Trump Russia collusion - Smoking gun?

What would it take to convince you that Trump colluded with Russia?

Do you need to see him swap briefcases with Putin himself?

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real evidence, not hurt feelings, go to sleep kid


I want to know why
1. You think Trump isn't a Russian puppet
2. You think Russia isn't an enemy
3. You think all the evidence these past 6 months doesn't prove collusion

>I want to know why
>1. You think Trump isn't a Russian puppet
yes, he isnt
>2. You think Russia isn't an enemy
no they aren't
>3. You think all the evidence these past 6 months doesn't prove collusion
that is not evidence

I love how they want to read emails and accept them as proof now. Sage goes in the options field :^).

I can't believe that Russia, who with a supposedly expertly run campaign to secretly manipulate the election and evade being caught in the act, is undone by one email from some woman reaching out to trump via a celebrity..

Somehow the Russians, who acutely understand the risk of exposure in email communication given how they supposedly hacked those emails, had it slip their mind not to fail for the same mistake and send an email where they bluntly expose themselves.

Unless they intended to be caught, I struggle to understand the validity of this given how expertly clandestine and evil master minds they have been with everything else

>yes, he isn't

>no they aren't
You seriously think they're not a threat to global democracy? Did you see what they did to Ukraine and now their actions in Syria? Not to mention hacking our election.

>that is not evidence
The thread limit is too low to post all the news articles I've gone through these past few months all entailing fresh new evidence almost everyday. I suggest you try Google'ing it yourself instead of getting all your news from Sup Forums and T_D.

You should be the one proving those things you dingus.

>Trump had Russians pee on him, prove me wrong. DRUMPF BTFO

The cherry on top is that Jr. himself released the emails, literally incriminating himself

Incriminating himself with what?

Oh those piss tapes are out there, just wait for them to show up on Pornhub one of these days

>>yes, he isn't
it isnt my burden to provide proof, its yours, and so far its been only nothing burgers kid
>>no they aren't
>You seriously think they're not a threat to global democracy? Did you see what they did to Ukraine and now their actions in Syria? Not to mention hacking our election.
yes, they are not a threat, and they didnt hack the election, only stupid people from /r/politics think that kids story
>>that is not evidence
>The thread limit is too low to post all the news articles I've gone through these past few months all entailing fresh new evidence almost everyday. I suggest you try Google'ing it yourself instead of getting all your news from Sup Forums and T_D.
i know how to "google" kid, you live in a bubble.

Israel subverted our democracy a long time ago.

Russia wants stability in Syria and doesn't autistically flip out when Iranians have trading partners. That's a good thing.

Oh you'll see, the house of cards is falling and this email was the first card to tip it

So...still literally nothing. The same Russian narrative that has been pushed for months. "Just wait, there's evidence coming."

>they are not a threat
Just look at how they run their own country. They don't play by the same rules as us - their private citizens can hack us all day and not go to jail. Same can't be said here. They are a threat to democracy.

>they didnt hack the election
You don't believe the US Intelligence Community findings? I actually read the intel report and it's conclusive. And ya sure it might've only been 4 departments but even if it was just 1, the intel report still stands.

>you live in a bubble
Oh the irony

I hope at least before my death, because I've heard you and other people like you say this since Obama was still president

So they hacked the election and changed votes to DJT's favor?

>Subject : Super Secret Plan to overthrow america - with love to Putin
1005126% impeachment, drumpf is over

I think it's hilarious how Trump supporters have fallen in love with Russia recently. Looks like that RT and Kremlin brainwashing has been working. Are you a Russian shill as well?

i wonder how many russians browse this board

Most likely but now we'll never know now that Trump's merry band have taken over. We'll have to wait until impeachment or his resignation for the proof to come out. Will you change your mind when it does?

>>they are not a threat
>Just look at how they run their own country. They don't play by the same rules as us - their private citizens can hack us all day and not go to jail. Same can't be said here. They are a threat to democracy.
hahaha how old are you?, you must be a woman to be this stupid
>>they didnt hack the election
>You don't believe the US Intelligence Community findings? I actually read the intel report and it's conclusive. And ya sure it might've only been 4 departments but even if it was just 1, the intel report still stands.
i believe evidence, provide real evidence and ill weigh in all i know
>>you live in a bubble
>Oh the irony
hope those russians don't come tonight to steal all of your pink hats and use them to sabotage another election

Good luck, retard.
The minute Trump goes down, every kike in the country becomes a target.
Don't think we haven't been taking names.

>someone you know tells you they know someone has dirt on your opponent

In what universe do you not, at the least, see what they have to say?

Where in any of their intelligence reports does it say they physically changed votes.

Ran a misinformation campaign? yeah sure, they probably put out false info. Changed votes on decentralized voting machines? Fuck no

no evidence

exaggerated bullshit

nothing will happen

libtards must accept this

Fuck islam and fuck niggers.

Shit-tier shill attempt. Even the media has already moved on from this complete non-story, so you think marking up a doc with red pen in ms paint is going to somehow be convincing? No one is buying this shit.

You're a pathetic laughing stock.

>you must be a woman to be this stupid
Name calling? Already out of steam? Must be tough when your reality isn't based on facts. I can see right through your typical T_D bullshit.

>provide real evidence

Now do you agree with me? At least admit you were wrong.

Only reference to hacking was of emails, not of the election process.

So how did they hack the election.

>A legion of autistic virgins waddling down towards Florida to kill senile Jews.

Even if they had the info it wouldn't be released now that Trump is in charge. The agents who released it would be fired. And besides any agents who investigated would be fired as well.

Russians were invited to Syria by their ally. We provided intelligence, training and materiel to ISIS bringing them from a fledgling fringe group to a full blown murder squad.

USA is bombing Syria without their consent.

Russia is not the bad guy, the deep state is. Get a grip.


Nothing he did was illegal. Dirt digging in an election is not a crime.

With the way it is phrased, they could have been talking about Hillary's ties to Russia as well desu.

What is this schizophrenic bullshit? Are you really ass ravaged that they tried to get dirt on their opposition? What do you think the Access Hollywood Tape was?

Yes, him and his lawyers are so completely incompetent.

Jesus Christ, you live in fucking fantasy land. Keep deluding yourself that this is meaningful. The rest of the world will keep laughing at how pathetic you are.

Nice to see the alt-right leading the charge in political violence and antisemitism. Very good snowflake, you sure showed us!


>Now do you agree with me? At least admit you were wrong.
no hahaha, do you really think this is evidence? nothing is going to come out of it because its not evidence, get it through your thick woman skull

>1. You think Trump isn't a Russian puppet
There is literally no evidence and no sensible reason to believe he is.
>2. You think Russia isn't an enemy
We have a lot more in common than against them, specifically radical Islam being a menace to all civilized nations. They are rivals of the US, sure, but not enemies.
>3. You think all the evidence these past 6 months doesn't prove collusion
There is literally zero evidence.



A foreign power, Saudi Arabia, literally donated to hillarys campaign

Ukraine interfered in the election to help Clinton. Documented fact that nobody talks about.

Russian lawyer trump jr contacted is linked to the firm the dnc hired to produce the infamous trump dossier.

So if Don Jr committed treason then so did Hillary and co.


Donald jr emails

Okay, no one has pointed this out but





The report detailed advertising on the part of Russians who may or may not have been connected to the government
>t.Actually read the report

Imagine being this retarded after the biggest propogator of the Trump/Russian conspiracy, CNN, admitted it's an unsubstantiated sensationalist Witch Hunt and a Nothing Burger that they push for ratings and our own CIA is guilty of meddling in foreign elections. No really, imagine it...

By the way, OP

The fake news has stopped talking about this now. Not because no crime was committed - they don't care about little things like that.

They care because this woman was given special permission to be in the US by none other than Obama's Attorney General Loretta Lynch (you know, the one who told Comey to refer to the Clinton investigation as a "matter").

Do you get all your news from InfoWars and Breitbart? We never trained ISIS we were training rebel groups to fight ISIS. And we never bombed Syria until Trump came along.

Deep state is another alt-right conspiracy buzzword. Thanks for confirming you're talking out your ass.

So you admit that he knew what he was doing?

>Do you need to see him

See, Trump never traded anything for information. Every corruption claim against the Clinton's was stuff he publicly pulled off wikileaks. So as to wether wikileaks colluded with Russian hackers is one thing but Trump never did any of it personally. He's just sneaky enough to avoid blame like all smart politicians. Why are you left cucks complaining about? Bernie's corruption got swept under the rug and we all know Hillary is so corrupt Trump is just holding on to info to make sure she shuts her yap. The Democratic party is the epitome of corrupt mob style politics and yet you wanna pretend to be the defenders of democracy and justice? Lmao. Keep pretending to be the good guys, and keep pretending you have evidence because absolutely nobody is buying it.

Why do you cherry pick your arguments?

You must answer and debate all of us.

shill thread.. saged

>crown prosecutor

Fredo is an idiot.


>What would it take to convince you that Trump colluded with Russia?

Evidence of literally anyone remotely associated with the Trump campaign something like what this random British citizen said in an obvious honeypot.

What would it take you to accept that Donald Trump is your President, you blackshirt thug?

We have way more differences that commonality. Cooperating with them is only going to help our enemy. Besides "radical islam" isn't the menace you alt-righters make it out to be. If you want a menace look at climate change.

>There is literally zero evidence
Oh there's plenty, you all just conveniently ignore it all or say it doesn't matter. What will be the smoking gun that finally wakes all of you up?

Cool InfoWars links, those are surely credible and not biased at all!

So you admit it was the Russians?

>One reporter made small talk with a random guy which proves it all false

Oh by special permission you mean an extended month to continue her trial? Ya I kinda knew about that, now there's your "nothing burger"

>I'm a conspiracy theorist, guys, that means you have to believe me!

The US Intelligence is basing what they said on the work of Crowdstrike. Crowdstrike is the same group who said North Korea was behind the Sony hack which was completely untrue. So no, I don't trust them on this.

Actual evidence. There was no info passed, therefor no collision. DT jr. is a retard, and Donnie dodged a bullet because of this.

Are you fucking retarded? Radical Islam is a major problem, I think the 1595 people killed during Ramadan this year alone would disagree with you.

>one reporter

I think you mean Executive Producer with 15 years experience and revealed the russian conspiracy narrative came from the top ie Zucker the CEO. If you want to be a drooling slave to the MSM then good for you, but do not conflate your schizophrenia with reality

Also 1980s called, they want their Red Baiting back

Good job!

They made a mistake on a previous job, so what? The FBI trusts them.

What does "actual evidence" look like to you? An actual email saying "yes Putin I will make Russia stronger in exchange for you helping me win the election"? Because that'll never happen but all of the shady business surrounding Trump including all his shady meetings doesn't look too good.

>Besides "radical islam" isn't the menace you alt-righters make it out to be

Tell that to all of ISIS's Yazidi slave-wives while you piss on their first husband's graves. Then come back here and brag about your virtue signalling.

>CNN is real news!

How to detect a retard in 1 easy step

>Muh Russia

Do you know how many people in the USA die from heart disease or gun violence? We spend trillions to save potentially a handful of lives meanwhile ignoring bigger issues. But that's a topic for another thread.

If you trust Project Veritas then it's obvious you're projecting your own schizophrenia.


Same excuse the libortions use to deflect the millions hillary accept from Islamofascist regimes

>No lives matter because I have the moral high ground!

Some day you will remember this thread and feel sad that you had so little empathy for your fellow human beings. But muh morals mean it's okay to think like a Nazi, amirite?

Is Goldstone a russian last name or (((them))) again?

>Fake News!
How to detect an alt-right retard who gets all his news from Sup Forums and Trump Tweets in 1 easy step

Lobbying isn't illegal. Collusion and meddling in a foreign election is. Stop trying to deflect. Also your antisemitism is showing.

>We have way more differences that commonality
What are these differences? We have far more in common with Russia than anywhere else except Europe.

>Oh there's plenty, you all just conveniently ignore it all
No. There is literally nothing. You are literally unable to cite anything genuinely incriminating, let alone an actual crime.

The person doing the ignoring is you; Uranium One, Clinton foundation, Obama's FISA warrants on Trump (possibly using this Russian lawyer as the justification for them), Lynch telling Comey to call it "a matter" etc...

>by special permission you mean an extended month to continue her trial?
The exemption she was granted is extremely rare and needs to be approved by the AG, who already looks to have made various moves to help Hillary and harm Trump.

There's a reason that the fake news has shut up about it. The more you dig, it's the Obama people who look guilty - again. Seems you haven't got the memo to shut up about this one yet.

Stop being such a god-damn retard.

>Guys people die from other things, so just ignore the terrorists. It's part of big city living.

Why would I not trust Project Veritas and why would I not trust a CNN Executive Producer with 15 years experience who didn't know he was being filmed?

Also did you take your schizoid pills today? Btw I hope you're wearing your tinfoil hat to keep the Russian hackers from manipulating your brain waves

actual prove.
As of right now there is none even the russia election hacking crap is pure bullshit not based on facts.
17 intel agencies was a lie it was only a couple of HAND PICKED people from 4 agencies and they didnt even have acces to the hardware this priviledge was only "granted" to a third party paid by the dnc. You really cant make this bullshit up. So my question is how many inconsistencies, now proven lies and literally no prove do YOU need to actually see its bullshit? Oh right its not about what really is going on its about "muh evil trump".
As of right now all the russia crap including the election hacking (we know the stuff was actually leaked not hacked) is a conspiracy theroy with nothing backing it up.
So both sides kinda have to wait and see what mueller comes up with and if he is trusthworty.


How to detect an out of touch libortion im 1 easy step

Don't you Trumplets hate brown people? I'm just saying we need to help our own first, and millions of people die here from easily preventable causes that are being ignored for Trump to continue neo-con proxy wars. What do you think will happen when ISIS is gone? A new one will pop up. It'll never end. Stop chasing your tail. Also you're the one claiming moral superiority, try reading your own post.

What exchange of information/goods happened?

>You don't believe the deep state?

The same one that said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction?

how is that collusion? there is no conspiracy here, only digging dirt on someone

>Lobbying isn't illegal.
Good to hear you are find with the future foundation of a true Russian lobby and I am not talking about the Clintons and their dealings.

>Collusion and meddling in a foreign election is.
Tell that to the DNC and Ukraine.

>Stop trying to deflect.
It is not deflecting when you have an actual ZOG in place with as much power as AIPAC.

>Also your antisemitism is showing.
All Jews can rot in Hell and this is not reddit you kike puppet.

This is just the beginning AIDS infected faggot.

oh look, this thread again. As a neutral that didn't vote in this election the dems have proven themselves to be as crazy as the republicans

Hillary accepted millions from Islamofascist regimes in exchange for opening our borders to radical jihadist....oh wait this just an email about adoption or something?

Thanks as usual Norway archive bot.

If what you're rattling off is true (it's not) then why wouldn't the Trump Administration do anything about it? Oh that's right, because it's all a bunch of conspiracy buzzwords. Break the conditioning.

You probably also are against stricter gun legislation whenever there's a mass shooting. I can just tell from your post.

Heil! 1488! Am I doing it right?

op sucks russian cock.

>How to detect an alt-right retard who gets all his news from Sup Forums and Trump Tweets in 1 easy step

Well what do you actually want people can shower you right now with several articles by cnn that are basically biased crap.
So literal prove provided by the cnn website itself wont satisfie your idology damaged brain.
I mean how fucking easy is it for you?
This is literally you:
YOU: Hahhah the sky is brown!
user: Eh nope its blue thx to the athmosphere and light refraction ocean reflection
YOU: i dont care, i also dont care about your countless proves lol
YOU: If i ignore your prove the sky is still brown to me lolol you fucking idiots lolol

This is really fucking you, this is basically how you argue. No one says everything cnn is fakenews but they obviously spread lies and one sided crap which they had to know was a lie and one side crap and its usually only against trump never dems, this tells the average intellect usually something.. not you. Ideology has you in its grip hard.

>The other side is worse than me, so no matter what I do I'm still the good guy!

I didn't vote for Trump, but because of hatemongering terrorist-wannabe nutjobs like you I'm voting for him in 2020. I'm never voting Democrat again.

Good and evil are things people invented to make stories told to children and drunk people more entertaining. Just because I won't kiss your ass for how much virtue you shoved up there doesn't mean I think I'm a good person.

Everyone is terrible. Even me, the guy shitposting on Sup Forums past midnight.

Not even Republicans were thus schizophrenic about Obamas shady past. Libtards see Russians in their cornflakes

Curb your autism, kike

We live in a time where the biggest political scandal of our lives will be ignored because le ebin memes. That's just he sad reality I've come to expect. Nothing will come of this besides new b8 and more shitposting ammunition.

>Even if they had the info it wouldn't be released now that Trump is in charge. The agents who released it would be fired. And besides any agents who investigated would be fired as well.

Were you born this stupis? Trump has more leaks by the deep state than any president in history and you're really stupid enough to believe he could keep a leak on it if they were out there. This is why women should not be allowed to vote. They are too stupid to be making decisions that involve our country's decisions. Most who voted for Hillary literally had no idea on any policy she was running on and did so because she had a va jay ay between her legs. Women are incredibly stupid.

>tfw you lived long enough to see pol become the SJWs relying on blind emotion over reason

This email proves there was contact between someone intimating that they represented the Russian government. This email further proves that Trump's team, if not he himself, has been lying. Trump has consistently said any claims of Russian ties are false. This is proof that they were very much open to the idea, this specific situation just failed.
I never believed the intelligence reports, didn't even believe this story until Jr himself released the emails.
I'm seriously bummed: this email proves they werenopen to cooperating with the russian government, so i am now forced to reevaluate the IC reports.
How much influence Russia did or did not have remains to be proven, but its very clear the Trumps would likely have utilized their assistance if it actually materialized.
Trump didn't even try any legal cheekiness, like "I didn't break any laws." He instead went full retard and acted like people were crazy.
Flynn' resignation is in a different light now for me, Sessions meetings, all of it.

>biggest politicial scandal

This is just pathetic

So far all I've seen is
>Name calling
>Antisemitism (DA JOOS!)
>"You're wrong"
>InfoWars-tier conspiracy articles

Now who's the one without proof again?

Except for the fact the Clintons actually had someone IN the Ukraine during the election, not the Trumps. The Clintons were actually involved with Russian agents of the state and being paid money by them for speeches and influence to the foundation.

>Trump campaign was open to dirt on the opposition

Oh lord, the humanity! What's next, hiring a bunch of men to say hillary raped them?

>Now who's the one without proof again?

That would be you. Still not one shred of proof. Just conjecture.

Trump is in charge now so why doesn't he do anything about the "DNC and Ukraine" or Hillary? Oh that's right because it's all false. And if that's false, then what else do you believe in is false? Think about it.

Collusion isnt a crime doofus

>so i am now forced to reevaluate the IC reports.

Are you? Junior took a honeypot. Kushner and Manafort (who actually did do shady shit) bailed. Veselwhatsit didn't even know she was supposedly going to divulge something juicy.

At worst it shows that a close relative of the President is an idiot (never read Junior's Twitter before?) and Kushner kept his mouth shut about Junior's poor judgment.

You with your fucktarded half baked Fake News conspiracies you slimey coin chasing hook nosed sheister