Attorney General Jeff Sessions wants to bring back anti-drug program D.A.R.E

>Sessions, speaking at the Drug Abuse Resistance Education training conference in North Texas Tuesday, stressed the program has helped prevent drug abuse among young adults.

>“D.A.R.E. is, I think, as I indicated, the best remembered anti-drug program today,” Sessions said. “In recent years, people have not paid much attention to that message, but they are ready to hear it again.”

>“We know it worked before and we can make it work again,” the AG continued saying about the program, which was founded in Los Angeles in 1983.

>The AG also said the Department of Justice will work with state and local authorities, while tapping D.A.R.E., to stop drug traffickers.

>“We need you,” Sessions said. “We need D.A.R.E. to prevent them from finding new victims. We need your strong leadership to deny them new customers.”


Drugs are degenerate, but fighting them is a waste of time.

Do they not do D.A.R.E anymore? We had D.A.R.E. and G.R.E.A.T. at my school as a kid.

Sessions is a dumb hick. Rudy should have gotten his position!


So cops can come to school and share all their stories about drug busts just like in the 90's?

D I won't do drugs
A won't have an attitude
R I will respect myself
E I will educate me now


Im high right now and remembered that. In fact I still have the shirt I got.

Didn't that shit backfire or something?

Like more people did drugs, because reverse-psychology or some shit?

I mean, my DARE officers were selling X out of their trunks during lunch hour.

So, kinda.

I remember that, it was the first time I thought "maybe drugs aren't so bad" because the anti-drug shit fit the bill of misinformed propaganda. I remember thinking it was like Barney and friends and used to joke with my friends about DARING to do drugs.

My eye opener was too much emphasis on marijuana, not enough emphasis on pharmaceuticals. Made me suspect they were exaggerating the effects of other drugs. I'd be in favor of a program like DARE if it were handled with honesty and integrity.

Definitely made kids want to do a drugs.

I learned how to sell drugs because of DARE

I won the "i pledge to be drug free essay contest."
Lasted 3 years.

mostly this

I felt like if I smoked weed, I'd look like the lion

D.A.R.E to smoke crack

The South Park don't smoke episode really did a great job on how bad fare was.


I've never done drugs, or even smoked a cigarette. Not because of D.A.R.E. but because everyone I ever saw who did as a child was a failure, or inevitable failure. So I avoided the correlation altogether.