Net neutrality red pills?

See it SEEMS like net neutrality would be a good thing but every time I look at the issue my jewdar goes off so hard I had no idea what to think.
There's something fishy here

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Truly stupid

fpbp I guess, net had to stay neutral no matter the cost

Yeh see when you see that it seems like a no brainier but you look into it a little further and it starts to get jewey

So 80+% of the US is in favor of net neutrality but the government and big corporations keep trying to destroy it and you think Net Neutrality itself is a Jewish conspiracy?
You need to go outside user.

It's a jew trick. Trust your gut

Groups supporting net neutrality:

Run along goyim, nothing to see here.

polls are all rigged

That's the thing there are a number of large corporations that are pro it and it's still government intervention on the net

You support the troops right? That is government right there. You can't pick and choose when government is good or bad.

Read through the Jewdar:

Big corporation's want to be able to do whatever they want and you can't stop it. Support net neutrality, like Google, Facebook, and Netflix want you too.

>net neutrality
You don't need it goyim

Since all us laws do the opposite of what they are named I am not a fan of net neutrality

Jews STRONGLY support net neutrality. If the ADL supports it, there's an ulterior motive such as private company censorship that they want to enact.

>but you look into it a little further and it starts to get jewey

>You can't pick and choose when government is good or bad.

Yes Schlomo, you can.

Just looking at the sheer amount of net neutrality astroturfing hitting reddit today, I am convinced something is going on under the covers here.

It doesn't matter either way, it's a lose / lose situation because the kikes can get what they want regardless. This whole issue is just foreplay with the public that companies like google use to make themselves seem like the good guys.

I support Net Neutrality

without it, we would all succumb to Chine tier internet. Sites like Sup Forums etc, would be blocked. I would suspect anyone who's against it to be a kike/shill.

It's this another episode of "goym in the middle of a Jewish civil war"? There are Jews all over both sides of this issue
I can't imagine supporting net neutrality would be a bad thing, even if it's used against us (????) It would still be better than the alternative

Uh, yes I can you goddamn Jew

Don't you guys get it? taking down net neutrality is a jewish conspiracy and CNN wants it to happen so they can censor Sup Forums and stop the Meme Jihad

>somebody against something being pushed by Facebook and Google is a Kike

As internet users, what would we possibly gain WITHOUT Net Neutrality? Mr. Kikeberg

Net neutrality laws are just the government sticking their foot in the door, providing them the capability to further regulate the internet. Instead, let the market force companies to keep net neutrality. The market always wins.

Just like it did with cable internet and mobile data caps right

>you can't pick and choose what parts of a 100+ subisidiary legislative/executive/judicial body to trust

>what are operating expenses

You do realize most ISPs have to go through bigger corporations to get the hardware for service providing, right? And that shit ain't free.

Net neutrality would mean that the governement and the lobbyists in it would be allowed to regulate access to content. Of course (((they))) would like that.

>The Internet has been fine for 30 years without net neutrality but now everything will go wrong if we don't pass this law

Facebook and Google don't want it because it's a can of worms that could be used against them just as easily as it could be used against their competition so they generally don't want to fuck with ending net neutrality. It's the jews in the telecom companies that want to get rid of it.

Redpill here:

And as for cable + caps in general, most major ISPs started as cable television companies, and they run monopolies. Time Warner is literally evil incarnate

>Public is better than private
Every time I hear this argument, I am legitimately triggered. It's people saying they trust the government more than independent companies. Even though I like Trump, there's no way we should be trusting the government with everything. The internet should not be regulated by the government. The internet should be free, like the private sector.

>the internet has always had ISPs but now that they have all merged into 3 companies that not only control the cable lines but also most of the content, nothing will change

With this logic, you'd think BLM and ALM would get along. They don't.

The market is run by these companies who control the supply (built with subsidies) in collusion to prevent competition and promote artificial scarcity. ISPs are just another victim

if you're wondering what ISPs will do if net neutrality is repealed, we already know.

2005 - Madison River Communications was blocking VOIP services. The FCC put a stop to it.

2005 - Comcast was denying access to p2p services without notifying customers.

2007-2009 - AT&T was having Skype and other VOIPs blocked because they didn't like there was competition for their cellphones.

2011 - MetroPCS tried to block all streaming except youtube.

2011-2013, AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon were blocking access to Google Wallet because it competed with their bullshit.

2012, Verizon was demanding google block tethering apps on android because it let owners avoid their $20 tethering fee. This was despite guaranteeing they wouldn't do that as part of a winning bid on an airwaves auction.

2012, AT&T - tried to block access to FaceTime unless customers paid more money.

2013, Verizon literally stated that the only thing stopping them from favoring some content providers over other providers were the net neutrality rules in place.

This is the future you choose when you shill against net neutrality and in favor of your kike overlords at Comcast.

Why didn't you archive?

>wired com/2011/01/metropcs-net-neutrality-challenge
>businessinsider com/verizon-blocking-google-wallet-2011-12
>washingtonpost com/blogs/post-tech/post/fcc-fines-verizon-125m-for-blocking-tethering-apps/2012/07/31/gJQAXjRLNX_blog.html

So we have an anti trust problem.

We should breakup the isps not give the Feds more power

I don't know what you're talking about. There are independent companies offering fiber and that demand is growing. I'd rather trust an indie company than trust a huge corporation managed by the government to be true to their word. Net neutrality seems like another "health trend" to me. Offering low calorie chemicals, claiming it's good for you, then when people get cancer and die "oh lol we'll just use a different filler then".

Sup Forums can't exist without net neutrality. It probably is a jew trick but it's a jew trick the benefits Sup Forums in particular.

also this

The major ISPs like Time Warner have an artificial monopoly held up by the government. You want to see what that looks like? Google Fibre tried moving in to major cities, and anti-competition laws forced them back out.

So remove government influence, remove the problems


Net Neutrality is a trick.

It is basically communism for bandwidth.
Bandwidth is a limited resource.

Stuff that uses more bandwidth like Netflix should be paying more if they want the fast access to stream their services.
This certainly would increase the price of Netflix subscriptions but the alternate is ISP increasing prices for all consumers because they would be unable to favor certain data over others.

Effectively those not using Netflix would be subsiding those who are.

So I looked into anti-NN arguments on Reddit ELI5 megathread.
Looks pretty reasonable but I also think internet is fine as it is.

End subsidies, watch everything crash.
Nobody has a right to the internet, nor to access this or that site. Read your contracts and everything is goog.

except ALL of those examples were blocked by FCC intervention. God forbid the government actually has to do it job and legislate instead of painting the entire thing with a single stroke and calling it day.

General rule of thumb is keep the government the fuck out of everything. Anti-trust and monopoly is where government courts come in to play, otherwise they need to stay the fuck out of business for the most part. Let the free market do its thing.

More like 90% of people don't understand it or even care to be bothered with it.

>except ALL of those examples were blocked by FCC intervention
wow it's almost as if having a regulatory framework to deal with this instead of waiting for the FCC to address it on a case-by-case basis while ISPs jew their customers is a good thing

Maybe we could call it Net Neutrality or something, I don't know.

FCC promotes freedom without regulation (2004)
In February 2004 then Federal Communications Commission Chairman Michael Powell announced a set of non-discrimination principles, which he called the principles of "Network Freedom". In a speech at the Silicon Flatirons Symposium, Powell encouraged ISPs to offer users these four freedoms:[24]

Freedom to access content
Freedom to run applications
Freedom to attach devices
Freedom to obtain service plan information

This is Net neutrality in a nutshell. The FCC was there to enforce it.

Sieg Heil brother!

No wonder these bern outs are so excited for it


What are you talking about with your Kike tier arguments. The biggest internet providers are the ones who're against Net Neutrality like pic related.

>pay for more bandwidth if you use more bandwidth

What? Do you think Netflix gets free bandwidth? Are you fucking retarded?

A company like Netflix PAYS for bandwidth. They buy say, capacity for 300GB/s

The ISPs get mad because Netflix USES their FULL ALLOTMENT of bandwidth, that they ALREADY PAID FOR.

>not allowing ISPs to do what they want, then subscribing to the ones that don't pull the bullshit

Oh nos, we must make big daddy government come save us!

I know normies or even people here don't get the impact of this, but with net neutrality you can run fairly high traffic websites from the comfort of your own home with little effort and money. This is true for everyone who has access to a high-speed broadband connection.

This is not something we want to give up to save $20/mo in the short term.

Stop trying to roleplay as a shill, nobody is catching the bait.

there’s just one problem with your logic, there are only like five ISPs across the country and they have a fucking gargantuan monopoly on the services provided

Calm your tits huehue