Why do liberals see Russia as the biggest baddie when China obviously is the bigger threat?

Why do liberals see Russia as the biggest baddie when China obviously is the bigger threat?

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you misspelled Israel twice

They hate what they're programmed to hate. They don't have any actual principles.

Apparently not big enough to be labelled as a currency manipulator

The Jew's gravy train will run out soon. If they're really as smart as they claim themselves to be, they should start sucking up to Uncle Sam.

Even Bibi knows this.

the russian military shits on china, PLA is only good for running over peasants with sticks

Conventional warfare, yes. You think WW3 will be fought by conventional means?

These Rothschild satanic child sacrificing ADRENOCHROME PRODUCING fuckers.


Because China is the new Soviet union and liberals are always useful idiots to the soviet union.

China barely gets involved in international affairs.

Look at Russia:
-Accusation of hacking American elections.

Plus Russia are the traditional rivals of USA.

>China barely gets involved in international affairs.
Because it's counter-productive.

Look at Canada and Australia, China is slowly buying their country.

China is the only peer competitor left for the US. Russia and Arabs are just a distraction

Arabs are such pussies when you think about it. They can't even attack Israel directly.

because you idiots overplayed your hands in the past, and are now dying in your own ideals
>free tibet, tibetan genocide
tibetan refugees are living like shit in paki/ india/ iran, white % in uk is now below tibetan % in tibet
>falun gong perssecution/ organ harvest
more whites bombed/ raped by muslims in europe in last 3 years compared to entire falun gong history in china


China is dangerous because everyone in the West underestimates them.

Yup. I think most people's souls have died. Speak to even a college student, college students are supposed to be intelligent but they still don't seem to be capable of deep thought processes. They're just mindless NPC's now.

They are both bad news. Russia is more active right now and has more nukes though. Also it is closer to EU :)

Chine owns USA, if they get angy you are fucked
>>The U.S. debt to China is $1.092 trillion, as of April 2017. That's 27.9 percent of the $3.9 trillion in Treasury bills, notes, and bonds held by foreign countries

Russia has a hard on for Europe. I doubt they'll bomb you off the map

Russia is white enough. China is Asian.

Figure out who the real racists are

I don't think they will either. Not in the nearest future. But I also didn't think they will bomb Ukraine and yet here we are.

They want Ukraine clay not a crater

Oh, yeah, this is true.

Also Polan

It's hilarious how often they failed to push back the jews into the ocean despite having an overwhelming advantage of soldiers and material. What did Allah mean by this?

The chinese are much smarter than the Russians. They're probably laughing their ass off right now at how stupidly America and Russia are wasting their ressources on this retarded infight.

Also true :) Not great, but true.

Trust me, refugees ain't your biggest problem. When the yellow terror strikes, you're done.

Because Russia Crimea and bombes Syria

They hate whites an are crypto commies?

Because Russians are arguably white. That's it. That's pretty much the entire reason. Liberals (and especially (((LIBERALS))) ) hate the idea of white unity, and want to create as many divisions as possible. Once you understand this, a lot of the media's obsessions and motivations become immediately sensible.

Because Russia annexed Crimea and bombes Syria

Who's saying...

My god you people are stupid.

Crimea is rightful Russian clay. History says so.

China is a problem for both the West and Russia. Is more of a direct danger to Russia accually.

nahhh china is crumbling, their ant people, keep building that wall XD

China has grown a lot since the last few times i visited it.
It had shit roads and bikes were still the dominant transport with lots of those carriage pulled by bike things the infrastructure was ass, buildings were outdated and a lot of goods common in the west werent available in the chinese market. Lots and i mean lots of fucking street vendors and scamming fucks begging in the streets (people pretending to be sick etc. though there were exceptions with some people being sick or blind). Public areas and parks were left in a trashed state except touristy areas)
Infrastructure improved a lot.
Proper roads, public transport (trains, buses and shit) that connected to other suburbs and outer regional towns. Buildings werent complete ass and were properly furnished with modern equipment. Public areas and parks maintained and no longer looked like an indians asshole though still a bit hazy. Less scammers begging on street lots of street vendors and tons of knock off goods/bootlegs (could even buy a duckling for $5) and police monitoring streets.
Completely modernised with current technology was like being in the capital city of my state with better public transport though the people are loud as fuck and always in a rush. haze is still around as expected but the streets were a lot cleaner.

Dont know what its like now but its rapidly changed hopefully they changed all the fucking squatting toilets to normal fucking toilets.

China is a boring af enemy lbr

That's what they want you to think

You are seeing generations of change in a decade.

The modern CCP is what Americans and Sup Forums hoped Trump would be.

Take a look at what's in the media, how many time have the Russians been portayed as the bad guys vs the Chinese?

That's what they are. Chinks are dull af and a cold war with them would be just unpleasant without any of the exciting shit

>communism with chinese characteristics
translation: national socialism

This, every time I read a news article about russia it's either:
1. about putin being totalitarian and or homophobic
2. about being expansionistic
Not that these aren't true, but it's way out of proportion.

China is nominally communist so they turn blind eye and are very hush hush. Same as with Venezuela and every other commie nation. Left is severely fucked up in its head. You can literally genocide millions and starve tens of millions, and get accepting wink and smile and good explanations form prestigous academics for it if you declare Marxism.

You say that but Trump gave China a huge leg up in the energy field by dropping out of the Paris Climate Agreement. At this rate, China will surpass us as the economic superpower.

Low energy bait

They're flattering a former presidential candidate by maintaining the pretence that Russia lost her the election.