Fundamentally what defines the Right and what defines the Left...

Fundamentally what defines the Right and what defines the Left? I'm tired of people throwing the terms around politically while having so many different ideas/definitions of them.

Well it looks like the right is bigger than the left, but it could just be the angle.... that face tho...

I just think of this way.

Do you like your culture and customs? Then you are a traditionalist / Republican.

Do you hate your culture and customs and want to change it? Then you are a progressive / Democrat.

The Left wants to build a giant prison, the Right wants to build a giant resort.

The left wants to control other people while losing control of themselves. The right wants to control themselves and let other people control themselves.

the right thinks what is best for the group, however the group is defined, while the left starts from an abstraction (veil of ignorance, kingdom of ends, general will, greatest happiness, human rights, social justice, etc.)

where someone sat in the French Parliament or something

Right is for limited government.
Left is for the nanny state.

I do realize many conservatives act like leftists these days, but they suck.

It's not that simple, my dude.

The Regressive Left and Right are the religious bullshit artists, science deniers, and all-around idiots.

Normie Lefties and Righties are somewhat okay, but they might disagree on something like single-payer healthcare.

I like that. And yet, the left's narrative has painted conservatives as authoritarians. Sad.

It works until you realize that it's horseshit.

right = status quo

left = anything that is not contained in the right.

right will always be more stable than the left.

the left will always have improvements over the right, but most of it will be garbage as it contains all good and bad in its ideology.

we need both if we want to move forward.

I think Jordan Peterson/Ben Shapiro have the most clear definitions.

Together, they are:

Socially - Open Borders
Economically - Equality of Outcome

Socially - Closed Borders
Economically - Equality of Opportunity

the right backs trump and the left hates trump

I don't know but I'd play with both her right and left tit if you catch my drift

i want to drown in her tits

Right is meant to mean conservatism, which tends to want to preserve status quo, or return to tradition.

Left is meant to mean liberal, which tends to want change and social progress.

Then there's the economics of it. The right prefers a free market without government interference, while the left prefers more regulation and intervention.

And lastly the role of government. The right supposedly wants small government, but then stuff like fascism is considered on the right, and preserving status quo often leads to government involvement in personal affairs. The left is more open to big government, taking an active role in providing for the people.

A good way to determine it is to look at history. Who is considered on the left and right during major moments. Obviously people here are radicalized. But for instance- ask what political side of the government supported the right to vote? Slavery? Women's rights? So on and so forth.

>The right supposedly wants small government, but then stuff like fascism is considered on the right, and preserving status quo often leads to government involvement in personal affairs.

That's why one also has to look at it from a liberty versus authority perspective. The Soviets and the Nazis were on the authoritarian left and right. Many Republicans and Democrats are more libertarian in nature.

Left is idealism and Right is realism

Left is towards anarchy, right is towards a slave state. There are no left wing parties in the modern world.

I want to impregnate her so much.

>Ben Shapiro
Not an argument.

False. Right is natural law and tradition, left is human invention. Right is evolution, left is technology (the human-invented replacement for evolution). Left is egalitarian and right is hierarchical. Why specifically? I guess because hierarchy and differentiation exists in nature and so the left thinks it's worthless

The Right values order, even at the price of injustice.
The Left values justice, even at the price of chaos.
Since injustice brings chaos on the long run, both are retarded.

The right wants to fix the ills of society by improving the individual. The left wants to fix the ills of society by improving the collective.

The right wants to take responsibility into their own hands and thinks other should do the same. The left wants to push responsibility on others without assuming any themselves.

The right wants wants to be self reliant. The left wants to be coddled.

Basically leftists want a utopia but don't want to have to contribute anything themselves, they'd rather steal from people better off and arbitrary blame people outside of their identity politics for their problems. People on the right basically just want to be left alone to improve their lives without being criticized for not being a zombie to the latest organized groupthink.

Clearly I'm biased but this is ultimately the fundamental differences between the left and the right. Everything the left pushes is "think like me, obey me, pay me, don't expect anything of me" and the right pushes "stop regulating me, stop stealing my money, get a fucking job"

>I want to impregnate her so much.

Too lazy for reverse image search. Should I know her?

Right-kill all niggers and gas the jews

Left-trannies and buttplugs

Right: Nation-focused government, supports law enforcement institutions and restricted government funding towards social programs

Left: Global-focused government, supports cutting back law enforcement institutions and boosting social welfare programs at home and abroad via taxation

left is progressive ideology, right is everything else

The right believes degeneracy is ruining our society. The left believes the intolerance of degeneracy is ruining our society.

>my side
>your side

This is literally all it comes down to. It's all it's ever come down to.

I agree but it's totally schizophrenic. I don't know whether I'm right or left. I guess I'll stick to national socialist.

>Fundamentally what defines the Right and what defines the Left?
Turns out that the final biblical battle between good and evil is upon us. The ones who fight on the side of God are the political right. The ones who fight on the side of Satan are the political left. Think I'm joking? Here is what we have established the left supports:
White genocide
Globalist tyranny
Drug use
Destroying Christianity
Government control of speech and thought
Outlawing inconvenient facts
Falsifying social science for a political agenda
Brainwashing children
Rewriting history
Obliterating all forms of genuine beauty
and the list goes on

Before all this is over, you will see what I mean. Sides are being taken in the final war. There is no degeneracy or evil they will not champion, and we will have to stop them.


Jesus disagrees

A major difference between the Right and the Left concerns the way each seeks to improve society.

Conservatives believe that the way to a better society is almost always through the moral improvement of the individual -- by each person doing battle with his or her own weaknesses and flaws.
The greatest battle of the individual must be with inner forces -- that is, with his or her moral failings.

The Left, on the other hand, believes that the way to a better society is almost always through doing battle with society’s moral failings.
Thus, in America, the Left concentrates its efforts on combatting sexism, racism, intolerance, xenophobia, homophobia, Islamophobia, and the many other evils that the Left believes permeate American society.

The Left is so much more interested in fixing society than in fixing the individual, politics inevitably becomes the vehicle for societal improvement. That’s why whenever the term “activist” is used, we almost always assume that the term refers to someone on the Left.

Conservatives believe society is changed one person at a time, they accept that change happens gradually. This isn’t fast enough for the Left, which is always and everywhere focused on social revolution.

We are now producing vast numbers of Americans who are passionate about fixing America while doing next to nothing about fixing their own character.

The problem, however, is that you can't make society better unless you first make its people better.

>Jesus disagrees
Which ones of those are you claiming he supports, faggot? Is this where you claim yet again, without proof, that he was "a Jew" even though that term did not exist until just a couple centuries ago? Is this where you tell me he was a communist even though Thessalonians 3:10 says, "He who does not work shall not eat"? Is this where you claim he would support murdering unborn babies?

>good and evil

These are things we made up to entertain children and drunk people.

>These are things we made up to entertain children and drunk people.
In other words, you are on the side of Satan, pretending there is no good or evil because otherwise your actions would be condemned. Self-deception driven by self-interest.

Well, it's over simplfied and outdated. This may be why.

two sides of the same coin, just different forms of authoritarianism

Read Leo Strauss's book "what is political philosophy", before pol goes "but Strauss was a jew" consider he had an active back and forth dialogue going with former Nazi jurist Carl Schmitt, who you should also read, his book "The Concept of the Political", also consider reading Plato's Republic.

You are hereby ordered to cease and desist any and all Emilyposting on Sup Forums.

The left basically wants to progress and the right wants to conserve what is politically right without regard for utopian liberal fantasies of unity. The right acknowledges we are by nature political and should act as such.

Why is first post always best post?

Life isnt fair, so I wiil make it fair
Life isn't fair, so I will aim for the top

They're not concrete stances so much as sliding scales, and there are multiple dimensions.

But most of culture is liberal.