Net neutrality

We must come together and fight for internet freedom. If this bill is repealed it could mean the end or downfall of Sup Forums and other sites! I know some of you will call me a fag, well you can suck it.

Other urls found in this thread:

>well you can suck it
>admitting to being a fag

Anyone who opposes net neutrality is a racist fucking bigot.

Man I don't care, go fuck a cactus


I'd tell you to also, but in your case you would have to suck a cocktus.

>not being redpilled to understand the humor in his shitpost
you have work to do

Nah, I just wanted to call someone a shill.

Hehe kek

I got what he was doing.

Why is it all sucking and fucking with you.

I like porn

cuz he's gay

yea i was just about to start my own thread on net neutrality, WE HAVE TO TAKE DOWN WHOEVERS RESPONSIBLE

All I'm trying to do is weaponize autism and it ends up back firing feelsbadman

I vote that everyone just all jumps off a bridge. Doesn't matter who or what you are. Or your political views. We all must surrender to the bridge. Jumping off of bridges. Lord bridge.

No, we don't. Either we can side with Soros and Jew half the country out of any competition, or we can side with the ISP's and Jew ourselves out of free roam over the internet. Both choices suck, especially since I've only got one shitty ISP in the area that can't provide enough bandwidth for the entire nieghborhood.

faggot you're not a fag. Stop selling yourself short. Net neutrality must prevail. Everything else is censorship of free speech. Might as well give up your guns and make an appointment for anal rape by the government.

We are the last country in the world that still has true freedom of speech. Let me make this very clear.... It is important and essential that you and everyone else has the right to criticize anyone including the government.

If we are not allowed to criticize certain groups, that's censorship and dictatorship of those groups you're not allowed to criticize.

It is mandatory that the web remains liberated since now it is one of the main sources of global communication, social interaction if not THE source of global communication or social interaction worldwide.

That being sad... we must defend net neutrality the same as we would defend freedom of speech. It is imperative to have that in a well oiled society.

Censorship leads to corruption and misinformation. That leads to fear, fear is the path to the dark side... fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate... hate... leads to suffering.

Bro you can't take down the ffc it's part of the government. I'm also assuming your here cause you seek memes not political action.

>Reddit: the post

Wtf i hate net neutrality now

I don't give two shits about net neutrality, I just wish the only ISP in my area didn't suck cox.

No nn possibly no porn, cat videos, Sup Forums, free speech

far from it. I have maybe visited reddit once 6 months. And that was just for fappening information.

just like that time I saw a black "Doctor" on a documentary claim that the government was committing systematic racism against blacks because it supported unhealthy diets. Which was "making them unhealthy and killing them". (and the government totally doesn't support these diets because companies that make the food in these diets gives them alls the monies)

lol, sure. ISPs start blocking stuff like that and they'll quickly find customers switching to their competitors.
And anyways, I would probably be better off without all those things.

>implying anyone on Sup Forums wants Sup Forums to exist

if this website died that would be nothing but a blessing


found the jim jefferies.

Silence eurofag

>freedom of speech

displaying literally any anti-SJW beliefs will cause a huge uproar and get you fired from your job for hate speech which will fuck up all chances of you getting another job and essentially ruin you.

Shut the fuck up. You have been brainwashed into thinking NN is the only option other than complete ISP control. There is a middle ground in this fight, but for some fucking reason no one can figure that out. All I see are people quoting current year man and acting like NN doesn't actually screw a large part of America out of competition.

This. I came here for fresh BBC vernacular like based so I can share with mah niggas

I feel like NN is just another attempt by democrats to get the governments meaty claws around another thing so they can control it. All they want is more government power.


That's a libtard movement. We can't be a part of it.

It's really not do some research

assuming all bosses are SJW dumbass. See? I'm way smarter than you. This may be news to ou but everyone who isn't a libtard is.

If the net neutrality movement gets too much of a hold, eventually the government will be able to move in and crybaby liberals will be getting websites and other things that hurt their feelings censored.

here's your (y)

I'm done trying with you guys, see you later (not really)

does anyone actually ever try at all on this website? If so, that's kind of sad.

I didn't mean to mention you in my last reply. Sorry

>they'll quickly find customers switching to their competitors
This is hilarious. 51% of Americans live in an area with access to only 1 ISP. 38% live in an area with access to only 2. ISPs have carved out exclusive zones to hold virtual monopoly over internet service in their areas of domain. This is why "muh free market" isn't an answer to the net neutrality debate. The conversation would be different if every American had access to 10-20 ISPs competing for customers. Unfortunately this isn't the case.

toodle loo, motherfucker. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Piece of advice... smart people will still cross your path. All of your life. There's no way around it. Better come to peace and realize... people will always have different opinions. There is no holy grail.

checked and kek'd, cheers dude.

True facts, but there is still a better answer than giving the government the reigns. And I just don't think ISPs are going to go as crazy with it as people act like they are, even though I hate most ISPs.

Net neutrality needs to fucking die. Deal with it faggot. The only reason these liberal groups care is because they are afraid of losing money.

Fuck you too :)

>There are people on Sup Forums right now that want to enable ISPs to put paywall restrictions over what content they can access, the quality of video they can stream, the amount of data they can use and other things purely because liberals are for net neutrality

You haven't been here long enough. You'll understand later. By the time you realize he is right, over a decade of your life will be gone.

Was kind of hoping there would be someone who would catch my reference (Cox is a shitty ISP that dominates my area)

I'm still learning. Please stop bullying me.

You dumbass, that's why I don't want all out NN. I only have charter spectrum, and their service sucks. They are over extended and can't provide good bandwidth to the entire nieghborhood ever since Netflix became a thing. So, NN does two shitty things. It makes sure the Jews at Netflix can't get fined for using a shitload of data, and it makes sure that charter can't limit my neighbors when they use all the bandwidth. I pay the same amount as my neighbors, but I use no where near as much bandwidth. Why should I pay the same amount they should? Why can't charter limit their usage so they can provide steady bandwidth to me?

I think saying NN is "giving the government the reigns" is a bit of an exaggeration. It's just a framework ensuring ISPs enable access to all content and applications at the same speed.

People certainly get hyperbolic over a future without NN, but internet service would absolutely go the way of cable TV without it. There would be preferential bandwidth given to the highest bidder, cheap packages restricting internet use to only popular sites, on MSM access, etc. It would rapidly corporatize the internet.

It wouldn't go 0-100 immediately, but it would lead to major internet corporations making deals with ISPs for favoritism in content distribution.

I'm not saying it immediately would, but its letting the government get a foot in the door. Anytime the government regulates something a little, eventually they keep finding reasons to regulate more and more. It's a stepping stone.

No it will just affect American posters which will increase the quality of Sup Forums in general

And without cable going the way it did, we wouldn't have things like netflix. You know, that tv and movie streaming service that is super cheap and everyone is so obsess with that it now dominates use on the internet?

That's a problem with the physical infrastructure built, not the principal of NN. You're also being very narrow in your thinking. Without NN a company like Netflix could make a deal with your ISP for preferential bandwidth, so whenever lots of people are using Netflix your ISP ensures they have sufficient bandwidth by throttling other sites to make room. Similarly other large internet companies with lots of money can pay for favoritism in bandwidth usage and screw over smaller sites that can't pay to play.

I mean, just look at how the government censors tv now? Ratings and the like. Do you want that on the internet?

Changing NN is a losing battle. Idk why they're autistic enough to try again.