What's your opinion of Martin "Maddin" Sellner, leader of the identitarian movement of Austria

what's your opinion of Martin "Maddin" Sellner, leader of the identitarian movement of Austria
>turned lauren southern into a identitarian with his 10 inch dick
>will single handedly stop the ngos smuggling niggers on the Mediterranean with his ship
>beat up 10 antifa members at the same time
>thinker, philosopher, warrior

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To bad Austria is full of immigrant,s or so I heard.

I think that you are a shill and faggot OP

Yeah I'll pick up a weapon and join in when the movement sweeps all the filth out.

disgusting racist

I watched their Journeyman Pictures documentary on YouTube.
Apparently he used to have connections to neo's in the past but refuted any connections with them now.
My guess is that they will be handled by the state, these groups need to stop dealing with small fry shit. Europe is ripe for a new leader.

based af

I think you are a cuck

gay haircut


He's no threat to our templar plans


Dont forget
>developed a high-skill social network-app for true patriots

Italy is already brown and there are way more blacks in italy than here.

a real human bean

Dude I've been to Vienna. Not even shitholes like Milan are that bad. Yes we have more niggers, but overall you have far more immigrants


Well, at least one of those things is probably accurate.

I like how GI totally stole the boat idea from Sup Forums though. You reddit newfags don't know it but we had threads going in 2015 where a Greek and Austrian were plotting to buy an old minelayer with their rich daddies' money and recruit Sup Forums fags to intercept migrant boats and tow them back to their point of origin.


well done, idea guy


>destroys the multicultural society

Ideas are worthless.
Execution is everything.

*kippt seinen Almdudler über Sae-Bilder*


What do you think her pants smell like?


Völkischer Zweigelt

Also ich glaub ja eher die alte müffelt ziemlich untenrum.

He's a good lad. Wish there was a guy like him in the UK I could follow. I'd do it but I don't have the IQ and i'm no leader of men.

gib a ruh

He doesn't strike me as genius. Prolly somewhere between 120and130 on the iq scale

die ist bestimmt noch jungfrau

>Alina schlecht reden, damit du sie und Lauren für dich allein hast
Gut gemaimait, Herr Sellner

>street vendors everywhere
>both italians and migrants try to scam and fraud everyone all the time

I rather be here than in Italy.


He recently embarrassed himself big time in my city when he talked a lot of shit as a witness in a court trial and then realised that he had just contradicted everything his IB friends had said in their defense.



Klasse ist auch, dass sie die Leiter oben mit Frischhaltefolie umwickelt haben, damit sie den Stuck nicht beschädigen.

Is he manlet tier or are the POLIZEI just tall

He´s rather small.

>mfw when nu-pol is calling Gi racist

He's a dwarf, the police officers are barely below average.

Thats the sweet spot for politics IMO. Too intelligent and you end up like Goethe or Jesus, too stupid and you end up like JK Rowling.

What are we talking here though? Even next to Lauren Southern he seemed manlety.

its the angle

Ultra cuck. Gives the Identitarians a very bad image. I hate him. Very much. You can also stop your constant shilling for him on Sup Forums, IB members. Cucks like him won't win a single fight against the front of anarchists, communists and bourgeoise champagne socialists.

Martin Sellner is an embarassment.

antifa please

t. Heiko Maas


Did he not defend himself against a big group who attacked him in the subway or something?

Who else is doing ANYTHING? Who else is making ANY PROGRESS at all?

t. van der Bellen

Even Tommy "I'm a Jewish zionist and love Mossad!" Robinson is better than Sellner.

No, this guy is just butthurt.

Yes, that's when he got so afraid that he wet his pants.

Cuck please

Shot a few antifas with a gas pistol, yes. So?

Fuck Tommy Robinson. His end goal is civil war and an expanded israel.

Sellner wants an end to mass immigration and is 100% redpilled on the JQ whether he'll admit it on camera or not.


Reveal your nationflag

well done.

>red pilled on the JQ


Und was hast Du davon?

So peinlich.

We need handsome men to lead identity movements. Glad we got this dude. Our societies have been so feminized and superficial that having looks instantly increases your popularity even in politics.

suck it, fag.


Hätte dir keine (You)s mehr gegeben, wenn du der autistische Schwiizer wärst.

chad nationalism personified desu

I don't speak German mate. He had links to neo nazis so he obviously understands whats going on.

Both the left and right are stupid. Moderation is key.
t. radical centrist with 100 IQ

i was both in italy and in austria.and vienna has way more niggers and foreigners,even tho italian niggers are worse.

>tfw even your dna is centrist

For the millionth time: no. They all disavowed their neo-nazi pasts and the old-right. Both in theory and practice.

Either way: their stance on the Jews is not my issue with them at all. - My issue is that they treat commies, anarcho-communists and left wing terrorists as "Nazis and racists". Fucking pathetic! Radical cuckservatives who can't even name their enemy is what they are. Sellner won't even say the name. He won't even say the name! VIOLENT LEFT-WING TERRORISM

>They all disavowed their neo-nazi pasts and the old-right. Both in theory and practice.

Du verstehst es einfach nicht.
Als ich vor ca.10 Jahren in die rechte Szene einstieg war das quasi der Sprung von CDU-"Konservatismus" zu NS und völkischem Nationalismus.
Dazwischen war nicht viel los. Über den Graben muss jeder springen, wenn es keine IB oder ähnliche Gruppen gäbe. Und das machen sehr wenige.

The mans making progress and in this climate thats a fucking achievement.

The frame of public speech forces one to adapt.

>My issue is that they treat commies, anarcho-communists and left wing terrorists as "Nazis and racists


Exactly. No one wants to throw their life away, and the few that do are people with little to lose. Basically scumbags. In order to attract more decent people the right has to walk a tightrope. IB offers a decent right platform and you don't have to fear for you job.

Here he is destroying a guy on RT


Why do leftists like photoshopping piss on people? I've seen it done to Richard Spencer too. Is this some disgusting Jewish fetish?

>and you don't have to fear for you job

Ich brauche keine IB als "Brücke", ich kann selber denke, danke. Ich brauche auch keinen NS. Was ich brauche, sind deutsche und europäische ANTIKOMMUNISTEN und ANTILINKE. Wer derart die eigene Umerziehung im Blut hat, wer die Werte und Sprache des politischen Feindes benutzt und nichts anderes tut als SELBST die Nazikeule herauszuziehen und dem Feind in die Hand zu drücken, ist als APO wertlos. Und zwar komplett.

Progress? By calling anti-Germans "racists" and anarcho-communists "fascists"?! Are you fucking kidding me? I do not want or support this kind of Kraut and Tea leftism.

No. It certainly doesn't force you to be a cuck or to call communists Nazis.

>Is this some disgusting Jewish fetish?
Seems like it.

Whats that face for the spelling mistake or what I was saying?

it's expressing doubt over the cited statement

Nazi is a loaded word no one wants to be associated with, it's an effective easy way of swaying opinion to your favor

That's just fucking retarded. Yes, let's call our left-wing, anti-German, communist, internationalist and globalist enemies NAZIS and FASCISTS! That'll show them! Democrats are the real racists!

Never heard of him, but any identitarian is OK with me!

youtube.com/watch?v=R67D0MBApWU martin sellner gets wrecked for 1 hour

Manlets can make good leaders.

>>thinker, philosopher, warrior
Ahahahaha....suck his dick and kys

You've real problems if you don't see the logic behind it.
You have to have nuance if you want relevancy

You are even worse than him, faggot.

Theodore Shoebat is a nice LARPer.

He's great, one of the few activists who fights daily to save Europe.

Soon Lauren will go with him again on a boat to stop NGOs and document the whole thing


We need a lot more people like him who are willing to put their money and brains where their mouth is. He also managed to make it to the MSM a few times not too long ago.



Shoebat looks white, black and jewish at the same time....

why do small guys have huge dicks? my friend is like 175 cm but has literaly 25 cm dick..

No you and your Nazi scumbags