What can we do to stop ISIS fast?

We need to do something, we cant just let them get so much power. Soon it will be too late and we will be living under the caliphate.
>inb4 sharia law is good

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Help fight the deep state. Turn the CIA around so that they actually fight ISIS, then let the CIA do whatever it takes to defeat ISIS.

You idiot, ISIS is almost done. Thanks to mr. Trump and mr. Obama.

nothing because your (((government))) will not allow anyone to stop their puppets

Cair just gave us an open. Pam Geller and rebel have picked up on it but it's on CAIRs YouTube, I Hooper. Some guy put a picture of a cross on the fence of a mosque property, and the cops are looking for info on the dude in relation to a hate crime.

Hate crime is how they will force Sharia on us.

I think we should start talking methods of safely and securely spamming them with images of Jesus. They don't have an issue with Jesus, they have an issue with him, or any holy figure being depicted.

But these people get a little crazy and hate crimes, even fucking fake ones, are no laughing matter. No need for senseless casualties.

Online, we can do it safely, unless you're in Europe, in which case maybe vpns or tor could help you.

IRL, you don't want to mail using your real address, your handwriting, an envelope run through a laser printer at any point after you purchase it, or use any printed papers from a printer that can be tied back to you in any way, remember how they got Reality Winner.

When dropping it off, be mindful of any cameras in the area if in the city. Better that they get images of you disguised up than your license plate. Park the car, and take a stroll. Lower population density, lower prevalence of digital security measures to trip you up.

Also, no meat, urine, shit, bodily fluids ect. That's biohazard. Through the federal mail service, so it's a federal felony, which means you do minimum 80% before parole, with the inevitable hate crime which doubles the sentence, you'll be fucked for life for sending biohazard through the mail. Not the hill you want to die on.

And it doesn't have to be too offensive, these people operate on a hair trigger. Probably piss them off just having the kufar sending them mail.

You can also send edited versions of the koran. So they know what's acceptable and what's not, because no ones ever done that for them .

Get creative.

demoralize them by doing an internet campaign that they are owned and run by Jews to create Israel's empire

The ultimate goal is to bring to light the insidious nature of hate crime legislation that will ultimately be used against us to stifle our political and religious speech.

which is also the truth by the way

the call that saved ISIS

That only sells to people who already hate Jews, and probably muslums as well. Preaching to the choir. We need to make headlines with this, and not the ones that reinforce their hate crime narrative. We need to be oiled for this fight. Not weighed down with baggage.

>Create the first personal force field shield atomic powered
>grab your ak47
>do the infinite ammo trick
>kill them all one by one no mercy no talk just shoot them


Get israel to stop buying their oil and they will die out

Have you not read the news in the last year or so dumbfuck? ISIS is done

Stop funding them.

Bomb Israel who is ISIS.

>We need to do something
Ban Muslims from western countries and let the sand niggers blow each other up while we buy their oil.

hahahaha what? Obama literally did fuck all. Trump (or atleast Mattis) has ramped up its involvment ten fold and is helping YPG and Iraqi forces alot now.

But at the end of the day It's SAA troops, Peshmergas and the Iraqi soldiers who are doing all the fighting. Thank them.

Those sandniggers got sandblasted. pretty cool vid desu

>send edited versions of the koran. So they know what's acceptable and what's not, because no ones ever done that for them .
I like this idea. Redact all the violence, mysogeny and intollerance, and then get it printed? Can we crowdfund this, and swap them out for genuine Koran's in bookshops?

ISIS is already dead. The remains are just being used as an excuse to advance troops here and there. If you want to do smthing, then wait for Russia to finish the job.

The more public attention ISIS got the less useful they became. Pretty soon whatever is left will just get redistrubuted into other mercenary groups like Al Nusra and FSA and the proxy wars will continue.

>What can we do to stop ISIS fast
first off, isis is islam. All muslims are isis.
So banning islam is the easiest way.
IF women can't wear their towels, and men can't work themselves into a frenzy in mosques, then the religion dies, and isis with it.

In all honesty...
Probably the best way to go if you got captured by ISIS

Kill bankers, rothchilds, clintons, jews, saudis and qataris

No you dipshit, Muslim here. We literally have people devoted to memorizing the Quran as a profession. The government in Afghanistan tried that and all that happened was more people memorized the older version and didn't touch anything from the government.


This one.
This will fix the ideology issue they have from lack of external stimulation.

****Single player: Infiltrate the online islam/ jihad forums and start cat-dogging them.
*****Multiplayer: in a team.
*****Hardcore: something like the Muhajadene app could be a useful tool to root out ferals..

Idiots lose wars because feels.
"It's wrong to use white phosphorus!"
"It's wrong to bomb the shit out of people"

Stop funding them and Saudi-Arabia you retarded cunt.

>that gif
ISIS is very creative!

Exactly, we need to drop this hearts and minds bullshit. It hasn't won a single war for us yet.

The Israeli Secret Intelligence Service won't stop until Israel is gone. Their useful idiots got blown out of Mosul, but even if you eradicate ISIS in its current form, it'll just be restarted somewhere else as long as Israel exists.

Too scared to click that image, what is it lads?

It would help if US stopped helping them.

Don't be a fucking pussy

The reason you haven't won a war is because you don't want to win a war. Instead you drag it out for as long as possible to give your arms manufactures work (who fund all sides of the conflict btw) while you also keep your enemies busy to stop them from building a fleet that could challenge the US navy and make a land invasion on US soil possible. It's a billion dollar industrial business model while at the same time carrying out your foreign policy. Oh, and never mind all the contractors from private companies (hired by politicians to carry out the dirty work) also fighting in these warzones.

defeat the USA first!

It's like these guys are playing Doom irl

The safest, surest way to stop ISIS or any islamist group is to cut off their aid. Without funds, arms or allies offering support, they'll be destroyed before the week ends.

pls be joking


Isis is just getting weaker. All they have is fucking sand. Once they get Russia mad it's over for them.

did he died?

>it da joos

When I see that gif all I can think of is

>today on mythbusters... (intro music)

do they have the same film crew?

Don't do anything. The Arabs deserve their caliphate. They've lived under foreign influence for too long.

As much as it would benefit the world to ignore the shithole ME we do need their oil.