What is the point of space exploration when all we get out of it are these stupid pictures?

What is the point of space exploration when all we get out of it are these stupid pictures?

Is there a secret agenda that NASA isn't telling us about?

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There's also data. But plebs like pictures, so pictures you get.

Why should I give a fuck about what's beyond the horizon? I've got my shit farm right here in Africa

Exploration leads to Exploitation.
Exploitation leads to Colonization.

Looking for ways to profit. Capitalism makes it all happen.

Trying to find Bogdanoffs' original civilization

You say that like it's a bad thing, pinko

lol looks like your moms butthole

The eventual goal is to colonize and terraform other planets. But that's going to take decades, possibly even centuries. You will probably not be alive when we finally accomplish this. Hell, your grandkids might be in their old age before this is feasible. This is a long term goal. We need to make long term goals if we want a future for humanity. For now, we get pictures. Deal with it.

They didn't even get that close wtf

So why did the USSR explore space?

People forget about all of the discovers, related or indirect because of the Apollo programs. This is a slide thread. Moon landing, flat earth, space is a waste is all CIA SOCIAL ENGINEERING.


I literally didn't. You're obviously not a native English speaker. What commie language were born into?

Of course they want to find the Jewish aliens and take over the multiversity!

I'm sorry but there is no way that picture is real.

>wtf i hate space now

I am of sorry
You use picture of Yuri, and so I assume

Yuri is based.

Fun Fact: Commies wanted a space launch on some communist anniversary, but the mission wasn't ready. Yuri was supposed to go up but his friend volunteered to take his place, knowing the mission was a death sentence and that Yuri's death would devastate the nation. USSR space command could hear Yuri's friend cursing those who sent him up there as his module tumbled through space and ultimately burnt up.

I like pictures.

I mean it's a Jewish conspiracy to convince people the world is round.

>focus on Jupiter
>ignore Saturn

I wonder why?

To beat capitalism

>what is the point of anything if it hasn't done what I want yet?

Just go kys

What if Jupiter/Saturn are actual planets with a solid core or surface, but rather just a ball of gas and they act as portals?

call me when we want to get serious about the whole space thing


>probe full of sensors to read the insides of Jupiter
>camera added to give autists a carrot


Both have solid cores, a mantle of metallic hydrogen and atmospheres of ammonia.

It's all cgi anyway. It's all a big fraud to rake in tax bux.

Did any of you see the new law that Luxembourg passed?

didn't sound bad to me.


>just a ball of gas
They're just a ball of gas like a person is just a sac of mostly water.

NASA what's to know if jupiters core is solid hydrogen so they can try to replicate it on earth and it could revolutionize the world.

That's awesome.

Jesus fucking Christ youre not even American are you? Whats the point of Manifest Destiny and the Transcontinental Railroad? All we get is shitty scalp trophy pictures in black and white with fucking injuns, amirite?

>in a communist country

Finally someone gets it

The secret agenda is that space doesn't exist


M8, that's a storm bigger than our entire fucking planet. Do you really think it's not worth researching?

Asteroid mining is the only way we're going to get colonizing.
Getting material into orbit from Earth is way too energy intensive.
Mining the raw materials outside of a gravity well would make building huge structures in space much much simpler.

Wouldn't this crash the stock market if you found 5 million pounds of diamonds?

We already have more diamonds than we know what to do with.
They're being held in artificial scarcity.
Presumably the same thing would happen.
Unless someone wanted to build something big
Then I guess Earth-based suppliers would get fucked

Space exploration is the long, slow work that still has to be done. 1000 years from now our descendants will thank us.

It would crash the diamond market.

It would shake things up for sure.
But make no mistake, the worlds first Trillionares will be the men that own asteroid mining companies

The agenda is to fuck with you
Then your mom. She gets sloppy seconds

These pictures are triumphs of western civilization. If you can't see the reason of behind it I can't explain it.

maybe because juno was built to be sent to jupitor

i'm so happy we have this picture instead of using it for welfare

you must not understand communism very well

They're probably a minority with inferior genetics and no sense of purpose in the universe. They use our language and fail to understand a word of it.

>Do research
>find out its a planet sized storm
What next?

>all we get out of it are these stupid pictures
Dumbest argument ever.
We are still benefiting from the technology behind the Apollo missions, never mind recent discoveries. There are plenty of lists online to educate yourself.
Besides tech spinoffs, the act of learning to live in space is building the groundwork for making humanity a multiplanet species. Having state agencies start that process ensures it will have a level of continuity that until recently private capital has failed to provide.

The purpose is simple, continue to develop data for when humanity gets it's collective head out of it's collective ass and tries to ensure humanity's survival by getting at least a viable number of genetic donors off the single world we currently inhabit.

Until cranium exit's rectum, there is not much else they can do.

why spend taxpayer money on space probes if all scientists do is crash them into other planets?

You know the probe isn't just a fucking camera right? It measures wind speed and chemical composition of the clouds. By knowing how materials act we can better understand the composition of the universe, how planets form etc. This is all vital knowledge if you intend to ever fucking explore other planets with manned missions.

>A couple of Bill to get wind speeds, cloud compositions and some pretty pictures.
>While ground based telescopes and spectroscopy could do the same.

Are you sure something else isn't going on?

i'm serious if we're gonna send probes into space i want them back, not flown into desolate hellholes throughout the whole goddamn solar system

Earth is flat, space is a shoop, control > money.

Yeah pretty sure. Considering telescopes still aren't better than just going to the fucking object you wish to inspect. For instance they've also discovered that our entire understanding for the composition of Jupiter's layers is wrong. Why didn't your telescopes pick up on that, huh?

In this case it's stupid picture of shit we've already seen many times. So the spot has shrunk a little. They can see that shit from earth who cares. I think they plan to play god and try to ignite Jupiter into a sun

Aren't most of the pictures compounded data as well?

because they are quite similar but Jupiter is almost 2 times closer to Earth, dumbass

Because then no one would get the couple of Bill in tax bux.

Lockheed Martin's hookers and blow aren't free, user.

Meanwhile we don't go to the moon and set up a cool theme park.

blood for the blood god

Yeah, it's really nigger-tier logic.

White civilization and progress and success has always been about exploration. About knowledge for knowledge's sake. About doing the seemingly impossible. About constantly striving for the next frontier, the next horizon.

>ignite Jupiter into a sun
Burger education every body.
That's not even remotely how it fucking works. You can't just set fire to a gas giant and make a star. Stars are made of plasma because they contain so much matter that the pressure at their core ignites and releases shit tons of energy, kept in check only by its huge gravity. When stars don't have the energy to balance out the radiation they're producing they die. So even if you could fucking ignite Jupiter (which again isn't how it works, you're a moron), it would just burn off a few layers and go cold.

Pictures are as close as we're ever gonna get as a species. Jupiter would've killed you long before you could get that close to it... and that's even if you were to survive the trip there (which you wouldn't).

no retard, they need to get into those planets to check stuff like the soil and the magnetic field of that planet. you see, earth has this molten core, other plants have it too, some of them does not have it liek mars. Mars used to have water but when the molten core got cold and solid the water was gone. we need to study why this happens to check if indeed the earth magnetic field is one of the factors that makes life on earth possible.

Read this:


It's old, but it's the best explanation of the diamond trade I've ever seen.

Archived that for you

>The eventual goal is to colonize and terraform other planets.
it's not, or we would be talking about terraforming mars already. Most at nasa consider it a crackpot idea

(((They))) are tying to cover up the child sex slave farms on Mars.

yes, what you're looking at is where EARTH came from. NASA is not important as much anymore for me, I want to know which agencies are working with INNERSPACE vs OUTERSPACE

what about a moonbase first?

>What is the point of space exploration

So we can eventually colonize alien space-niggers. I'm being 100% serious too, this should be the white mans next step.

>But make no mistake, the worlds first Trillionares will be the men that own asteroid mining companies
Asteroid mining is fucking stupid.
Tell me what makes more money:
>1. Mining on the Earth
>2. Using rockets to somehow bring relatively trivial amounts of minerals that you can easily find on Earth, somehow tow it back to Earth, somehow bring it to the surface of the Earth without crashing it and causing an apocalypse and somehow not crash the markets with the large amount of minerals you just dumped into the economy.

If I mine fucking anything on Earth, it won't ever have the overhead of the billions and billions you'd need to "mine" in space.

I'm glad retards like will never be in charge of anything ever. If you were we'd still be living in mud huts, sacrificing goats every time there's a thunderstorm.

NASA has no colonization mandate. They have an exploration, R&D and support mandate. Private entities will do the colonization.
>Waiting for corporate cyborg wars above Mars.

More threads like these further convince me that Sup Forums is the most uneducated board on this site

The Cassini probe literally crashed into Saturn's rings and atmosphere as it's last mission in April 2017.

Are you even keeping up?


honestly planets are a waste, could get much more living space turning every thing in to large living habitats and making them in to a Dyson swarm and be a type 2 civ. but likely never be type 1 :(

Yes, that is how basic supply and demand works.
Until it's cheap enough to ship equipment into space and bring minerals back it won't be cheap enough to turn a profit.
But eventually it there will come a day when it will be. The sheer volume of minerals and materials up there makes it a certainty.
Try to think further out than next months pay check tyrone.

One thing is for sure.

You're a classy American, OP.

Meteorologist here, I find the images fascinating. A planet made almost entirely of gasses still has incredibly complex weather patterns despite the lack of terrain. I wish we could send some GOES-16 satellites over there to get more coverage and start mapping the weather patterns but that probably won't happen in my lifetime.

btw climate change is bunk don't fall for it.

>Until it's cheap enough to ship equipment into space and bring minerals back it won't be cheap enough to turn a profit.
unless you find a way to violate laws of physics or some how use fucking "magic", you aren't going to space for cheap. It will always be cheaper to mine shit on Earth.

The Jew is scared humanity may escape its grasp to outerspace.

This, my friend, is what happens when pure, unadulterated autism is allowed to run rampant.

Agreed. Also, there was a thread full of shitty neckbeard faggots taking a dump on Elon Musk yesterday.

These people claim they want to see the white man rise again, yet every thread regarding space is filled with an almost socialist-tier feeling of nihilism and negativity.

Either there are shills trying to keep the white man down, or Sup Forums is genuinely against conquering space, an inherently white man thing.

Also, why use the "butter vs. guns" model you economically illiterate faggot?

for the last fucking time space does not exist


American mines used to have crews of thousands, they used to go under mountains and dig tunnels for minerals. You know what we do now? We use mining excavators and mining wheel loaders and we blow up the whole fucking mountain and strip mine the whole thing.
Eventually people find a better way and they become the next class of people to move up in the world.

It's a supply demand curve you middle school drop out.
Seriously, guns vs butter? What decade are you from?

>lets use space exploration money for gibs

Yeah no

What does pol think of the Isaac Arthur youtube channel.


I think this man should be running nasa

>We use mining excavators and mining wheel loaders and we blow up the whole fucking mountain and strip mine the whole thing.
yeah, and it's only getting cheaper. Space mining will not. It can't get cheaper. Digging in the ground will always be cheaper than capturing an asteroid billions of miles away.

You are childishly underestimating how much things cost and how much energy you need. There absolutely nothing too valuable or scarce that you would need to go into space to get it.

Now mining in space to use in space, you might be onto something. Bringing it back to Earth, you're thinking like a total fucking retard.

Defiantly an agenda!
David icke

>Seriously, guns vs butter? What decade are you from?
I was making fun of you for your faggot little chart.

>Exploration leads to Colonization.
>Colonization leads to Exploitation
ftfy Bourgeoisie scum!

There are no reverse image search results for this image on google