collegehumor claims that you can have babies after 35 without any major problems. All the fertility scare is just propaganda.
Are they right?


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what is autism

I see their humour has finally transcended meagre college level.

I smirked. Didn't watch the video though.

college (((humor)))

the longer a woman waits to get pregnant the higher the probability of complications become. so yes she can technically wait, but doing so makes the possibility of something like autism or birth defects a real concern.


They're cracked.com levels of shit now.
They have been for a while actually.

Anybody that trusts anything from a website called "College Humor" is a fucking retard

can you guys at least prove them wrong instead of just ad hominem?

Its a pretty well known fact babies born to older women have much higher rates of birth defects as the age increases

but in the video they said the rate increases from .5 percent to 1 percent.

translation: be a hedonistic whore and only end up with one or no children at all while the non-whites multiply like rabbits. hehe nothing to worry about.

Jews want to rule over a world full of a nigger/white mongoloid hybrid race.

Wow, if college humor says it...

>collegehumor claims that you can have babies after 35 without any major problems

You can, my Mom had me at 35 and look how great I turned out.

>a 100% increase isn't bad.

sara had isaac at 90, does this mean that abraham spawned the first autist?

I miss the Powerthirst days...

chances are still incredibly low.

except they didnt say it, jean twenge did who is apparently a credible person.

look im just askin, the only arguments you guys have made are:


okay, then im just asking why they're wrong. i want to be informed

>literally doubling the rate isn't bad
>not to mention the fact that when those children breed they have an increased rate of propagating those defects
>a 1% population wide chance now can turn into a 3% chance in 35 years

Fuck off.

you don't want kids after 35, it just fucking sucks for both the kids and the parents. my mom had me at like 41, being 20 with my mom at 60 and dad at 67 fucking sucks, old people never want to do anything physical cause theyre old and they're fucking retarded with technology, it's like two generation gaps between my parents, fuck college humor and fuck their propaganda horseshit

By their own data birth defect rates increase from .5% to 1% at 35. They hand wave it as "nothing" when it is a huge increase. Have three and you are looking at a 97% chance to be unscathed.

Ever roll snake eyes? Having at least one defective out of 3 is a more common event.


In reality, general rate of birth defects is 3%. Discount for 1/3 of those being fetal alcohol, and you are at 2%. Again, this is only the general rate, not the rate for older people.

Reality is that there is zero excuse to wait other than getting financial affairs in order. People blow their money, don't save for a house and get worse babies as a result.

I always was scared of having children until one day my niece and nephew were put into foster care. I was instantly dad to a teenager and a grade schooler. I found out that it actually isn't hard at all to raise children. Meals scale up and their interest's are cheap. All I really have to do is read to the little one each night to help him catch up on reading.

>>not to mention the fact that when those children breed they have an increased rate of propagating those defects
>a 1% population wide chance now can turn into a 3% chance in 35 years

where is the bloody evidence


don't worry
non-whites here breed like rabbits and drop like mayflies
seeing a gyppo in his 60s is incredibly rare

>The Daily Show
>Colbert Report
>Last Week Tonight
>College Humor
What's with liberals always getting their information from comedy entertainment? Or more to the point what's with liberals taking over outlets for comedy entertainment and turning them into propaganda vectors?

Genetic defects compound, this is ipso facto. If a society lives by these rules, the gene pool becomes corrupted.

Moar like (((college))) humor

Delaying pregnancy is the only known way to increase maximum lifespan of offsprings btw

>tfw only 26 but frustrated and stressed over not having a kid

How do roasties last until 35? Birth control?

Have you seen the aggregate stats for this kind of shit? Thanks to good old fashion wikipedia I can show it to you right now.


At age 20, 1 in 1,441
At age 25, 1 in 1,383
At age 30, 1 in 959
At age 35, 1 in 338
At age 40, 1 in 84
At age 45, 1 in 32
At age 50, 1 in 44

This is only the risk chance of having a baby with down syndrome, the risk chance of ALL CHROMOSOMAL ABNORMALITIES INCREASES.

If you decided to have a baby at 45 instead of 25, you are 43.2 times more likely to have a baby with down syndrome, and even more likely to have one with another birth defect.

NOT ONLY THAT, but older mothers are more likely to give birth by Cesarean, as well as die during childbirth.


autism is more likely if the mother is older
that's the point

I don't know I see it as we are being jewwed either way.
>having kids after 35 is fine
Women wait and have kids later with more risks
>don't have kids after 35
Women stop having kids until they are infertile like they used to do. Think of your grandma.

thanks again

I've been looking for their sourc that pops up when he says the thing about birth defects:
>Mayo clinic 2014
i can't really find anything.
One is behind a paywall and the other "mayo clinic proceedings" doesn't have anything about birht defects i think

Birth control hormones mimick pregnancy hormones and prevent eggs from being released. It wouldn't surprise me if it also sated maternal instinct.

Really ringles my dingles

>missing age 15

Really makes you think

Birth defects aside it's pretty fucking selfish not to give your offspring the best years of your life and a long time parent.

Trump had a (((1.8%))) chance and look what happened

just abort the potato, literally not an issue. Autism is the biggest problem

Really oodles the noodle.

If you watch the full thing it doesn't go full jew. It actually points blame at corporations

Thanks user, good info, but what about girls younger than 20?
What is the statistical best age to have a kid without downs?

>wanting to spawn another Chris Chan

Couldn't tell you. Doesn't matter though because the increase isn't acceptable.

In 1971 the Ford Motor Company launched the Ford Pinto, the car priced under $2,000 (11,000 in 2017 dollars). They sold over 3 million of them.

In order to cut costs, Ford decided to not include an upgrade that would have cost $11 per car. This was because in very very rare circumstances, such as rollver accidents, fuel could leak and the car could catch fire. As few as 27 people out of the 3 million cars purchased died as a result of fires.

This was considered landmark in terms of corporate negligence, even though the rates were not much different than their competition. It was a PR disaster for Ford and a lesson taught in Business and law Schools to this day.

27 out of 3 million is less 1 in 100,000. 1000 times less likely than having a defective baby at 35 using the college humor stats. Even so, knowing the story of the pinto people would refuse to buy them today even though they were dirt cheap then and even cheaper now.

Listen here, you fucking retard. If you trust "news" from a website with the word "Humor" in the title, YOU ARE A FUCKING RETARD. THAT'S NOT AD HOMINEM, THAT'S FUCKING BASIC COMMON SENSE.


What happened to all the eligible men Sup Forums?

Which model iPhone do you use?

Sorry to say but that data is rare. The incident of teenage births in countries that have extensive medical records, enough to have a substantial sample size for these kinds of studies, is so low that it becomes inconsequential. If I had to hazard a guess, I would say 18-20 would be the best range, as younger mothers have difficulty with the actual act of pregnancy, specifically those younger than 16.



Cherry picks studies to debunk
Ignores the mountain of evidence that it is both a lot harder to have children and a lot more likely those children have disorders
Of course he is on TBS

It's literally any Japan and South Korea, they on average have older mothers.

Koreans Faces
Japans sexual deviancy/declining birth rates

Oh Australia is up there too with a 30.5 year old average mother. Probably caused by Aboriginals traditional influences.


Oh cool, it's Buzz.

You mean tumour


Look at the facial structure difference of South Koreans in just around 40 years.

This is you:

"Wow I just read this great article about why white people are evil. Just ignore the fact that it came from www.blacksupremacy.biz, if you attack my source just because of the URL that's ad hominem"

>the science is not correct on fertility
>but the climate change science is completely correct

For all men who recently became redpilled this doesn't mean you shouldn't have children with your wife just because she's over 30. That's worse.

I just compared both studies.

The first study indeed looks at a data set from before the 1830s. They did this on purpose, so as to have a clean data set. They didn't want to have data of any women undergoing any kind of fertility treatment so that they could study NATURAL FERTILITY.

The data set was fucking huge btw. over 34 800 couples were studies.

Also, they're looking at amount of LIVE BIRTHS, remember that.

Now for their study. They examined just over 700 women, selected by maternity teachers, whatever the fuck that means. The selection procedure is already sketchy to me, but they say the control for this so i'll let this slide. However, already we have to take into consideration that there is a high chance these women have had some kind of fertility treatment. There was no real fertility treatments in the 1800s so we can be safe this did not occur in the previous study.

Then, and here's the kicker, their study only looks at RATE OF CONCEPTION WITHIN ONE YEAR. It doesn't matter how the kid comes out, just that the woman got knocked up. I can have a 100% conception rate within 1 minute if i take a big needle and directly inject my sperm into your ovum. That doesn't mean the kid is gonna turn out great. There is a huge, HUGE difference between looking at conception rates and live birth rates.


We can't prove them wrong; they said can, not will.
Sure you "can" live a long and healthy life up to 125 drinking and smoking cigars.
Sure you "can" have healthy babies after 35.
It doesn't mean the likelihood of things going wrong isn't much higher.

>get people to start having more autistic kids
>only serve to bolster the community of basement dwellers on Sup Forums to actively fight against your own interests
fucking poetry

>Sup Forums conveniently ignores Melania having Barron at the age of 36

absolutely sweetie

And the kids an autist.

>Have three and you are looking at a 97% chance to be unscathed.

That's not how compound probability works.

Barron is /ourautist/

Entropy is the short answer.
Read pic related for the long version.

this isn't helping your cause though

If he has autism he has the good kind that makes you smart.

.99^3 power is 0.970299

97% is accurate to 4 significant figures.

You can't use old science studies. Science has to be in the current year in order to be true.
2006 crime statistics about black violence? Throw it in the trash because it obviously doesn't apply today.

says the guy trusting the news from an anonymous guatemalan basket weaving forum

>Are they right?

Of course not. They've been churning out leftist propaganda since the early 2010s.

>Autism makes you smart

No it doesn't.

Nice summation user. Also, after the age of 30 almost 85% of a females eggs are gone, which adds to the numbers youve illustrated above and the need for medical intervention to get preggers.

>By their own data birth defect rates increase from .5% to 1% at 35. They hand wave it as "nothing" when it is a huge increase. Have three and you are looking at a 97% chance to be unscathed.

That isn't how probability works retard.

No, my sister needed IVF to get pregnant at 35 even though she had no problems at 31.
Oh well this just means more roasties suicides in the next 10 years.

Yes, but it's important he's corrected for future reference.

A friend of mine is a doctor and a few weeks ago he expressly told me in a conversation that the cut-off is 32. I'm trusting his judgment over a youtube channel.

That's my post, I just got off my phone.

Don't tell someone they are wrong unless you plan to show them how. Zero progress would have been made.

There's reliable studies showing miscarriage rates go up as high as TWENTY percent at 35. They climb to 84% at 48. EIGHTY FOUR PERCENT. wew lad. (Nybo Andersen, Wohlfahrt et al. 2000)

(cont because spamfilter is fucking with me)


a lot of young retards put off having kids because they never think about the fact that every year they wait is one less year of their life without kids, grandkids, etc. Most people are not doing anything worthwhile in their twenties that would just that tradeoff. They're trading time with their own family down the road for drunken escapades with strangers.

Eh no. What exactly are you saying? If I wanted to show blacks in 2006 I'd use that. And keep that statistic to show how it changes or doesn't over time.
>It doesn't apply today
Is everyone from 2006 dead today turdbrain? It's not like the statistics are much different today.

>The biggest obstacle for women age 35 or older may be getting pregnant in the first place. Fertility rates begin to decline gradually at age 30, more so at 35, and markedly at age 40. Even with fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization, women have more difficulty getting pregnant as they age.

>Women also have more trouble staying pregnant as they get older: The rates of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy go up substantially with age.

>Once you conceive, and you get past the first trimester miscarriages, you face a higher risk of conceiving a baby with a chromosomal problem. This risk goes up every year. If you get pregnant at age 25, your risk of having a baby with Down syndrome, for example, is about 1 in 1,250, according to the National Institutes of Health. At age 40, the risk is 1 in 100.

>Even after you get pregnant, age continues to have an effect. The older you are when you get pregnant, the more likely you are to have a chronic disease, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, that may be undiagnosed and can affect your pregnancy.

>You're also at higher risk of developing certain complications during pregnancy – such as gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, placental abruption (in which the placenta prematurely separates from the uterine wall), and placenta previa (in which the placenta lies low in the uterus, partly or completely covering the cervix).

>Research also shows that your chances of having a low-birth-weight baby (less than 5 1/2 pounds) or a premature delivery increase with age. Some studies show that older women are more likely to need pitocin during labor, and most studies show a significantly higher rate of delivery by cesarean section.

>Women who give birth at 35 or older have a higher risk of stillbirth and maternal death


having babies that late in your life drastically increases that chances of your kid having autism, down syndrome, etc. optimal time is around your mid twenties.

It's on a bell curve. Some women will be fertile till 45. Some will see their fertility drop off rapidly at 30. Better just wait and pray you're not in the bottom 15% of the curve.
Either way, if you knew that only 1% of the time you drive drunk you'll get into an accident does that make drunk driving a good idea?

Statistical analysis show that trisomies are much more common

Let me guess, for once a video will only star white people when it's about pushing not having children

its a joke you faggot. of course you can't have a kid after 35 without major problem risks. Fuck you can't even have kids after 30 without big risks to potential problems.

Don't impregnate her if she's over 40. Like one user earlier was talking about it sucks having grandparents for parents. Low energy boomer cucks got lonely so they had a pet kid at 40 and now complain that it needs attention. This is how antifa kids spawned in their basements. No breast milk. No attention. Just left to rot in the crib until they hate everyone and everything.

This spam filter is really fucking up the delivery on my fucking posts but it wont let me post for some reason. Fix this board you chink piece of shit.


Also risk of stillbirths fucking doubles every ten years or so.
Another reason why the dataset from france is far superior to their 700 women dataset is that it gives us an idea of age at first birth. In the 1600s women got married, then had kids, and lots of them. Nowadays women have one or two kids and are done. It doesn't take much imagination to see that the second situation leads to far less interesting data to play with. If you have only one or two kids, how are you going to calculate what the chances are for a woman who already had a child to have another one? The statistics are gonna be far less solid than if you have women having seven kids (that was t he AVERAGE for twenty something women from the france data set).

So why is age at first birth important? Well according to data rates of stillbirths just about triple if the baby is your first. This means you now have SIX times the chance of a stillbirth if you're having your first child at 35 compared to a woman having her first child in her twenties.

Then there's ofcourse the chances of having a retard that quadruple going from 25 to 35, i mean, it just does not look good. There is only downsides to getting kids late.

Do you not know what board you're on?

>rural french
>first ones black


A black guy shows up to sniff a pie. Not even joking.

I remember visiting college humor while at college, site was full of cheerful articles and good videos, maybe because i was sort of living in that setting sans the extreme parties though, they were average but nothing spectacular.

But now the site is being cynical and bitter, is as if they knew college has change for the worse but they are afraid to point out who and why it changed.

Yeah it's the corporations fault for hiring women.

The spam filter really fucked up these posts for me and i don't even know what the fuck it was trying to filter out. The point i'm trying to make is what you need to look at is LIVE BIRTHS, not CONCEPTION RATES. You can still get an old bitch pregnant, but she's gonna have a huge chance of miscarriage ( 20% at 35 vs 6% at 20) and a much bigger chance at a stillbirth. Then IF the kid comes out alive there's a four times higher chance it's retarded. Even if it's not retarded, autism rates skyrocket so he's probably autistic. If he's not there's hella other birth defects and psychological conditions to worry about.

Basically feminists are fucking retards.

What the dude stated was perfectly fine. You implied on your own that he must have added the probabilities, while he just mentioned the results, without clarifying his calculating method. Giving him the benefit of doubt, he would be in the right.