How does communism turn so oppressive?

I mean, if you look at hippie communes, they seem totally rad. People being friendly, and sharing in the work, and sharing in what is produced, and having discussions and meetings about how resources are best used. It seems to work in small communes and communities. So I dont understand why, when it gets implemented on a national scale, it leads to millions of deaths and people forced to work in gulags. I mean, don't the people in the government remind themselves "socialism/communism is supposed to be about lack of oppression, and about fairness and welfare?". And yet the bad shit happens anyway. Why?

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Because they are such faggots, they need an authoritarian system of control that, once started, grows in power exponentially until any subversion or deviation leads to, at best, expulsion from the commune and, at worst, death. No dissent may be tolerated, for to do so means relinquishing power and control, which once acquired is almost impossible to give up.

Read Animal Farm. We're all equal but some of us are more equal than others. Human nature will always assert itself no matter how deepely it is buried by ideology.

>Read Animal Farm
And Gulag Archipelago

>How does communism turn so oppressive?

Missed out on 8th grade English ehhh?

Hippie communes are not rad, they are usually lead by an asshole who is a cultist, along with drugs alcohol and physical abuse. Seen a guy pimping his girlfriend to get himself high at one event.

Power corrupts. Small scale communism like a commune or village, no one individual or group has that much power. The larger the scale you go, the more power becomes placed with the government and with more power becomes more corruption.

And starship troopers

Watch the documentaries about Communes in the 60s in the US.
The women all complain that the men never did shit, just got high all day while the women did the work.
Plus it was a revolving door of stoners, burnouts, thieves, rapists, and junkies coming in and out all the time.

Probably has something to do with people getting a little on edge when their planned economy accidentally runs out of food and they have to start selling chopped up pieces of their own children for meat to their starving neighbors.

That's not communism, that's voluntaryism. Communism uses force, having a voluntary egalitarian community is basically anarchy.

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Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


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Communist economic policies create widespread material adversity. Those affected by that material adversity begin to oppose the aims of the communist power-holders because life seems to be getting worse, not better. The power-holders see themselves as establishing the ideal society and they see anyone who opposes their aims as enemies of the wholly good. In order to achieve the ideal society the enemies of the wholly good, they believe, must be stamped out and so intolerance and authoritarianism intensify. Instead of accepting responsibility for the persistent failure to manifest the ideal society the communists instead look for culprits to blame. 'Culprits'—aka people suffering material adversity at the hands of communist policies—are identified, and the purges begin.

This. Hippie communes only seem rad if you've never actually seen them in action. It's usually some shitstain that has a piece of land he didn't earn trying to dupe chicks into fucking him for letting them live there rent free.

They're all living in squalor, doing drugs and generally being as degenerate as possible. They have no way to provide for their own health or safety.

It's only appealing if you'vey totally failed at being a member of civilized society.

Communism works small scale, but when more and more people get added to the mix, conflicting opinions become more apparent. to keep the status quo, an authority figure deems these people as undesirables and a 'danger to our harmony' thus becoming an oppressive society.

There is no revolution that will be able to liberate man from himself.

Same way capitalism does, and any other system that doesn't have specific size limits coded into it - it gets too big and too corrupt.

Here's what can also work just fine on a smaller scale but gets fucked up on a bigger scale: feudalism, slavery, monarchy, democracy, dictatorship, theocracy, etc.

What I'm really saying is that y'all need city states, the end of globalism (and instant global communication), and distributism.

Which will never happen again, so who the fuck cares what facade you put on the Tower of Babel.

Needs is a greater liability then ability is an asset. The more people you have, the more needs they have. When everyone is young, healthy and not in need of care, or when it is very selective about who it lets it (or who it gets rid of) it works great.

Actually, there is.

You have to look within though and watch your thoughts. Soon a space will open up between the one who watches the thoughts and the thoughts themselves. With practice, this space appears to expand to a roaring, thunderous silence that transforms your concept of who you are. It provides the contextual space for your true identity and for your real relationship with others and with life itself.

Liberation for human beings is liberation from our conceptions of our selves, linguistic identities which are rooted in our egoic minds. Liberation is the pathless path to where you already are. You are not your name or your role or your relationship to others. You cannot be described with words. You are beyond language. You are reality itself.

You are the universe expressing itself at a particular location in time and space. If you think you are defined by your body, your location is small, your position is relative. If you see that your body is the universe, your location is everywhere, your position is absolute. You are omnipresent.

When you see that you are the universe, you see that you can never die. You are immortal. You change from one vehicle of consciousness to another in a wave pattern. The trough is what we call death. The crest is what we call life.

You are God. We all are.

Read Milton Friedman's Capitalism and Freedom. Economic freedom is necessary (though not sufficient) for political freedom. When the state owns the means of production, ideas not approved by the state must eventually be suppressed by force.

communism stands for "intentional community" not stalinism you fucking retard

Communist countries started as "non opressing" states but this didn't work so in order to survive they started shifting towards more authoritarian and capitalist system.

Communism only works when it is voluntary and on a small scale.

Communes are small groups of people who know each other and voluntarily help each other out. When a government imposes communism on a large population of people who don't know each other, it doesn't work because nobody wants to give away their earnings to someone they know nothing about.

Hippies are rad when they're young like that, then they mature into the most smug bitter cunts you will ever meet in your life

Because the commune is 100% voluntary. You know what you're getting into when you join and you choose to join it.
In communism, it's forced on everyone so that when some refuse to support it, they're oppressed (at best) or murdered.

Bernie sanders was kicked out of a commune because he didn't work and just sat around and talked about politics all the time. In real life, you just can't kick someone out if they don't work, you either have to kill them or let them live off the gibsmedats

>I mean, if you look at hippie communes, they seem totally rad.

Because those are voluntary communities

Humans evolved to live in groups of about 20-30 people (and no more than about 100), which is a good heuristic of how many people we really give a fuck about. "Communism" can work on that scale, because people will have an empathetic connection to the other group members, which will mitigate the free rider problem.

Large groups can't run on that organizational principal, though, because it's too difficult to organize labour and keep parasitism low. As a result, you need to have a hierarchy of some kind, and an effective enforcement mechanism to make sure people contribute.

A capitalist hierarchy is formed via effective usage of resources, and providing services other people want, while the enforcement mechanism is an emergent property of only paying people for the work they do.

Communist hierarchies are necessarily formed by military force, and the enforcement mechanism is only as effective as the state security apparatus.

Until (one) of the psychos decides (it's) the leader and starts raping everyone and sacrificing children.
But it's usually all good right before that point

>It seems to work in small communes and communities.

You haven't studied anything, probably because you are a moron.

Most communes died out because after the orgy is over they realise poverty sucks and move on.

How dare you be igorant? Seriously, why do cunt like you refuse to study but come to a conclusion without evidence?

Want success? Copy the Amish and Mennonites. Copy kibbutz life. Note the lack of trustafarian airhead cunts in those communities.

You must be young. Young people are either completely stupid or autistic and only selectively intelligent. Grow the fuck up.