Bundestagswahl = Memewar 2.0?

So in september we germans get to vote for our new Kanzler. But who should it be and would it possible to meme them into that?
I personally would favorize Serdar Somuncu the candidate of the party Die Partei.
So bring your thoughts how to bring down the "Mutti Merkel"

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Let her win. Make sure she gets absolute majority in parliament.
She'll do the rest on her own.

come on man i love this country. why let her ruin everything we accomplished so far?

because it deserves to be ruined at this point, I want it all to go down the drain, the retarded boomer faggots who keep voting the established parties deserve to be destroyed by them. Let them turn everything into a huge Hamburg and Cologne NYE mix up, let it all go to shit, that's what this retarded "Volk" deserves, the weak don't deserve to live and when everything is going down the drain and everyone is looting everything, I will walk through deserted hospitals and retirement homes, pulling plugs left and right, being the angle of mercy this horrible and worst generation in human history doesn't deserve.

Vote schulz

nah mate just as bad as merkel, he even admitted he would change nothing at all. the SPD was in charge now for over a decade now and what did we got? agenda 2010 and all the other shit wich we hate today
some part of me does not want to hear that
the other one would do the same... dont know what to do honestly


>the other one would do the same... dont know what to do honestly
yes you do, start listening to that dark and angry voice in your head already, it's high time

The problem with that is while i know i would enjoy it the first few weeks i would get bored and had nothing to do.
Id rather live a peaceful live in a big house with a big garden giving me lots of possibilities and freedom minding my own buisness

Let her do what she wants, and face full responsibility for it. No more hiding behind coalitions. The people will see the problems piling up faster than ever before and the uncomfortable realization will set in that that woman is useless as a leader.
Let them feel the dread, let the despair sink in and make them admit to themselves that they have more to lose by staying on the course the country is on right now than from the alternative.
And if that's still not enough, abandon ship.

> live a peaceful live in a big house with a big garden giving me lots of possibilities and freedom minding my own buisness
not possible with our current government, especially the freedom part

>Die Partei
Literal Joke party. I hate everyone who thinks they are funny. Your future isn't funny and neither is your right to vote
Party without platform. They go with the Zeitgeist to seem close to the people. Their only agenda was fag marriage and they got that. If they get voted into office, expect them cave to anything sjw and feminists tell them to
Literally the whore of Babylon. Have the gall to call themselves conservative but are only so in name. Literally got fag marriage granted just so they can secure more votes. Will sell the country out for a single shekel

Just for completion
SJW and Feminist party. WIll try anything that is deemed progressive and will strive to be islam and gay friendly
Just hate this country and it's people. Will do everything in their power to eradicate culture, language, history, etc.
libertarians, but not the good kind.
Mix of nazis, losers, idealists, right wingers, good goys, and retards.

Probably going to request "Briefwahl" and then wipe my ass with it

>live a peaceful live in a big house with a big garden giving me lots of possibilities and freedom minding my own buisness
You won't be able to afford a big house with a big garden and even if you can afford it, there will be no freedom and no minding your own business, because people will make your business their business and it will certainly not peaceful, there is no turning back from this now, already to many flooded into your country and keep flooding in, it's to late, you had a chance, had.

>he thinks people who unironically clap at the destruction of europe are intelligent enough to see what's going on, or have the balls to admit it

>Probably going to request "Briefwahl" and then wipe my ass with it
never thought about that

will litterally not change a thing, your vote will simply not counted, so its as abd as not voting at all
>Literal Joke party.
Yes but i think the way they tackle politics (Sonneborn rettet die EU) might bring some fresh air in the matter
sadly i have to agree to that...

so much fresh air

let it burn already

Vote AfD

schön auch, dass die Generation , die uns so in den Dreck gezogen hat noch mit fetter Rente absahnen wird
wie es bei uns in 30-40 Jahren aussehen wird, kann sich jeder mit ein bisschen Verstand selbst ausmalen

Yeah the trump hate, the media done a great job at propaganda with that matter

Personally I think you can vote whatever you want, as long as you don't support the cancer that is killing our country (SPD, CDU, Linke, Grüne).
Besides these, everyone is fine. Heck, you can even vote FDP if you want.
Personally I'll vote AfD tho. I've seen some of their interviews and they're not even bad, although I don't support them on all points.

will be interesting to see how our media will cope when Macron will drop more redpills over time

>come on man i love this country. why let her ruin everything we accomplished so far?

Then youre going to vote a party, which is infiltrated by leftists for the past 3 years who are just simply too "cool" to be with the greens or the left? Theyre supporting "refugees welcome".

if they get more than 20% i would be suprised.
they kill themselfes in the party and their plans are just utter bullshit, they only got one point with the rapefugees but everything else...


Was meinst du da?

>Die Partei

When you put so much effort into making a joke, the joke is kind of on you.

>yeah man, they are like nazis
>go vote for a turk
>100% not a shill

Ein guter goy, nicht mehr.
Flieht oder wird hängen

Look at the options we have:
SPD, CDU etc. literal mainstream cancer, wont change a thing
Grüne, Linke etc. some smart heads in the left but most of them are just screeching SJWs with no brain
AfD some PEGIDA leftovers who cant even get a reasonable debate going
So what will you do? Vote for the obvious joke who might go and tackle some serious problems like they already did in the EU
get a better example for integration, also he criticises the islam and the problems with integration in general source: youtube.com/watch?v=h9RTsr6LAmU
he is a smart guy you have to admit that

Nah, I actually agree with them on some more points.
For example they're against TTIP, the NetzDG, want more direct democracy, fix the education system, they want to increase the money for jobless people who worked many years and increase Rente while reducing gibs and are against centralization by EU.
Pretty neat in those points in my opinion. Although I don't know how much they'd actually do, but well that's always the same with Wahlversprechen.
What bothers me most about them is that they're *still* going around with the victim card. Yeah I get it that antifa etc. are giving them much trouble and media is still partly biased/politically correct, but ffs they can't keep crying forever. At least if they want to become a real political party. But we'll see, I'm willing to give them a bit more time.

I think they'll probably score around 10-15%.

Kann ich zu euch, oder muss ich zu den Bergjuden?
t. informatiker

Macron hat vor kurzem erwähnt, dass die hohe Geburtenrate der Neger ein zivilisatorisches Problem, welche behoben werde müsste

der österreiche Merkur war das einzige dt. sprachige Medium was die Aussagen aufgegriffen hatte, ansonsten Stille

wenn Trump das gesagt hätte, kannst du dir wohl vorstellen was passiert wäre

bei den bergjuden bist du eh besser aufgehoben, glaubs mir



>increase Rente and reduce gibs, fix education system
you know we got a word for that right? Bauernfänger
wont work and thats all same with the FDP saying theyd legalize weed
and we do not need an increase on money for jobless, we need the general and unconditional income or we wont last in the industrialisation 4.0

ist aber halt einfach die wahrheit, spätestens bei 10 Milliarden wirts knallen und wem haben wir diese anzahl an Menschen wohl zu verdanken?

Like I said, I'm aware that it might be only empty words, but considering any other choices, I'm at least willing to give them a chance.
They probably can't be worse than any other (bigger) party right now. And even if they are, this term they'll get 15% at max. If they really turn out to be yet another shitty party, I'll just don't vote next time.

cant denie that but thats one problem with our system, we cant enforce on partys who dont try to bring their promises go reality. But what would we expect after decades of SDP and CDU lying...

Das, aber falls du dich auf einer Uni einschreibst (pro forma) und einen Job abgreifen kannst ist es einfacher eine Daueraufenthalts genehmigung zu bekommen und nebenbei arbeiten zu dürfen als bei den Bergjuden. Löhne sind Scheiße, deshalb wäre der Pro Tip nach Vorarlberg zu ziehen und in die Schweiz oder Lichtenstein zu pendeln

werde auch AfD wählen

je mehr Stimmen sie haben hat auch den Nebeneffekt. dass die CDU wieder sich mehr rechts orientieren wird

Lach mich weg.

glaubst du wirklich die würden seelenruhig zuschauen wenn die AfD zweistellige Prozentzahlen holt?

wenn ja, auch gut

win win

Was rauchst du denn eigtl so?

nur Tabak
7-8 Prozent ist meine Prognose für BTW 2017
mit Glück zweistellig , mal sehen was die Monate noch passiert
würde mich nicht wundern wenn die Muselmanen noch 1-2 Terroranschläge vor den Wahlen durchführen, was auch nochmal zu einem Stimmengewinn führen könnte

Och die 10-15% dürften die Wirklich kriegen, aber unserem System ists ja quasi Egal. Wenn CDU + SDP wieder 50+ kriegen kann eh keiner was gegen den scheiß machen den die verzapfen

>get a better example for integration
No I won't Integration is just next gen Liberal talk.

How will you tackle then the low bithrates especially in the academic families?

this is an english speaking board

Frauke Petry - Alternative for Germany

Past century is pretty much one big mistake in our leadership. These people should never be leaders anywhere of anybody.

I think the Western governments are done. They need to resign and let a whole new generation of people with no prior experience in politics take over. They're done. They had their shot and they are not right for that job.


Dann melde den Verstoß doch den entsprechenden Autoritäten, scheiß Hahnrei.

Wollte AfD wählen....dann machen die in den letzten Monaten lauter so Aktionen das es doch CDU wird:

> "Deutschland den Deutschen" lässt einer den Spruch ab. Denk mir erst SUPER, endlich mal back2basics.
Was passiert: AfD RUDERT ZURÜCK, entschuldigt sich auch noch dafür.....Oh Gott, seid ihr dumm? Deswegen wählen wir euch doch...entschuldigt euch doch nicht dafür! Idioten

Dann noch so ne Action erst heute:
> "Plünderer erschiessen!"
Denk mir JA GENAU DIE SCHWEINE, PUMP SE MIT BLEI VOLL - mach das mal in USA wenn Cops das mitkriegen, danach bist du ein Sieb. Drecks linke Pest

wie immer erstmal TOLL...dann rudern die WIEDER ZURÜCK , man wolle das nicht so gesagt oder gemeint haben.

Meine fresse!
Ich wähl euch AfD Spasten jetzt nicht mehr da ich ernsthaft Zweifel hab das ihr Looser irgendwas durchgezogen bekommt. Geben da ihre Positionen direkt auf wenn bissle Gegenwind kommt. Dann lieber CDU, kleinste übel das noch gemacht bekommt was se sagen. AfD Elende Versagerbande da. So versaut man sich seine Wählersghaft! Bin ned der einzige der denkt "GUTE IDEEN - ABER DIE BRINGENS JA NICHT!"
Haben schon genug Wendehälse ohne Stand mit RRG

what do you think about turks speaking turkish in germany?


Merkel muss weg.

dauert noch 4 Jahre, machen wir uns nichts vor


You're the faggot if you seriously think that the honeypot party is a legit option.

fuck my flag

meme for anything other (then what is in parliament now)
embrace otherness

why not shit into ballot box point blank asshole and complain about the rough papaer afterwards?

Just vote for AFD to scare CDU.
They might not be able to do anything promising right now. But every movement starts small.

Wasn' los? Seid ihr alle schon in der Heia, oder was?

so gut wie, muss früh raus
die letzten tage nur 4 stunden im schnitt geschlafen, nicht so gesund
auf der arbeit fast eingenickt

I have literally no clue what to vote, we are fucked either way.

Merkel will stay, no matter if as winning party or in a coalition.

Nothing will change.