Donald Trump tells Brigitte Macron she's 'in good shape'

>Trump has been widely criticised for sexism after the remark, which was made at Hotel des Invalides, where Napoleon Bonaparte and others are buried

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What if we archive it

It's a step forward - he might've just grabbed her by the pussy instead

is Trump throwing gang signs?

Well, she is. Old people often compliment each other how well they are preserved.

white power symbol, it is known

How dare a man compliment a woman based on her appearance. #SICKSEXIST

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, why the fuck is this news people, compliment eachother WTFFF

Only fat ugly women complain about this

Macrons a manlet, no wonder he had to marry his gran.

why does Macron have a granny fetish?

>>Trump has been widely criticised for sexism


Seriously, who cares?

What the fuck is wrong with the left?

Trump: "Hey, you look great today!"

Left: "The fuck you say you racist, sexist, Hitler pig!?"

They are insane.

>haw haw haw my husband is le president

the absolute madman

He's like peter pan and never wants to grow up. That's also why he's always so happy. Also it's not a granny, but a teacher fetish. It's about the relationship, not so much about the looks.

it's a pretty normal compliment that could be used to describe both men or women.

Ignores Brigitte
>Drumpf is old shaming, shes not 26 so he is not interested.
Compliments Brigitte

That is fucking hilarious.

He is the master of subtle comedy.

Fucking skin and bones. Requesting that picture of Brigitte altered so it looks like a video game. I am describing it poorly but it has text above her head.

>widely criticised
by whom? fucking salon and jezebel?

She does look better than she did during the election so Trump is not wrong here.

Is that Paul giamati on the set of planet of the apes remake?

Better how? She is disgustingly thin.

wtf i hate cancer now

She IS in good shape, though. I'd fuck her.

You can't tell me you wouldn't fuck her. Maybe that's what I'll do when they find her, I'll fuck her.

Fuck her right in the pussy.

When did she have cancer?

lol Trump is such a goof
>you are in good shape for a... you know for a.. well.. uh, you know. you're in good shape anyway

Compliments are only allowed for 'brave' fat women. Liberals celebrate weakness so they hate anyone whose body isn't shitty.

yeah telling someone they look healthy for their advanced age is total sexism

can someone post the macron bog pill pic

he just wanted to share some inside knowledge about how to maintain high energy values

He doesn't look that short in the picture? He's a few inches shorter than Trump and the women are in heels.