Why do most liberals and conservatives both hold unreasonable views on abortion?

Why do most liberals and conservatives both hold unreasonable views on abortion?

Well, yeah...it's an egg.

And why are you comparing egg with abortion you fucking leaf?

>that image
Looks like Loki's Wager to me.

See also:
-Ship Of Theseus
-Locke's Socks

A fertilized hen's egg is obviously a growing chicken.

Because they both try to bend over backward to cater to women. Because women are the largest voting demographic.

Because most liberals and conservatives are retarded

That's not actually the conservative position though, is it? Most conservatives do not have a problem with morning after pills. Somewhere around 5 and 6 is when mainstream pro-life people would start having issues.

The true question is what race is it?

Because both are cuckolds and fail to see the value in voluntary eugenics.

Abortion is actually a very hard issue because it's impossible to compromise

Either you think life begins at conception or you don't

If you think life begins at conception then abortion is murder, no moral person is going to compromise on murder

Most people agree that a fetus is a life at some point... but at what point is that? And why? Children born after 5 months gestation can live in some cases yet some people want abortions as late as the date of birth.

Abortion is actually a very hard issue and the only people that aren't being arbitrary are the extreme "abortion is murder" and the "partial birth abortions are okay!"

Everyone else is just picking an arbitrary date based on when they wouldn't feel guilty for killing a fetus

Expect a ship isn't a living thing that morphs over time.



When would you consider a person dead? Last heartbeat? Last breath? Last movement?

When does life start? First heartbeat? First breath? First movement?

I was raised by a single liberal mother and I didn't succumb to liberalism. Dont punish the fetus for the action of the parents.

there actually is no scientific consensus on when a fertilised egg becomes a human being. it is pretty much a subjective/philosophical issue with no clear cut right or wrong answer. pro abortionists think science is on their side but it actually isnt. likewise many anti abortionists think religion is on their side and they too are wrong

who cares if it's a chicken or egg?

>a non living thing that morphs over time isn't the same as a living thing that morphs over time.
I-I guess..

Throw in some mandatory sterilization and planned parenthood would be GOAT tier

I don't know and I have no opinion.

because the discussion is argued on in unreasonable terms. the general question of whether something qualifies for any category is a question of the set of criteria you're applying. people in that regard are essentially arguing semantics.
You want to solve the problem, use another frame of reference and decide on grounds that are not affected by the changing nature of embryonic development.
Like this: everyone should have the right to murder any thing he wishes to as long as the murder happens in voluntary agreement from both parties.
You get your baby to sign the abortion contract, pay it, shred it, and flush down the toilette.

you don't eat eggs somewhere after week 2