Age of Consent Laws

What is your countries age of consent laws? How do you feel about them? Discuss here.

My theory in the next post :

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Looking at this from a purely scientific perspective, you can't fight biology. Humans become ready to 'mate' once they hit puberty, which can be anywhere between nine and fourteen, roughly, and become too old for breeding at around fifty-sixty. Biologically the 'age of consent' should well be from when the individual hits puberty, which indicates that one's body is ready for breeding/parenting.


Humans have kind of fucked (hurr) the system. We don't usually copulate to breed anymore and have developed methods to prevent impregnation so we can focus on the pleasure and companionship that sex brings. Also, as a species whos' young develops at a considerably slow rate both physically and mentally, modern humans have for the most part implemented an unspoken 'childhood line'; humans encourage innocence, purity, education and play right up to a certain age, and beyond this age you're basically left to figure things out on your own. We don't mentally prepare or educate our offspring for sex at the age that they biologically should be prepared for it, which leads to, what in a lot of cultures would be considered incidents, tragedies, general nastiness and crimes occurring. It actually makes a lot of sense when you watch kids at play (not in a gross way, put down the phone to Mr Hanson); boys are basically little warriors, establishing a pecking order and weeding out the weak, playing games of endurance, violence and status. Girls are little mothers, gravitating towards baby dolls to look after and playing 'house'. I know that this isn't a given for ALL kids (I know I wasn't a girly girl when I was little!) but generally it's something you see.



Humans have kind of gone beyond our natural urges, functions and biology. Our developments in science mean that we can make a family in whatever the hell way we want to; adoption, fertility drugs, abortion, surrogate mothers, etc without having to rely too much on something as simple as our bodies responding to years of inbuilt instinct.

It's easy to forget that this scientific advancement is still relatively new, and it wasn't that long ago that the average mother would have been as young as ten.


Humans have much longer life spans than they did back then. A few hundred years ago you may have been lucky to live to reach anywhere between thirty and fifty, and the science relating to families and fertility was nowhere near as advanced as today, so naturally the biological order was relied upon and respected, meaning younger mothers. Our life spans now are longer and our medicine so advanced to the point that we no longer have to rely on our bodies alone to know when we can/should reproduce. This is why at some point in time modern humanity decided to let kids be kids and allow them to retain their innocence for as long as possible before they naturally began to reject it and embrace adulthood.



Modern humans don't bang kids, and it's become wrong on so many levels to do so due to our natural advancement as a species. If science/our progress ever fell apart and backtracked for whatever reason and lifespans became shorter, then naturally the age of consent/acceptable parenting age will become younger as it's the most logical thing to do to ensure the continuation of the species.

The age of consent in the UK is sixteen, but in my opinion teens will be teens and will do as they will amongst themselves. I'm personally glad that it is what it is, I think it's about right.


What are you getting at? Let kids be kids. Ignorance is bliss.

Its fine here but thanks for the long-winded


they are fucking 12 years starting. age of consent is bullshit right now and should be lowered to 12

If a child can consent to chopping his dick off at 5, he can consent to taking my dick, too. Age of Consent is a barbaric practice that has no place in a modern progressive society.

>Mohammad wants more Aishas
Day of Spray when?

Almost came up with an independent thought but still managed to justify the status quo.

If the 13-16 year old is educated properly about sex and knows how to practice sex safely, then how do they not know what they are doing?!?!?? If they give give consent, understand the consequences of practicing sex, and their sexual partner is safe and responsible, then why should it even matter if they have sex?

I bet the real reason behind this "consent" bullshit is that parents can't cope with the fact that an older gentleman is sleeping with their daughter. Or maybe it's because the dad is frustrated by the fact that his son was able to lose his virginity much younger than him.

How so?

Now I see why Merkel is in power.


>16 is fair game for all
>If under 16, then the partner has to be close to same age

Whops there's a minor (kek) mistake I made there. The 16 isn't legal if the older partner is in some kind of authority position (a teacher, a coach and so on). In that case the legal age of consent is 18.

>understanding consequences
Girls of this age are naive as fuck. That's why it's illegal everywhere in the west.
With Germany projected to become a minority white, Islamic nation within our lifetimes you should be protecting your young ones.

Fuck off noseberg, 13+ is fair game

Here in NZ it's 16 for sex. 18 to do porn or prostitution.
A grown man with a 16 year old would be frowned upon. People would be asking questions, if not kicking teeth in.

gtfo of Europe, sand nigger

pretty sure US is 18+

Age of Consent by country/state.

Age of consent should be simple

when the father has consented to you fucking his daughter


the child has left the family home

if your not old enough to support yourself, your not old enough to consent

BUT only if you are 19. If you are older and the parents are against it you are a rapist.

9 and no laws... yikes.

There should be no AoC. When a girl has her first blood she should then be married to the man her father arranged for her. All sex outside marriage is rape, unless its just her father doing her when she's little.
>pink with purple dot
How it should be everywhere.

AoC is a relatively new concept, but isn't it also true that some form of parental consent exists most of the time where AoC did not? I don't think there was ever a scenario like in the modern world where people just went out and dated and fucked whoever they want, except people of young age were also involved. Greece/Rome were probably exceptions to this though.

What's the age of consent where I live? Too high...


This is always bullshit that misleads retards into believing it especially with Japan. In US terms the AoC is "federally" low there, but absolutely no "state" has an AoC lower than 16 and almost 100% of the nation is at 18 just like the US. The same is true for the majority of those places.

But women giving birth at those ages is dangerous for girls. In fact, the dangers of serious illness and problems of birth happen before 16. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

I think there's nothing wrong with lowering to 16. It's dangerous to have kids mingle with adults so we don't want that, but at 18 you barely have time to settle down before you have children.

If 16-year-olds could marry, they should, and then you'd have four years for the man to set up a good environment for children, and then they can start a family while they're young. Produces healthy children with healthy young parents, perfect environment for upstanding citizens.

Of course, if it were up to the Jews, age of consent would be 25. Give them no time to settle down and have children. The only thing stopping them is their current tactic of promoting promiscuity, which they rightly think works better to prevent white families from forming.

what about mental maturity? That should be taken into account, as young children are easy to manipulate.

>what about mental maturity
>implying females ever "mature mentally"
It's like you've never known a female.

suck it burgers

Varies by state. In mine, it's 18, yet people seem to ignore that law as of late.

This, I think it should be based on both parties ages. Like a 19 with a 15 year old is fine, but a 40 year old with a 19 year old is obscene.
We have the weird rule where 18 is some magical age where you're seperated from everyone else and if you're 18 and like a 16 year old, you're just as bad as a 60 year old man creeping on playgrounds.

I think general AOC should be around 14, but the man should have to be under a certain age. Like say a maximum of six years different. Also less if married with exceptions.

the age of consent shouldn't exist in the first place since it's anti-family, anti-freedom and anti-white desu
Anna a cute!

AOC should be 13, ONLY if married...otherwise, make it 21.

>21?! are you fucking CRAZY!!! then nobody will have sex at a young age!!!!

Thats kinda the fucking point : also, enforced shotgun weddings, where the rapist can avoid jail with marriage, though raping a woman besides your wife, if married, will result in a death sentence.

harsh...but would fix society damn quick.

>then nobody will have sex at a young age!!!!

Ridiculous. People who are underage have sex with each all the time. Horny teens have no concept of consequences. Combine that with the current (((sex ed))) and negligent millennial parenting and you'll just end up with more whites convicted of statutory rape.

Sounds to me like you're scared of women and try to degenerate and dehuamnise them in your mind to justify being a fucking nonce.

Age of consent exists for a reason.

If someone became a vampire before the age of their consent, are they off limits forever or just until they would have become the age of consent?

I'll just leave this here

Because it's about the age when a person is old enough who he/she wants to have sex with. It has nothing to do with the other person's age. If 18yo wants to bang 40, then go ahead. I don't enjoy the idea but it has nothing to do with me. It's their choice. I don't want to think dudes having sex either or some 60yo humping another 60yo, but it's not about me. It's about when a person is old enough to decide if he/she wants to have sex with someone.

16. I'm totaly fine with that

i believe it should be 13-18 for 18 and below, and 16+ for 19+


itt a bunch of virgin wannabe pedos who dont understand why kids were married early back then
its 2017 not 1875 idiots

>come on man really? I mean it's [insert current year]
the absolute state of Sup Forums in [insert current year]