Why does Rick and Morty trigger the liberals so bad?

Why does Rick and Morty trigger the liberals so bad?

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If anything liberals praise it


Because it shows a world where the protagonist gives the middle finger to govt, does and says whatever the fuck he wants, fuck peoples' feelings.

He makes his own stuff if he needs it, is totally self-reliant. He does things that are morally wrong for money.

Also shows that marriage is not about love, but rather about raising children. Hence why the disfunctional couple still tries to give their kids a normal, happy life.

Wow beth is such a strong woman :^)

Sup Forums gets pretty triggered by it as well

this show is so painfully overrated


are you kidding, I'm a proud liberal and I love Rick and morty.

I feel like I relate to Rick because he is so much smarter than everybody around him, I can relate to this because I live in a town of rural and suburban retards.

Rick and Morty also has all sorts of epic humor, like pickle Rick and wubalubadubdub, I was laughing so hard when I saw those on r/videos.

If anything conservatives hate the show, because it shows intelligence is a good thing and that society sucks.

Same, bro, same.

*brofists your prolapse with my prosthetic hand*

I hate Beth in Rick and Morty so much, she's a typical Mary Sue. Alpha Womyn, treats her husband like shit, etc. One episode that was decent was when they see their alternative lives, where they "followed their dreams" of a career rather than family, and it turns out they're miserable and alone in them.

You all have to go back

To reddit

Reddit: the show





Rick and Morty is aimed at 'young adults.'
Just like Harry Potter.
Grow up and act your age

i just got hulu and watched it. It gets a bad rap from you guys. Its adult swim, not cartoon network like i thought so theres at least adult humor

It was pretty good. I found around 65% of the jokes to be funny.

My leftie mom got batshit insane on me when I told her that the worst thing she ever did to me and my brother was divorcing my dad even tho hes a cheating drunk budget charly harper.
Felt pretty bad about it because it obviously shook her hard but its true.

Every liberal faggot i know loves rick and morty. The show includes multiple refernces to cuckoldry too, like the wife saying she wanted to visit argentina to get fucked.

> Why does Rick and Morty trigger the liberals so bad?
Just curious is it correct way to say 'does' in this sentence? Or maybe 'do'?


Sup Forums newfag

It doesn't it belongs to them.

Leftist love it though. I'd say there are reasons on both sides to praise and hate it though. As seen here Easy for the right to hate it because its nihilistic and promotes degeneracy.

>western animation

For fuck's sake, you guys, is it a show liberals LOVE or HATE? Make up your minds. By the way, Justin Roiland has confirmed he comes to Sup Forums to troll on how much it sucks, if that counts for anything.
"Does" if you're referring to the show itself, "do" for the characters, specifically.

Told my mom the same thing.

Rick and Morty = 1 Show so it is an "it" does
Rick and Morty Liebowitz are two people = "they" do

Honestly, only the extremists on both sides really give a fuck about Rick and Morty. A lot of the centrists/people who haven't really defined their political views (read as: teenagers) enjoy the show and don't think too deeply about it. It has a good mix between retarded humor and some genuine jokes that anyone who has an appreciation for both can enjoy the show.

I don't think Liberals as a collective hate it.

You're not smart senpai.


It refers to a show, not people.

>Grow up and act your age
Means what exactly most older people I know were more childish than just playing vid games till they were 30. Getting black out drunk getting in fights not reading, so what is wrong with reading and vid games > drinking and fighting?


Harry Potter is aimed at children and teenagers. Rick and Morty is more aimed at older teenagers and young adults.

Gr8 b8 m8

I was watching Ricky and Morty and OMG I could practically hear the liberals crying. HAHA libcuck SJWs!!!



It's a common difference in British and American English.

Weak bait

This. Despite liking some moments and loving parts of the setting (just hopping through galaxies and dimensions for mundane shit) I just can't "get into it". You can feel the creator and his IM SO QUIRKY AND NIHILISTIC as you watch the show.

It doesn't. Liberals and especially redditors love that trash.

leave and never come back

Right on bro, have an Upvaot my good sirs xD

While I liked it overall, I agree that the I'm a nihilist lmao jokes were pretty shitty

>It has a good mix between retarded humor and some genuine jokes that anyone who has an appreciation for both can enjoy the show.
Yeah, exactly...but it's TOO PLEBBIT WOLOLO so you're not allowed to say anything good about it here.

>Grow up and act your age
The absolute irony of people saying this on Sup Forums will never stop being funny.

Liberals love it, what the fuck are you on OP?
Left-liberals love it because they see Rick as the guy fighting back against the oppressive system with science and progress.
Right-liberals (libertarians/ancaps) like him because he is anti-statist and they believe they are smart just like him.

The most reddit post I've ever read, great job user

You're not smart senpai

It triggers me because of how unbelievably fucking retarded it is.

Sup pewdiepie, taking a break I see? You know we're the only ones who truly understand you.

What are we sliding right now, fellow slide posters?