy's Seabees aren't that either. They get in there establish whatever infrastructure (buildings roads temporary bridges walls etc..) is needed and let logistics handle the rest.

So what's stopping Trump from telling you to build a wall on the border? He is Commander in Chief right?