Nigger hate thread

Can we have a nigger hate thread?

This is a board of peace not hate, user...


>nigger hate thread
translation: I'm insecure about Black people, they're superior, they get all the girls, and they are hip and lit and fire, they have big black penises while I'm tiny, and quite frankly I view them as a threat because we can't compete, so let's bring them down so we could feel better about ourselves - The Thread.

This reminds me of China hate thread. China is becoming a superpower so the insecure West creates threads putting them down. You don't see a Portugal hate thread or Native American hate thread, because they pose no threat.

The moment a country or race becomes the #1 most superior, the West becomes insecure and creates a hate thread dedicated to them.

Did JaymaqSheshawn steal your bird?


That's hilarious. Proof niggers don't have the brain capacity to form lasting relationships, finish school or even live long enough.





Nt nigger

>not a single nigger made it to senior year!!!!!

no, the niggers live in a poorer part of town and the district was rezoned.






They are the ones who disturb the peace.





He's pretty smart if you think about it. Using black people's hatred for the white in order to distract them from the corrupt things he's doing which single-handedly ruined the country.


Zims don't hate whites, never did...

Updated one I just made



This is because no one uses the phrase "white american family" while the phrase "african american couple" would be more likely to be picked up by the algorithm. This is the equivalent of getting mad when SJWs get mad when search results are sexist.

>Even if whites were inferior in every way, I would still fight for my people, and I would say everything I just said.
>But thank goodness that’s not true.
>We’re fucking awesome.

Oh, nice. I've been thinking of updating that myself. In light of your accomplishment, I feel the need to award you with ONE HUNDRED TRILLION ZIMBUX™

>market value at time of printing
>approx. 3 lg rocks

I wonder what he smells like.

Yeah totally man.

>5 yrs old

blacks are dumb. and ugly. this is also true for the chinese. actually all non whites including jews suck.

laugh out loud funny.

Thank you!!! I'm gonna buy some rats for the family !

White people can't cook.


Gazed into the abyss and it gazed back at him.

Lul we can't cook yet have most of the michelin stars.

Which means we are actually the only ones who can cook at all.

>not recognising themselves in a mirror until 6 years

How the fuck can that be possible? fucking dogs can understand what a mirror is

Not recognizing obvious sarcasm. C'mon familam.

No idea. Dogs>Niggers obviously.

You're lying. You're just insecure. If what you say is true, then why do you make nigger hate threads and china hate threads, but not portugal or native american indians or others.

Why don't you make a Honduras, Samoa, Puerto Rico hate threads? Where are the constant Malaysia and Singapore or Hong Kong hate threads?

You won't make them. Because they are no threats to you. What the West fears the most are groups that they think are more superior to them: Black people and China.

We all know it's the reason you make these hate threads about them. Because they are superior.

Because the white man made them slaves.
Blacks would still be chimping out in the jungles without us.

your little natons don't matter to me.

>the whole world hates niggers
>except faggots and bolsheviks
translation: communists and faggots are the
same thing.

>car door is open so parent is probably nearby
>calls it him even though it's wearing pink and clearly has pierced ears
>user is almost definitely the step-dad to a genderqueer niglet



>white people
>nigger fingers


60 million Hondurans don't live in the United States, collecting welfare, while accounting for 90% of recorded rape, armed robbery, and murder.

Great job.



I can't stop laughing. I think I might die.

This reminds me of the video of that little nigglet being mortified by her own shadow and tries to run away from it.