Checkmate, climate change deniers

>A one trillion tonne iceberg – one of the biggest ever recorded - has calved away from the Larsen C Ice Shelf in Antarctica. The calving occurred sometime between Monday 10th July and Wednesday 12th July 2017, when a 5,800 square km section of Larsen C finally broke away. The iceberg, which is likely to be named A68, weighs more than a trillion tonnes. Its volume is twice that of Lake Erie, one of the Great Lakes.

Checkmate, climate change deniers.

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post some creepshot webms plz

I can see it now Titanic 2 will be out next summer.

Put some water in a glass, and add ice. Draw a line at the water level. Let the glass sit outside until the ice melts. Tell me if the water is above the sharpie line.
Science is easy to test.


Those look like Jew markings on it's wrist.

now try it with a few billion tonnes of ice

Climetards = Chicken Little.

You do realize the Great Lakes were covered in ice and it didn't clear up because of al gores plane right? Right?

Climetards can't read. Climetards can't science. Climetards can only fraud.

it is still sea ice you reatrd. why are all ancap flag fags so stupid?

Get a glass big enough to fit it and the result is still the same you twat

I'm sorry, but your mate has already been checked, pleb. Try again next thread.

This is caused by CFCs, which are already banned. BTFO

It's funny that this is presented as some sort of instant tear up while in actual fact this iceberg has been breaking off for the last 6 years.
It took 6 years for it to break off? That's not very impressive isn't it

It should be against the law to deny climate change the same way it's against the law to deny the Holocaust in some countries.

>throughout history icebergs have only expanded until now
>Obama made a deal in Paris to control the climate
>Drumpf pulled out of the deal
>we memed Drumpf into office
>iceberg is our fault

It should be illegal for niggers like you to be alive.

Dem shoulders. Negative hips. Disgusting man.

>free speech should be against the law
How (((you))) doing rabbi?

But with rising heat, the water also naturally expands.

Put a glass of water in a 60 degree room and another in a 70, which will have a higher water level?

Icebergs are like apples - when they get too old and big, they fall.

Climate change is natural you fucktard. we once had an ice age, it no longer here with us today. Are we going to blame this also on people. Also notice how it is no longer " Global warming". It 's because man made climate change is non existent. The only real thing from all of this is pollution. Like how when you wanna fuck tyrone and you take birth control. And now there is estrogen in the water supply.

>Climetards = Chicken Little.
>You do realize the Great Lakes were covered in ice and it didn't clear up because of al gores plane right? Right?
>Climetards can't read. Climetards can't science. Climetards can only fraud.

This guy gets it

gun control is cowardice, a lot

Stop it. You're making actual concern over climate change look retarded. A single event is not evidence of anything, it is patterns we should be looking at; trends spanning decades. Pointing at this is no different than when that senator brought a snowball to congress.

The climate is changing. I've never heard of someone denying that.

desu id rather drown than have land border with sweden


Climate Freaks grow more insufferable by the day

Spreading lies that harm the environment isn't free speech, it's as productive and legitimate as yelling fire in a crowded theatre

>pic related:
>Leftists today pushing globalist-communism through hysteria of false climate modeling.

It's anti-scientific to consider anything as a concrete absolute fact. Good science relies on the ability to challenge and be skeptical at any time, which requires free speech. Communist faggot.

>red dots are volcanoes

Hebrew Tattjoo

>Daily ReNyender that it is completely natural for every to fuck each other in the ass all the time at any age
