Here's a revolutionary idea

Ideologies should not be inextricably linked to their creators. Nazism failed because Hitler, not the ideas, were at the center of it. Capitalism works because people are allowed to practice it without bowing to Adam Smith after every transaction.

>inb4 corrupt dictators ruined communism
>inb4 not real socialism

Fuck off, Hitler was a great man.

Hitler didn't create Nazism!

>b-b-b-b-b-b--b-b-b-b--b-b-b-b-b--b-b-b--b-b-b-b-b--b-b--b-b--b-b-b---b-b-b-b--b-b-b-b--b-bb-b-bb--b-b-b-bb-b-b-b-b-b-b-b--bb--bb-ut nazis only killed people because hitler

Fascism inevitably leads to genocide.

>Communism is cool, because it wasn't [INSERT STALIN, LENIN, TROTSKY, MAO, POL POT, CASTRO, MARX, HO CHI MINH]'s fault. They were just bad leaders bro; the ideas are what matters.

Think before you post.


Is that really a bad thing though?

Yeah. Killing people is bad.

Wrong. Fascism existed outside of Germany dumbass. There was never a genocide in Italy. Gas yourself, /nu-pol/ faggot.

>implying they're people

Naziism failed because Hitler invaded Russia against the advice of his generals.

Capitalism doesn't work because it hasn't worked for the last 30 years.

nazism failed because he lost the war you scrub

i tought nazism failed because of Italy.

The reds were going to attack Germany anyways. He made the right decision to strike while he had the element of surprise.

Capitalism hasn't existed anywhere in the world in almost 100 years. Mixed model, interventionist, corporatist economies are the standard now. Capitalism is a great idea, but the problem is that it allows the Jews to run rampant and control everything. Read Henry Ford's "The International Jew". It was written back when America was still capitalist, and he tried to warn the world about the international Jews taking over everything and plotting against gentile businessmen such as him.

Now we have a mixed model in which the Jews control the politicians in order to control the economy, media, finance, culture, politics, etc...

National Socialism or something along those lines, is the only solution.

>Ideologies should not be inextricably linked to their creators

Trying to get us to worship your kike ideology now?

The guy is right

facism is the supreme cuck ideology.

>Nazism failed because Hitler
Wrong. Nazism failed because literally the entire world ganged up on it because it was a threat to the established order and was the only ideology with the power to bring prosperity back to the common person.

stop believing in idealism you moron

>stop believing in idealism
>commie-cuck flag

That's enough irony for one day.


>Naziism failed because Hitler invaded Russia against the advice of his generals.
This is the most moronic meme in the history of mankind.

I've said this before a thousand times, and I'll say it again another thousand times:

"Hitler's generals" is not one person.

Let me repeat:

"Hitler's generals" is not one person.
"Hitler's generals" is not one person.
"Hitler's generals" is not one person.

>he doesn't know that marxism is materialism

fascism makes the state a holy idea which you must put before your own interest. pretty fuckin cucked

>fascism makes the state a holy idea
>Literally posts a flag from the state banned religion because nothing was higher than the state
Being this retarded.

>Says the commietard with the utopian ideology
My grandparents lived in Hitler's Germany. They had lost everything during the economic collapse. People were starving on the streets. Nobody had work. Hitler gave people radios, televisions, cars, jobs, worker's rights; engaged in social works programs, building new highways and infrastructure. Germany went from economic collapse to a time of unrivalled prosperity, which was a threat to the corrupt financial powers that caused the collapse in the first place.

>1 post


I'll sum up your own stupid ideology for you:

1. Based entirely on rhetoric, not on any sort of scientific economics at all.
2. Believes that one day, a giant police state will force everyone to become communist.
3. This giant police state will spontaneously disappear and everyone will hold hands and sing kumbaya and share everything and work hard without money or leaders.

Did I miss anything?

read marx
>Communism is for us not a state of affairs which is to be established, an ideal to which reality [will] have to adjust itself. We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result from the premises now in existence.

The USSR was a clear capitalist state, with commodity production and wage labour

german economy was built on pillaging other european nations. Hitler did not save the economy at all read a book.


>utopian ideology

Read the quote above, marx fought against utopian socialism his entire life

Who did then?

Sweetie no, Hitler was a Rothschild and nazbol is an alias for "commie scum"
Nigger go home.

It's not cucked if you live in an ethnostate. It's not about the state, it's about your PEOPLE. Communism makes the state a "holy idea" in which you put it before your own interest, except for the state is a worldwide one that glorifies some "revolution" in which nations, races, ethnicities don't exist.

Why the hell would i want to be subservient to and put other races who aren't my people, who aren't part of my tribe, above my own? THAT is cuckoldry, kiddo.

A number of people contributed to its forming, Anton Drexler is probably the most reaponaible

Fascist Ethnostates are easier to cuck (socially and economically manipulate) from the outside because of a single and often stale culture...pic related is the ultimate distillation of your cuckolded ethnostate.

your "people" is not actually your people it is also an ideal. still cucked.

>german economy was built on pillaging other european nations
Who did they pillage 1933-1939? Austria? Sudetenland? No, these regions they incorporated peacefully. Bohemia was a protectorate, no pillaging there.

What was pillaged, exactly? I've read plenty of books on Hitler, and not a single one ever presents any evidence that Hitler somehow plundered his way into prosperity.

Look how low energy the commie is even when he's arguing passionately for his woolly marxian daddy.

whick book did you read that Hitler saved the economy. It is a meme tier knowledge of history.

All those people worked along side Hitler. I guess Hitler was just the figure head of it and so most people associate Nazism with him.

Also, Anton Drexler took over after Hitler.

Guy was a giant cuck who didn't reproduce and killed himself.

I have no qualms with fascism, but fapping to losers? No and ratzis just love bringing ol'Ady up all the time. Kinda selfdefeating.

"The workers" are even less your people than your neighbors and countrymen.

Only a moronic commie would think he has more in common with a sweatshop worker in China than a middle class white person in their own country. Communism literally tries to destroy their own peoples' cultures wherever it is established, because otherwise people will just naturally identify themselves by their culture instead of any contrived, communist identity such as "the proletariats".

Literally not an argument.

>easier to cuck

Explain this. Do you even know the definition of cuck? You're using it in a way that makes no sense, without explaining how any fascist state ever was cucked. They were fucking ethnostates you tard. That's the most uncucked thing you can be. Unless of course, as i presume, you have a different meaning for the word "cuckoldry", which you need to explain.

Nope. Race is real. It's called DNA & genetics son. I suggest you learn some basic biology. lol you commie fags are so caught up in your idealistic bullshit that you now deny science. Fantastic.

They worked along side Hitler because Hitler was there from the relative beginning, he was the 55th member. His oratory skills are what led to his ascension to leader. He wasn't a figurehead, he ended up ousting everyone who didn't follow his lead and beliefs.

races are a spook, all modern scientists agree.

Obviously they are not your people, why give a shit about "your people"

That's okay. You'll change your tone when there are stormtroopers goose-stepping along the streets of Warsaw once again

If you look at the facts instead of commie propagandists, I think you'll find that they speak for themselves.

fake news Hjalmar Schacht is the god that saved the german economy

>Obviously they are not your people, why give a shit about "your people"
Because you're all in the same boat, you pay the same taxes, have the same culture, religion, same position in global politics. What affects them affects you too, dumbass.

yes so you only care because tehy share your interest, when that stops you should stop giving a fuck

yes faggot, dream on

Actually the ideas were complete dogshit and take the worst parts of fascism and socialism to make one disaster that fucked up an entire continent.

>Nazism failed because Hitler
It "failed" because kikes convinced the entire rest of the white world to go against their own future interests and attack Germany and even then Germany almost won. I wouldn't call that an actual failure. It's like you're playing chess against fifty other people at the same time, beating all of them, then they all pull out knives and stab you and thereafter declare you "worst chess player ever."

WHOAH there buddy, I thought that Hitler only saved the economy through plundering, as you stated here: >german economy was built on pillaging other european nations.

Are you going to get your story straight or are you just going to keep spouting bullshit and propaganda until you find one that sticks?

mid war man mid war

>muh propaganda

>Biological reality is a spook

>yes so you only care because tehy share your interest, when that stops you should stop giving a fuck
When will you ever stop sharing interests with others in your country?


No, no modern scientists agree with that you fucking retard LMAO. Race is the equivalent of different breeds of dogs. You don't look at a Chihuahua and a Golden Retriever (who are part of the same species) and say "They're the same. No difference between them.". No they have different skeletal shapes, physiology, psychological abilities, phenotypes, etc...

Humans are no exception. Different populations of humans have been geographically separated for thousands of years, have evolved differently (you do believe in evolution, don't you user?), and thus have different phenotypes. Different skin color, skull shapes, body sizes, psychological development, etc...

Race is as real as the air you're breathing son. You know how you faggots always make fun of people who deny climate change & evolution because "muh jesus"? You sound exactly as retarded as them.

But now i'm waiting for you to deny evolution as well, considering you're denying the existence of race which implicitly denies evolutionary processes and the adaptation of species.

Please, embarrass yourself some more user.


when they go full cuck

>all modern scientists agree
remember that the right side is antiscience - they preach flatearthism, antivaxism and creationism

you cant win an argument with right wingers using facts

they respond only to mockery

>Race is the equivalent of different breeds of dogs.

rofl, im sure biologists use this exact phrase.

The war started in 1939, I hope you realize that. Hitler ruled Germany for 6 peaceful and prosperous years without any "plundering" or any economic downturn at a time when the rest of the world was in a depression.

Now reality is a spook? You people are so fascinating in the way that you try to justify your madness with cognitive dissonance

i hope you realize Hjalmar Schacht was the cause of that

no facts to back it up huh

>Hitler ruled Germany for 6 peaceful and prosperous years
and European Union is doing this for 70 years, boo fucking hoo

>Can't produce a valid counter-argument
>Absolutely BTFO

Flatearthism and creationism are Christian, i.e. left wing. Anti-vax was literally created by liberal northwest soccer moms...

Flatearthers... The earth is flat you retard

you dont use facts to prove your points how can I argue against it? Should i just say "no ACTUALLY modern scientists dont use race"

Wow, the European Union existed for 70 years? Holy crap, I'm in an alternate universe!

In the universe I'm from, the European union was formed in 1993, and it's also caused a whole host of problems on its own.

>anything bad is left wing

HAHAH! Leftist are fucking idiots and I've seen this retardation only matched by fucking christcucks.

yeah and so is vast majority of ratzi retards
>Anti-vax was literally created by liberal northwest
yeah and the current president of the US propagates this shit to his hick supporters


>no ACTUALLY modern scientists dont use race
Facts are poison to commies.

>Nazism failed
We lad.

>Nazism failed because Hitler
No, he was in opposition to the central banking cartel and was used as a scapegoat for jews to secure israel and once and for all put a shield of sympathy around them so they never get kicked out of any nation like they used to. Research the balfour declaration and the havaara agreement. There was no genocidal plan and hitler wasn't even racist.

>posting Sup Forums fake news


lmao you even cited the bell curve

>leftist are fucking idiots but Ady who killed himself is perfect!!! ha ha !!!

I didn't say it was.

Is that really so surprising? Italians can't do anything right.

Don't use facts? I just explained to you the lack of logic, and utter lack of common sense in your thinking. Anyone with a basic understanding of Biology and deductive reasoning skills could understand how saying that "race isn't real" is about as stupid as saying "Humans aren't real". I could tell you to read "The Bell Curve: Intelligence and class structure in American life", or to just do some Googling into basic genetics. But you're too lazy to research anything yourself, let alone read a book. But what else should i expect from a commie....

>he dindu nuffin, poor Ady!

lmao, that infographic cites all its sources, which are peer-reviewed scientific studies.

It's clear that I'm arguing with either a troll, or a totally deluded idiot. Good job, you've managed to lose every single debating point you've posited. See you around.

>Hitler did not save the economy at all read a book.
Without the central banks charging additional interest on all money created (which happens in basically all nations atm btw), hitler's germany rose to economic prosperity and all nations could be doing this if they weren't being leeched off of.

What the fuck are you talking about? Flat earth and creationism is not left wing. Some might be for flat earth but definitely not creationism. Creationism is christian and as we all know the majority of Christians are right leaning republicans who love all races and multi-culturalism some may say that isn't true but there actions speak much louder then there words.

Both the left and right are anti-science as fuck. They also act the same when debating anything related to there cult.

Commucuck can't even into nog-tier biology. It's not just different skin colors. It's literally different species. Just because a horse can fuck a donkey and make a jackass(mule), that DOES NOT mean that donkeys are also horses, just like how niggers ARE NOT people.

Have you ever read the New Testament? Socialism derives from liberalism, which in turn derives from Protestantism, the most literal interpretation of the NT. The idea of human rights derives from all being equal spiritually before God. Jesus preaches pity, self-loathing, and guilt...leftism.

Pic related

>thinking im a marxist leninist¨

Then post actual scientists instead of hte bell curve rofl

Damn, you're a bit dim.

this is the science i was looking for thanks guys

The Bell Curve was written by actual scientists you imbecile. Everyone on here has made you look retarded, and yet you still keep trying to fight. Just shut up & go beat off to your little girl Chinese porn.

Sick argument, faggot.

>you're a bit dim.
coming from a ratzi, really made me think!

> psychologist Richard J. Herrnstein and political scientist Charles Murray

i bet these guys know biology

I wouldn't say that is really left-wing unless you consider 99% of the republican party left wing. It might be liberalism or close to it but in modern US politics some of those same policies are promoted by the right wing.

Perfectly said.

>Hitler failed
How does anyone actually believe this?

I wouldn't even be able to pretend to be this stupid. This is horrifying. It's not just the bottom of the barrel of human intellect, but the chud of dog shit that was under the barrel. This makes other delusions seem reasonable by comparison. We're you birthed from a sewage run-off pipe?

*Posts peer-reviewed biology papers supporting the existence of race*

Absolute trash. Marxism is a religion, you can't argue with it because it isn't based on reality. The Prophet Marx sayeth all.

>>Hitler failed
yep, he did

no state in the world enforces nationalism, no state dares to glorify h*tler, white people are rapidly shrinking and jews rule over every major industry

>Then post actual scientists

Last time i checked, those are scientists. And yes, you can know about biology & also have a specialty in another field.

Not only that, what he researched is directly related to biology, race, and IQ.

"Richard J. Herrnstein was an American researcher in animal learning in the Skinnerian tradition. He was one of the founders of the Society for Quantitative Analysis of Behavior."

Charles Murray argued the socio-economic factors that play a role in IQ in the book. That's why he was a co-author, and Herrnstein focused on the biological factors behind race and IQ. Not that you would know since you haven't read the book.