This is just absurd...

This is just absurd. Reducing these human beings to an excuse to get "likes" because you don't want them to be able to drive? Deplorable. Also the right can't meme.

Other urls found in this thread:

Ever hear of motor voter?

How does that even work? Can I get an ID in America by just going to DMV in one of these states and claiming I'm there illegally?

So what? California is going to make it even easier for voters to register by lowering the legal age to 17 and allowing then to vote in school. How is this relevant?

>This is just absurd

Um, sorry sweetie.
It's actually brave and a powerful message to the racists that they don't own america.

It has made it possible for over 850,000 Californians alone to drive without fear.

Do you expect them to take the bus like some sort of hobo, or what? Illegals have rights, too. Deal with it.

I'm not the one making these shitty alt-reich memes, comrade. Just sharing. Glad to see this place has become much more progressive as of late.

Actually they dont thats why they are called illegals they have not entered the country legally and are not citizens so they are not privy to the rights the constitution gives citizens or the rights our laws give to green card holders.

Also they do not pay taxes to build and maintain the roads so why should they be able to use them

>get my car ran into by mexican gardener truck
>doesn't have insurance because he's illegal
>drives off like nothing happened

This is why we don't want them to drive. Go back to virtue signalling on Plebbit.

They contribute more to the economy than you probably do, racist.

under that logic tourist should not be entitled to anything either.

also playing devils advocate illegal immigrants due pay taxes.
the places that can afford to pay em cash is less that what you think so borrowed SSN is common and so is tax deduction

>illegal immigrants due pay taxes

I work in a research lab with a diverse team many of them are imigrants but guess what they are legal imagrants. I have no problem with hispanics who do things right and come here legaly I have a problem with criminals why is that so hard to understand. And I pay state and federal income tax that maintain the roads they are driving on.

did I stutter you stupid shit?? places that pay cash as a minority

Maybe if you actually used proper grammar, things wouldn't get lost in translation.

point granted about my grammar

USA could make much more money and save on ICE if they streamlined a process for illegals in the country to fix their status (as long as they fit certain parameter) and pay a fines as well as restrict their "rights" as residents

>whites obsessed with grammar whole people's lives are being ruined over muh citizenship
Even allies are this evil.

It's called... uh... uh... indentured servitude, cracker.

Is this fool Fucking memeing or what?

>car bombs ahoy

I dont mean as a whole "slave" nigger

but people under XYZ conditions can be freed from being target for deportation and apply for a green card, pay a fine, yet their green cards will have less benefits like I dont know, instead of 3 taking 10 years to apply for citizen ship, etc etc etc

I agree that would be a good idea.

On your comment about taxes from my reading many pay social secirity but not neccesarily fed or state income and social security (in theory but its a broken shitshow) is saved and only used to pay out retirment benefits.

What makes you think they want citizenship in this racist ass country in the first place? Don't you think they be applying already?

you can make that their green cards have an 11 months requirement rather than the usual 6 per year.
also cause having a citizen ship helps em bring familiy and stuff. as a resident those kind of stuff still hard but as citizen is a given.
so 10 years instead of 3 means 7 more years they can give to teh country before they bring their own

you also can label em as a productive work force or that if they their greencards hold more conditions lie no becoming a fucking leech to the system

Because they came here illegally.... so they want to be here.....

>like this so we can put you on a watchlist