Hey people, that's a one pic from "I'm proud of Russia!" demotivators. So, what's wrong withthis pic?I mean...

Hey people, that's a one pic from "I'm proud of Russia!" demotivators. So, what's wrong withthis pic?I mean, there MUST be something wrong on photo because of pictures with normal Russian sights never has such text.

Ja tosze.


work on your english, jesus christ.

lately im seeing this trend of self hating russians

Chans attract counter culture. If you want to look at some real safe hating russians go to 2ch

Now that's a real festival of self loathing.

I suspect the OP escaped that zoo before coming here.

>I suspect the OP escaped that zoo before coming here.
Nope, I'm from dobrochan.
But I made same thread at 2ch, right.

i love 2ch for its webms. As for self loathing thing I observed it only when I was in Russia for a short while and unironically on jewtube Sektor Gaza's videos

It's not all that common IRL, but it does happen.

I love Russia. I'd never go there, but I like to appreciate its plentiful gifts of flip-phone and dashcam footage. It's like playing a survival RPG out there. Very fun to watch. Probably sad and scary to experience. Most if not all Russians whom I've known/worked with in England could be described as Krogans. Take pride in strength, resistance to pain and any adversity. Don't like them when drunk though. Violent and easily pissed off. True story:

>Walking back from night out
>one group of Russians walking besides us, another coming up ahead towards us
>neither group wanted to move aside
>so they started fighting kek

>from your birth everything and everybody tells how great Russia and her people are
>in school you soak and bask in greatness of our forefathers and learn about their glorious deeds
>but when you grow up you see it's not the case
>when faced with the reality, our pretty illusion immediately shatters in thousand pieces
>Putin is not that great
>country too
>and it's people
>even history is not so shiny and glorious as you thought
>everybody actually fucking hates your country

Really can't blame them.

It's an extremely run down house that looks like literal shit, but has a sign prolcaiming pride or something.
It's like a homeless bum bragging about being in a rich country.

So it's a photo of Russia's Detroit?

It is photo of typical russias city, but not Moscow.

Whole Russia is Detroit, save for few cities.

Дa блядь, ecли бы хoтя бы Дeтpoйт, a тo вeдь eщe хyжe нa дeлe.

Пo кpaйнeй мepe paзвaлюхи в Дeтpoйтe пycтыe, a в нaших вce eщe люди живyт.

USA being cucked confirmed.

>citizen of the US sees in what squalid dump Russians live and gets depressed
>offs himself

42D chess.

дaaaa paшкa пидopaшкa CCЫM нa paшy тaк cкaзaть

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