
When will this happen again?

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Considering that the Balkans continually balkanise themselves I would say never.

It doesn't really matter, but Bosniaks should be deported back to Turkey and have their land split between the Croats and the Serbs while the Albanians should be deported back to Turkey as well and have their land split between the Greeks and the Serbs


It won't happen without new Tito.

Albanians have been living on the Balkans for longer than Slavs have. You can't "deport" them any more than you can deport Native Americans.

>but they're Muslim
Christianity isn't native to Europe either but no one is suggesting deporting the entire Christian population of Europe "back" to the middle-east.

Not to mention Albanian Islam has been about as serious as western Christianity since communism.

t. Mohammedan Turk (also known as Albanians)

>Don't speak a Turkic language
>We have historical records of Albania as a nation predating Turks ever even leaving central Asia since the 11th century
>Prior to Ottoman conquest Albania was Christian (and still has a huge Christian Albanian population).
>Albanians are Turks and need to go back

I want Americans to never speak about Europe ever.

didn't hitler like the Albanians or some shit?


>You can't "deport" them

keep dreaming tonibler


There is nothing wrong to deport uncivilized people from their "place' it is kind of progressive


I agree, we need to deport Russians from Earth back to whatever Autism planet they came from.


As I said Christianity isn't European either.

Unless you're a super-militant atheist or neopagan LARPer it's more than a bit hypocritical to shit on Bosniaks and Albanians for being Muslim which is "foreign" whilst giving Christianity a pass.

Without Christianity, Europe is just another part of Asia. You literally wouldn't have the idea of Europe if it weren't for Christians.

there has never been a non-European pope. fuck off retard.

this destroys the christian


Except the concept of Europe as being distinct from Asia comes from Pagan Greeks. It is older than Christianity by thousands of years.

Except the current one?
And if we're to believe Catholic tradition then all of the first ones who came from the middle-east?

Wrong. Do you think the Romans/Greeks felt more brotherhood with the barbarian Germans than with the Egyptians? Or for that matter, do you think they felt any brotherhood with the Germans at all?

Europe is just the extent of Christianity about 500 years ago

there isn't a current pope. there hasn't been a pope since 1958.

>And if we're to believe Catholic tradition then all of the first ones who came from the middle-east?

please note that I mean European in the genetic sense, not a geographic one.

>Wrong. Do you think the Romans/Greeks felt more brotherhood with the barbarian Germans than with the Egyptians? Or for that matter, do you think they felt any brotherhood with the Germans at all?
I don't think you understand something about Antiquity. No one felt any "brotherhood" with anyone besides their own specific Ethnic group (well, the Romans had a bit of a hard on for the Greeks but that's glossing over the fact that "antiquity" covers over a thousand years of history). The Greeks considered literally everyone that wasn't Greek to be a barbarian, including Egyptians, including Persians, including Germans - as far as they were concerned it was all same shit different place.

But the ancient Greek concept of continents wasn't based on "brotherhood" or any such thing. It was based on crude geography. Europe was the western side of the Bosphorus, Asia was the eastern side, Africa was the western side of the Red Sea. This is why Anatolia is not a part of Europe despite being Christian for longer than it has been Muslim, it's on the wrong side of the Bosphorus.

Forgot pic

that was serboslavia tho

>its a german province
>we take it over in ww1
>we take it over in ww2
>the world says "ok its serbian now i guess, we dont care lmao"
>croatia, whatever that even is (not like such a thing existed ever before, i mean just look at those fucking borders jesus fucking christ) landgrabs half of our country
>oh and also americans spread islam for no fucking reason instead of letting us wipe the muslims out

fuck you
fuck everyone
am mad

God is a serb and 9/11, multiculturalism, feminism, rapes, niggers, islam, all of this shit is a punishment for what you faggots did to us
for no fucking reason

>there isn't a current pope. there hasn't been a pope since 1958.
Ah, one of these guys.
>please note that I mean European in the genetic sense, not a geographic one.
Yes, the original followers of Jesus who all came from Palestine and were of Jewish origin were of Christian ancestry. The same Jews that according to the bible have their lineage fully fleshed out and traced through generations, and at no point makes a stop in Europe, are genetically European.


No, this is stupid. It went Egypt -> Greece -> Rome and the civilisations gave the respect that was due to their predecessors, and that was the only thing they considered to be part of their space (i.e. there was no Europe)

>Europe is just another part of Asia
every single time with christcucks every time its always about the religion and not about the people. nice going you non-white fuckhead

we just need to love each other and fuck

What makes a Greek white but a Leb a shitskin?

Growth rate is pretty shit eh, question for Serbs. is the econemy growing at all and will the birth rate ever be positive?

Get a EU style thing going with a common market and free trade exclusive to balkanians. Call it BU the Balkan Union and have the official policy be no refugees

Kneel, boy


>It went Egypt -> Greece -> Rome and the civilisations gave the respect that was due to their predecessors
They didn't though. You're just projecting enlightenment era ideas about history into the past and assuming they thought about it the same way distant future generations thought about it. They didn't, The Greeks absolutely hated and despised everyone that wasn't a Greek. And as said the Greeks concept of continents had nothing to do with "brotherhood" or "respect", it had to do with geography - once again you're projecting modern ideas like pan-nationalism into the past.

> (i.e. there was no Europe)
See pic
Herodutus defined Europe and Asia as different continents based on their side of the Bosphorus half a millennium before Christianity even existed.

i was talking about gay sex, if all men from ex you started fucking we could develop huge condom/lube/lather industry

I hope you realize that Lebanon was majority Christian until very recently.

>serbian master race

You're being ridiculous here. You're assuming that the ancients wanted to exterminate everyone who wasn't like them on contact (much like you do) but the Romans had great respect for Greek civilisation and the Greeks for Egyptian civilisation in their day. That's why Roman academies were full of Greek teachers teaching Greek culture to Romans.

You're also incoherent because you say that pan-nationalism doesn't exist in the past but also that the idea of Europe exists in the past. Or, more importantly, where in Scythia does Europe end and Asia begin?

So Lebs being Christian affects whether or not they're white?

today I realized pol is satire and ex-yu diaspora really are more delusional and retarded as they seem

>You're assuming that the ancients wanted to exterminate everyone who wasn't like them on contact (much like you do)
But I'm not and I don't?
I'm just saying the Greeks did not like people that were not Greek. Which they didn't. Which would be clear to you if you knew a single fucking thing about ancient Greece - they were one of the most xenophobic cultures of all time.

>but the Romans had great respect for Greek civilisation and the Greeks for Egyptian civilisation in their day. That's why Roman academies were full of Greek teachers teaching Greek culture to Romans
I already said earlier that the Romans liked the Greeks.
But the Greeks didn't like the Egyptians, and they especially did not like the Persians. Nor did they like Germans for that matter. Which just brings me back to my point that their ideas about continents had absolutely nothing, zip, nada, not one bit to do with respect for each other - it was entirely 100% absolutely about what side of major waterways these landmasses were on.

> You're also incoherent because you say that pan-nationalism doesn't exist in the past but also that the idea of Europe exists in the past
Continents have nothing to do with pan nationalism, user? They're about geography?
Do you think there's some kind of pan-nationalist brotherhood between the Japanese and Israel because they're both on Asia?
Do you have pan-nationalist solidarity with Haitians because you both live in North America?

I didn't think so. And in any case this shouldn't even be an argument because Herdotus is a primary source showing that Europe as a concept predates Christianity by an order of magnitude.

>Or, more importantly, where in Scythia does Europe end and Asia begin?
I don't know. Does that change the fact that it clearly demonstrates that pre-Christian Greeks identified Europe and Asia as different continents?

If not here's another source.

Croatia existed before WWII.

Fascism is the solution for the Serbs.

>the Bosniaks
Not a people
>deported back to Turkey
The west Balkans have 35000 years on European heretige on their back. You make as much sense as saying Czech should by deported to Pakistan.

As much as I dislike albos, they are most likes caucasoids who were settled by Byzantines before Turks were even a thing.

>uncivilised people
>checks flag

>stagnating economic growth and later massive inflation
>destruction of high culture
>imbeciles run the things
>deny genocidal acts against Croats
>muh 700 gorillion in Jasenovac
>split Croatia into two

Yugoslavia was a prison of the Croat and Slovene people

>But the Greeks didn't like the Egyptians, and they especially did not like the Persians. Nor did they like Germans for that matter. Which just brings me back to my point that their ideas about continents had absolutely nothing, zip, nada, not one bit to do with respect for each other - it was entirely 100% absolutely about what side of major waterways these landmasses were on.

This is what I've been saying this whole time. There was no idea of Europe as a single entity with some sort of shared characteristics besides an outdated understanding of geography (people who didn't know what was in Scythia or even what was in parts of continental Europe) that assumed there was a definitive natural border between Europe the continent and Asia the continent. In some countries today they don't believe that Europe and Asia are separate, because now we know that there is no distinct geographical border between the two, see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continent#Number

Europe as a distinct civilisation entity developed from the older idea of Christendom

>Le Croatia never existed xaxaxaxa

I would say "Serbs make it hard not to hate them" but then I realise, you are most likely garbage. What is it? Your inferiority complex eating you up?

>be Croatia
>become fully established land by the time of Charlemagne
>900s: Serbia gets destroyed by Bulgaria
>save them
>Hungary inherits you
>still exist within Hungary
>Ottomans wipe Serbia fully off the map
>accept Serb refugees
>Jelačić tries to free Vojvodina from the Magyars so the Serbs can be free

You live in denial, and are generally a thankless people.

> There was no idea of Europe as a single entity with some sort of shared characteristics besides an outdated understanding of geography
There still isn't and I would say there never was.

Even during times when "Christendom" was a thing the eastern fringes of Europe like Russia were always considered "other".

Well yeah, Catholic Europe = core Europe, Orthodox Europe = the eastern edge of Europe

>no distinct border
>what are the Marmon sea, the Black Sea, the Urals and the Caucasian mountains and the Ural river

Also, Europe was founded on the enlightenment, pre Christian cultures, and most of all, greco-roman culture.
Christianity added nothing on it's own. It just continued where paganism left off.

Dogmatic Christianity Brough nothing, indeed, Christian culture is wonderful, but the Bible is an utterly irrelevant book for one.

There is no reason to debate religious differences today in Europe, because the latest global component to our wester civilization has made us, to say, more unified in a civilizational sense. The issue is with the African and ME lower classes who don't belong to our civilization

When "christendom" was a thing, these things happened:
>the 4th and 5th crusades
Aka warcrimes against the European cities of Zadar and Constantinople, while the latter was the Pope selling European children into slavery
>Baltic crusades
>persecution of "heretics" and the Bosnian crusade
>Teutonic wars against the Orthodox
>30 years war aka German genocide

To add to this
>Albos and Bosnian muslim
>actual muslims
Pick one

Just came here to say that I hate Albania.

t. non-balkanite

>Christian culture is wonderful, but the Bible is an utterly irrelevant book for one.

Well you don't really need the bible as long as you follow the teachings of Jesus as passed down by St. Peter and his successors

>hates an isolated tribalist bunker state which never does any relevant shit
>not the cancer that is Kosovo

Let's get one line out of those teachings
>there is no Greek or jew, all are one in Christ
Christian dogma itself refutes Europeanism. Race, culture, civilization, they do not exist in it.

I have the opposite view. I don't have much love for Christian culture but the bible is pretty great.

The Israelites made for some fantastic stories, I don't like the New Testament much though.

>majority muslim
>brachycephalic square heads
>if they didn't exist, Kosovo problem wouldn't have existed
>nigger tier culture
>every one i've seen is a manlet (when I visited Vienna I saw a community of them and avg height must have been like 5'7)
>the people who most "Le Albanian Pride" cherrypicked pics are objectively the worst fake-pride scum of Sup Forums and Sup Forums
>exist ONLY to weaken countries around them
>literally the definition of a puppet state

Well it's a basic necessity of monotheism for the one God to be for everyone. But the Catholic Church has always taught that it's natural for humanity to be divided into different nations (from the catechism):

>56 After the unity of the human race was shattered by sin God at once sought to save humanity part by part. The covenant with Noah after the flood gives expression to the principle of the divine economy toward the "nations", in other words, towards men grouped "in their lands, each with [its] own language, by their families, in their nations".9

>57 This state of division into many nations is at once cosmic, social and religious. It is intended to limit the pride of fallen humanity10 united only in its perverse ambition to forge its own unity as at Babel.11 But, because of sin, both polytheism and the idolatry of the nation and of its rulers constantly threaten this provisional economy with the perversion of paganism.12


Any balkanfags reading:

If your neighbors play serbo croatian songs at 12am you can call the police on them. They come very fast.

>anyone aside Sanjak Serbs
>actual muslims

As for albos, no one is defending what kind of people they are, but Albania is okay itself. No one has a real beef with Albania proper

>When will this happen again?
Soon, brother. Soon. Minus Slovenia.

kek based

When the muslims are purged from greater Serbia

The Catholic Church also gave power to inbreds to rule because of the "divine right of kings".
The CC was always a political institutions.

Further more, how can one believe in the story of the Tower of Babel in a time where we have international space stations and almost all people speak a common language?

Social evolution is mandatory for everything. The same nations can't exist forever, but have to merge as culture develops more commonly. Today, there is no difference between buildings being built in Portugal and Bosnia compared to the ones in Germany and Estonia, the same clothes are being worn in England and Bulgaria, the same music is being listened to in Finland and Belgium,... Etc
The western world is being more and more unified, and that is good. In several centuries we can hope for a united western state, to impose hegemony of Western values over the planet

You miswrote Serbia

>caring about religion in the present day
Ah diaspora balkanoid

He's Canadian you dumb fucking paki cunt.

Underrated post

Serbia has my respect and admiration for life. As for
Korea has become a dumping ground for American seed, not so proud?

Lol how clueless you are. I can go my whole day without hearing any English, and I guarantee you that in European countries it's basically the same, where there is only a minimal penetration of American stuff.

If anything, the West is going to drift apart more than it ever has. Fags like you will be upset, of course. It also didn't escape my notice that you attack the Catholic church for being internationalist in one post and then you attack it for believing in nations in the next post.

You don't think I know that? I can see the flag as well as you can.

The fact that Canadians aren't American is the entire joke. Just like Albanians are not Turks, only Canadians are infinitely closer to Americans than Albanians are to Turks.


>can go whole day without hearing English
Sorry if your assimilation politics are shit.

>attacking Catholic internationalism
Of course, as it places unity between Italy and Angola, instead of Unity between Italy and say Montenegro.

Religion is irrelevant, civilizational unity is the only one that matters.

So basically you're just a cunt who wants everyone to be an American?

The EU is working on it.
Fuck the EU. (Fuck Russia too)
The right of self determination shall not be infringed. DIVIDE BOSNIA, NOW


Hilarious how it's subhuman Balkanshit diaspora in Australia and Germanic Europe itt.

cute how you think we care about what balkanshits do to eachother, it feels like insects killing eachother. I feel absolutely nothing. You could genocide eachother 24/7 , torture abuse and rape children I wouldn't care.

Nothing useful ever comes out of a balkanshit mind. It requires some serious Western (Faustian) education for a balkan turk roach to produce anything remotely usable. And even then it's never a godlike spark that influences the whole of humanity forever. And since Balkan "Slavs" are so proud of their "slavic" roots, they won't ever produce even anything small that may contribute anymore.

Balkanshits want knowledge only so they can live a comfortable life, Germanics want knowledge so they can know everything/the infinite.

This motherfucker again, fuck off you triggered cunt.

Btw nice copy pasta