Post Jews that utterly destroy the Sup Forums narrative


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Is that guy CG?

Ben Stiller?

Got to hand it to Harris... He may be only acting in the interest of his fellow kikes, but in this case he's doing a lot of work for us.

it's Sam Harris, you white trash Trump dickrider, Walmart shopper piece of shit.

You have to go back

He is only useful for shitting on islam. other than that, a slimey kike

Stanley Kubrick, Bobby Fischer, Otto Weininger, Ayn Rand

is Ben Stiller jewish?

rat face kike

jews > muslims

Easy mode activated


Sam Harris's podcasts on consciousness and Islam are public service.
But his political stance is copy pastaed from the MSM unfortunately.

Mohammad, please go

me :^)

you're gunna need a bigger karrot

>ben stiller is the foremost public intellectual of our time

'let me do all your thinking for me goyim and go watch the new fokkers movie'


Harrisdrones are the most obnoxious people.


He speaks the truth on Islam, but these past few months has revealed his true colors. He has completely bought into every single anti-Trump media narrative since the run-up to the election. This includes every "muh Russia" story that has turned out to be completely inconsequential. He is a person with high intellect, but I suppose his Jewish roots leave him vulnerable to jumping on any bandwagon with which his fellow people agree.

Ben Stiller?

GTFO Sadiq

This is the only one I can think of.


'The failure of The Cable Guy impacted my career. I had to start writing and acting again.' - Sup Forums btfo

This is a paradox more than anything.

How does a Clinton-supporting leftist kike destroy my narrative

>you now remember that podcast where some muslim triggered the fuck out of him that the le cold facts and muh scientific method not emotions man chimped out like a common brat

Seems purely hypothetical to me.


Gad Saad of course.




perfect example

jesus was a white man like me...all good goy go to heaven

autoplay ftw

These never ending pictures are proof positive every single politician in the world is under the thumb of israel.

ISIS is Israel

I thought CNN was ISIS

Jew is ISIS

So Adam Duritz is Jesus? I don't get it.


i am going to talk really slow and with manypauses that will show how smart i am

>You have no free choice goy

Some Jews use Islam against Christianity others don't

Your kikefu is a shit

Underrated post

Your kikefu is complete trash

i don't know, user, that wasn't bad vitriol. we could work with that, maybe reshape it a bit.

Adolf Hitler

Alex Jones

Richard Spencer

Justin Bieber

What about my kikefu? Does he get to live on the day of the gas?

If he gases Soros


Sam Harris is a dumbass.

Sam Harris' B.A. in philosophy doesn't appear to be sufficient for making him a competent philosopher. The question of whether morality can and does exist objectively without God is entirely a metaphysical question - making his background in neuroscience entirely irrelevant. His arguments, as do all atheists' arguments, depend on fundamental tenets like materialism, naturalism, empiricism, etc. - none of which are coherent. Empiricism is self-refuting; it holds that empirical observation is the only way to know truth, but it can't show that statement to be true. Belief that science is the only way to know truth, is also self-refuting, as there's no way to conduct an experiment to test if that's true. It's also false simply because truth can be obtained via methods like logical deduction, completely independent of science. Naturalism is self-refuting; if our ability to conceive of truth exists only because it has naturally evolved to be as it is, and nature selects only for traits that help us survive, and knowledge of truth isn't necessary for our survival, then there's no reason any of our conceptions of truth would be correct and Sam Harris shouldn't believe anything he says.

Materialism is false; in order for it possibly to be true, one would have to believe ideas and concepts exist physically and objectively. Matter can only produce emergent properties. Emergent properties don't exist; that is, they only exist as ideas. There is no such thing as mind-independent, objective emergent properties, in the same way there is no such thing as mind-independent, objective information. Only the mind gives these things meaning. The mind objectively exists. Thus the mind isn't an emergent property. Thus the mind can't be produced by matter. Thus the mind is immaterial. Thus materialism is false. As you should infer, when science is conducted by someone who isn't a logician, it allows for logical incoherencies to be overlooked or ignored, and makes evidence susceptible to being interpreted in accordance with bias.

In order for objective morality to exist in a materialistic world, as Sam Harris believes, it would need to be an abstract object or exist in physical objects. I don't know if he dismisses this necessity all together, but at the very least, he presupposes at least one of these to be true. This is because he presupposes God doesn't exist, demonstrably from a number of these logical fallacies: straw man ('God is a magical sky wizard'), appeal to ridicule ('lol they actually believe this'), begging the question (assuming his conclusion, like that morality objectively exists in a materialistic world, and -then- trying to explain how it works), red herring (anything irrelevant like 'What matters is that we have morality'), appeal to need ('We don't need God'), appeal to emotion ('God was bad and atheism is the only true enlightenment'), appeal to what should be ('It would be bad for God to exist'), genetic fallacy ('All religions correlate with certain cultures, therefore they are all false'), argument from ignorance ('I don't recognize evidence for God, therefore He's unlikely to exist'), or - and this is the most popular one, responsible for most atheist's delusions about atheism being synonymous with "reason" - appeal to the stone (dismissing something as obviously ridiculous without giving proof).

truth is not a narrative you eternally mindfucked deluded decrepit kike


Consequently, Sam assumes morality is material and works his way from there. He certainly didn't arrive at that conclusion logically. He explains how our sense of morality has evolved to be as it is for our survival, but this doesn't imply morality objectively exists, only that subjective morality exists. In Sam's world view, unless he's cognitively dissonant or profoundly logically inconsistent, morality is objectively meaningless - nihilism is an inescapable consequence of atheism. He tries to confuse and conflate subjective meaningfulness with objective meaningfulness, but that's just an appeal to emotion. They simply aren't the same thing - nothing objective is contingent on our thoughts. Explaining how something would be plausible does not imply the probability of that thing being true. Sam Harris does nothing to show the existence of God is unlikely or ridiculous.

People who think of the existence of God as a ridiculous notion, presumably by choice, imagine Him as some limited being who's unlikely to exist by definition. God is generally defined as being omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, transcendent, and ultimately incomprehensible. Imposing purposely silly definitions on Him (or any definition), aside from being an appeal to ridicule, does not function as a valid reduction to absurdity because any and all imposed definitions conflict with His actual definition. For example, a "flying spaghetti monster" is either not omnipotent by definition, or its form isn't necessary and therefore arbitrary and non-definitive. If or when the intention is merely to show God is "as ridiculous" as any fantastical thing using false analogies, it is only a redundantly-fallacious appeal to the stone. It's also akin to saying "Look, I can make things up. Therefore your God is made up," and yet these are the kind of unsophisticated arguments atheists use, presumably all because they refuse to conceive of possibility outside our comprehension, lest they have to admit we may be held accountable to something outside ourselves.

The existence of God isn't ridiculous, anymore than the existence of minds, multiple dimensions, fundamental forces, ideas, concepts, thoughts, good, evil, purpose, meaning, physical constants, logical constants, existence in general, etc. are ridiculous. You might be tempted to contest something like "But we observe these things." No, you don't. You only observe their effects.

Arguments against Sam Harris' belief of the existence of objective morality in a Godless world:

Subjective relativism is self-refuting. If subjective relativism were true, the proposition "subjective relativism is false" would be paradoxical and couldn't exist. The proposition can exist, as I've demonstrated. Therefore subjective relativism is false. Therefore subjective morality isn't necessarily objectively correct.

1. There is only the conscious and the nonconscious. (p ^ p' = everything)
2. We know inductively that the inanimate (nonconscious) is not moral. (Observation)
3. In some possible world, there is only the nonconscious. (Premise)
4. In some possible world, there is no morality. (From 2 and 3)
5. Morality is contingent. (From 4)
6. In some possible world, morality exists and nonconciousness doesn't exist. (Premise)
7. Morality is not contingent on the nonconscious. (From 6)
8. Morality is contingent on the conscious. (From 1, 5, and 7)
9. The objective is by definition independent of human or limited consciousness.
10. Morality can be objective if and only if God exists. (from 8 and 9)
11. Everything is objective or subjective.
12. If God doesn't exist, morality is only subjective. (from 10 and 11)

The snowflake's rationalTM, logicalTM, factualTM skepticTM idol has been insulted. Muh 4 horsemen!

1. If God exists, morality exists as a Godly idea.
2. Godly ideas exist objectively.
3. If God exists, morality exists objectively.
4. If God doesn't exist, materialism is true.
5. The only thing that exists outside of minds is matter and possibly abstract objects.
6. Morality cannot be composed of matter.
7. Abstract objects are only concepts.
8. Concepts cannot exist objectively.
9. Abstract objects do not exist objectively.
10. If morality is an abstract object, it does not exist objectively.
11. Morality cannot exist outside of minds.
12. If God doesn't exist, morality only exists as a human idea. (from 6 and 10)
13. Human ideas don't exist objectively.
14. If God doesn't exist, morality doesn't exist objectively.
15. Therefore, if God doesn't exist, morality is only subjective, and it's objective only if God exists.

In conclusion, Sam Harris is demonstrably a dumbass.

>it holds that empirical observation is the only way to know truth, but it can't show that statement to be true.

You're equivocating two different meanings of the word "truth" though.

Truth only means and can only mean "is the case," so no.


he looks like a psychopath, only kikes worship psychopaths, normal people worship the Lord, you secretely worhip hitler kike, what a messaih !! if only he kike !! hmm amiright ?

>Truth only means and can only mean "is the case,"
Wrong. The entire point of epistemology is to define the word "Truth".
The first is talking about objective truths about the world. The second is talking about definitions of words as being "true".

An empiricist might say that definitions of words are neither true nor false; they're arbitrarily chosen.
The empiricist defines the word "true" to be the things which are empirically demonstrated.

Can you define "Sup Forums narrative" for me?

Never understood Sam Harris craze. Guy is a pseudointellectual.

He did admit that racial differences does exist when it comes to intelligence, so I'll give him that. He's probably the most honest jewish pseudo intellectual I know of, although that doesnt say much

me xD :D

Sam Harris is a fucking hack who is tryin to sell Hinduism/Buddhism as a secularized new age product.

Here is the systematic dismantling of his phd thesis.

Harris is not a neuroscientist, he is a philosopher at best, who bought (paid people to perform experiments for him) a phd to be better able to market himself.

Anyone who is dumb enough to fall for Harris, deserves it.

dumb freshman philosophy student please go.

thr tripfag is a nutcase, who would have guessed

>Sam Harris
Never before did I think it was possible to agree with a guy on so many things while simultaneously finding him to be the most pompous, sanctimonious liberal douche currently on teh interwebz.

Death wish in real life

Jew detected


ive liked the sam harris podcasts ive listened to but i skip the ones where he only talks about trump. those get repetitive.