Do you look down on janitors/custodians?

Do you look down on janitors/custodians?
Do you feel they and their work are beneath you?
Would you be OK with your daughter marrying a janitor/custodian?

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But the janitor here looks down on us... For being fucking white males.

I won't ever look down on someone who has a job and doesn't leech off of taxpayer dollars

lol if a nigger had the nerve to go ahead and be a janitor, he doesn't get to be mad about racism. he's a walking stereotype

Fuckin this

I have respect for anyone that works. Neets and niggers are below janitors.

>Do you look down on janitors/custodians?

No, it is a needed job.

>Do you feel they and their work are beneath you?

No, but if the guy is mentally capable of being more than a janitor, I'd try to help him out.

>Would you be OK with your daughter marrying a janitor/custodian?

Only if he was white and only if he was intelligent.

Cannot have inferior DNA in my family tree.

I refuse to allow and will go to great lengths to prevent it.

I'm a janitor. I make about 35k after benefits

The average school janitor in NYC makes over 100k/year. Nothing like union corruption coupled with government retardation, and a healthy dose of nepotism thrown in.


It's a great job, especially at schools. Junior colleges are usually doing well, during peacetime, wartime, good economy or bad.

>Neets and niggers are below janitors.

incorrect. NEETs have more sense than janitors and are not wagecucks. Niggers are indeed below janitors

What are the chances, I'm a janitor at work right now lurking Sup Forums and here's this thread.

We have here gypsies and beggars here
People that play bad music on a train between stations and hope for some change from you or just a sob story


yes I look down on janitors they are low class scum. Whenever I am in a school or government building I know has janitors I go out of my way to make a mess. When I was in college I would spend entire classes tearing up little pieces of paper and stomping them into the carpet where they're really hard to vacuum up so stuff like that lol

Job's a job.

Are those her pussy hairs that are trimmed showing?

Looks like she needs to shave her snatch again.

Without janitors, everything would be filled with shit

Fuck no, imagine how much the world would suck without janitors.

I look down on no working man and I treat a gas attendant the same I do a doctor.

Nothing more therapeutic than cleaning stuff til it looks like new and doing little handyman odd jobs. It felt like good and honest work when I did it, the pay was perfectly acceptable too.