how will trumptards ever recov-

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i don't understand.
only thing she won was the consolation prize.

Old topic. The U.S. president isn't elected through popular vote.

Second place is the first loser. HRC is a YUGE loser!

Presidents are elected by the States, not by a popularity contest.

Quit being butt-hurt and move on.

Sorry OP. You don't make up the rules after the fact.

Trump won.

What happens when we add up Trump Votes, Gary Shitstain Votes, And Jill Wifi upVotes? How's Hillary look then? Doesn't look like she was the popular choice at all.

>muh narrative

Plebeian do not choose the president. They have never chosen the president. This is not a new development.

The popular vote should decide the president tho


Hillary is a joke. Get back in that cage your ,master keeps you in. The real question is how will Libtards recover from reality?

No it shouldnt. Otherwise we'll get a bunch of overweight faggots and underweight cucks from Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, DC, and New York choosing our presidents.

>Nordcucks knowing America better than demorats
You don't get a say on what we should or shouldn't do.

Because you say so?

Maybe you could take half of a second and post an actual argument supporting your position.

guys learn to read in context op is trying to say she won the democratic presidential primary in 2008

we just keep on winning, you mad bro?


Oh. Not happening.

>Wanting California to have more unholy influence over national policy

What could go wrong? Look at how well they run their own sta- oh right.

>Obama was a Russian agent!
>Think about it, 2008 was HER time!
>The Dems were obv gonna win after Bush, and she was the president in waiting!
>How could a Kenyan-Indonesian-Hawaiian gay black lightweight senator noone had ever heard of with a name (in the age of Bush) like B'Iraq Hussein Osama win against Former First Lady and Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton???
>How could he raise the money to compete with the Clinton warchest? Sounds fishy!
>And when he got in...he let Putin take Syria and half of Ukraine. No retaliation. Practically just gave it to them!
>Under his watch, 20% of America's uranium reserves were sold to Russia!
>Once he became president, he also had lots of meetings with Putin. He even had meetings with lots of other Russian officials too, like the Russian ambassador. There are even super secret photos of it if you look hard enough on the deep web. Pic related. Apparently there were frequent phone calls too.
>Putin is a known sexist...and Obama prevented the first woman president from happening, which is a SEXIST move! Collusion??? He even prevented it a second time, when he pressured Clinton to concede on election night before all the votes were counted, despite all the evidence of Russian hacking.

>Taking all this into account, we can only conclude that Obama was also working for the Russians, and that Obama, Trump and Putin were part of a giant SEXIST CONSPIRACY to prevent the first woman president from taking office!!!!!!


Wrong timeline faggot

It should, but that cannot be applied retroactively. Both Trump and Hillary were campaigning for the Electoral College, which caused them to spend a majority of their money and time in a few swing states.

If they were going for popular vote, they would have spent more time in places like Texas, California, and New York. While they would not have won these states, their rallies would have attracted wider audiences and won them more votes overall.

You can't move the goalposts over after your opponent has scored a goal


how the fuck do people still fall for this?

Why didn't Bernie win the primaries this time then?

They're rural and suburban retards.

that's a can of worms you don't want to open. because it won't stop there. because popular vote election would almost certainly imply two round system. that would clearly mean more third parties and complete overhaul of american political system, which would continue into congress - having proportional representation there as well, meaning that states would be nothing more than regions in europe, pretty much ending the federal system of usa. not the right course.

Pretending to be retarded is fun.

HRC didn't win the popular vote. She just won California's.