Whats your opinion on us invading and occupying EU?

Whats your opinion on us invading and occupying EU?

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Just try already.

yes, please.

May as well invade Africa at this point

Why would we want your shitskin nigger problems?

>Economy the size of Spain

In a fantasy world I'd be nice
But US and NATO are too powerful

It would probably lead to a nuclear exchange


He means Russia sweeping through west Europe. Not America

If the US was worth an ounce of shit, we'd invade ourselves

You will get to the Rhine, than NATO will destroy your tanks with its Air force and Russia will be crippled for 342 years.
>t.My Great Great Grandfather

You wouldn't get passed Helsinki, hell you would be pushed back before your army got to Tallinn, if you couldn't do it in 1944 you certainly cant do it now especially since America carried your economy during WW2. Just try Ruskie BOI

This is how your women will look when we win

don't fall for the jewish plan. Keep your borders closed, oppose Gloabls institutions and China ,and keep selling Gas and Oil for 3 times the price. Every thing else is suicide

wtf I love Russia now

he says still in the EU

Let them keep their college "students" home.

American Crusades when?

do it

>fuck you, nigger lover.

You probably meant Europe
And you literally can't. Your nation is too financially strained due to constantly propping up Crimea already.
The most you could do is invade us here, but even then you would eventually have to withdraw, and then probably the federation would balkanize too as a result.

A surprising tank attack through central Europe could paralyse it for several weeks, till NATO air force manages to destroy their supply lines

If I have to choose between the current situation (degeneracy, diversity quotas, gynocentrism, anti-masculinity, feminism, faggotry etc.) and being ruled by Russia, of course I would go for the latter. Duh!

NATO is a joke. They can't do shit. But lets go with your scenario, so they invade and annex central Europe, but there would be active resistance, coordinated or not, it doesn't matter.
Then Russia would have to somehow counter that constantly, and in the meantime find a way to pacify the annexed locals (which they can't if they are engaged in direct conflict with the the partisans).
So Russia would flood their resources into the military presence in Europe, and that would be drawn away from the Russian civilian markets. The eventual end result would be Russia going bankrupt and losing any presence in Europe,
and on top of that there would be riots if not civil wars within the federation itself. Look at how the Russian Empire fell, and then the Soviet Union afterwards. I would happen again, it's just a matter of 'when' and not 'if'.

Of course

Rather we are going to have a humanitarian intervention in Russia when the hunger comes back in 10 years and you will be standing in a line for the food stamps

Like non Slavic Russians?

Didn't I wrote that the supply lines will be cut? But thanks for a more detailed description of the scenario Alois predicted

No more brother wars.

The scenario I wrote up is what would happen if the supply lines were left intact, actually. Russia would crumble under its own weight without any outside interference.

Do you have the forces to hold the wast terrtorys of the EU? 450 million euros live there, the EU has bigger army then russia. And why would you do that just to have to fight a insurgency over so wast territorys that are 80% urban?

Fuck off amischwein stop larping.

Please, do it.

Like muslims?

How is the federation not being able to send new troops, and those in place being busy fighting local rebels while the west drops bombs on their heads not cutting off supply lines? Really makes me think.
Guess the only difference is that you assume an inner revolution is somehow natural while I think it is a direct result of the forces being stuck in central Europe

>Let's invade countries with nukes.

I agree, its time Europe takes matters in its own hands and makes peace. Europe is holly, its our home. We all live here our grandparents did and so will our future children. if the USA wants war with Russia let them fight it on there own soil.

fuck you, Canada has first priority for annexation

digits confirms

well, kikes will finally get their wish, your country will get dismembered, China will get Siberia and all your natural resources and you'll be left a Ukraine-tier third world shithole with a tiny territory east of Finland

post moar slav qts btw

Fuck off, we don't need to be further niggerized.

Do it. Do it right fucking now. Your authoritarian figure will decrease the thoughts of mix racing, and have a conservative point of view.

>send new troops
That's the thing, they would keep sending them, more and more. That would strain their economy and also the public opinion would change once the casualties start to spike up, and bodies start coming back in bags.
Keep in mind that Russia cannot sustain both external and internal pressures simultaneusly. Look at the Soviet Union, contrary to common belief it was not sabotaged by the west, but by a change in power combined with the political (and economic) climate of that time.
The only way for Russia to NOT lose is if all the annexed territories stop any kind of resistance, but as we know that would never happen. Once a state becomes independent, it's people will always strive to restore sovereignity by any means necessary, and that is a generational thing. It never goes away.
This has happened before, many times. And it will happen again.

It'd just end up with big civil war. Not really a good idea.

Nah. We don't want you nor Germany.
America is appreciated tho.

the russian actually believes this

More like this.


It's inevitable.

Its called co-operation you dumb fuck :)

kek. fuck russia. Liberals and democrats hating them doesn't imply the right should suck their cock. They're still jewish puppets.

Russia, when? We need qt3.14s in Europe!!!!!!!!!!

I want more of them!!!!!!!!!!!

