Why are right-wingers, conservatives and traditionalists incapable of producing quality movies, TV shows and/or comedy?

Why are right-wingers, conservatives and traditionalists incapable of producing quality movies, TV shows and/or comedy?

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Too busy making things that do stuff.

>Triumph of the Will
What do you want more

> make an entire industry hostile to anyone is not a leftist

> pat yourselves on the back that everyone around you is a leftist

Obvious bait thread


>getting into the satanist pedophile industry
>making a career of 'pretend time'




Like creating culture and inspiring billions to question every aspect of life?

Because Hollywood would rape our careers to death if we did.

Do to the decades old slow creep of Hollywood people now find degeneracy in all forms more entertaining than traditional uplifting morals and family values

Fucking lmao, have you ever read The Daily Stormer? It's the funniest shit on the planet.

Verhoeven is not a right-winger nor a conservative nor a traditionalist.

Because we'll lose our jobs?

Jordan Peterson talks about this, has to do with personality types

Also pretty comedic to me

Wouldn't his hand get cut?

Because holywood is owned by the (((left)))

Hacksaw Ridge was great. Mel Gibson can make a better movie than the Jews that Hollywood gives a platform too

Nice stars, do they come in six-pointed?



Nope just false goat diety shaped

The entertainment industry is entrenched with leftist.But I believe right wingers nowadays are far more entertaining

Just look at pol and the internet in general

yea but he's really tough so it doesn't faze him

Do you think Hollywood and television are quality? Stop smoking crack, OP.

>Why aren't there any antisemitic hollywood producers?

b/c they're blackballed from (((Hollywood))) , ie. Sam Hyde. Even Tim Allen's show, which was incredibly tame, got canned for political reasons. this has forced creative right-wing people underground. right-wing comedy/culture is ground-up : anonymous memes that proliferate into the general culture. left-wing comedy/culture is top-down : John Oliver sells "Make Donald Drumf again" hats and now 'Drumf' is a thing.

Clearly an extra long ricasso like on a claymore

Cause we dont have jews

>you mean indoctrinating millions to engage in unproductive thinking to make them docile.


Mel's a full blown racist
Apocalypto is a masterpiece

Made all the beaners cry cause it told the truth lel

Because right-wingers, conservatives and traditionalists are literally fucking retarded. They're all a bunch of cuckservative subhumans busy licking Jewish cock.

The Jews made him censor the film. He cucked out.

The Merchant Minute is way funnier than all the crap you see on TV.

you're right, apocalypto is a damn good movie, pretty redpilled as well and authentic. he tooks real people with native ancestry and tried to have them talk the original language, but didn't white wash it but kept all the gory details about their perverted culture. leftists attacked him after the movie came out for "portraying natives negatively".

also, pic related is a pretty redpilled conservative movie.

He has kids?

Because they aren't allowed to.

The left control the media and if you do not conform to their agenda then you won't get funding or have any outlet to broadcast your art to the masses.

Things are particularly bad now.

>Ricasso with fucking rounded brass siding
Of course, swords are fucking lightsabers.

Fucking LOL, wait, you post Spielberg? Okay sorry, hold on, let's back up a minute.

Saving Private Ryan sucked. It was a movie about dehumanizing your enemy and portraying any act of mercy or humanity towards him as weakness. The characters were forgettable, manipulatively written and shallow. Every single American was some kind of chest-beating bravo stereotype EXCEPT for the one innocent merciful man who became a bravo chest-beating stereotype by shooting an unarmed man at the end, thus redeeming himself of his TERRIBLE SIN of having shown mercy upon an enemy. He is portrayed as a naive and contemptible manchild for ever DARING to believe that the enemies of the good 'ol US of A could be anything other than murderous, bloodthirsty cowards and monsters.

The closest thing to a single portrayal of irony in the movie was two Ukranian conscripts saying "please don't shoot us we're not German" and then being shot anyway, and then the American soldiers gleefully looting their bodies making jokes about it. These are the people we are supposed to root for.

You want to know a good war film? A really, really good war film? The best in fact? It's called Letters from Iwo Jima. Clint Eastwood. Right Wing.
Oh, sorry, is one not enough for you? Okay. We Were Soldiers. Mel Gibson. Literally Hitler.
Oh wait, Full Metal Jacket you say? Go read some of what Kubric believed politically. He was a Classical Liberal at best, veering towards Randian Objectivism on bad days.
Oh, oh wait sorry, are the three greatest war movies in Hollywood's history not enough for you? Please you must forgive me, let me think,
OH RIGHT, Hacksaw Ridge. Mel Gibson. Literally Hitler. No no, please, let me find some non-war f-

Oh hey it's Gran Torino, oh hey it's Unforgiven, oh hey

>tv shows
>blockbuster movies

>Like creating culture and inspiring billions to question every aspect of life

that's a good one brah!

We had Evalion.

OP is not even trying.

I'm not sure if he has any kids
Hard to find a suitable partner in Hollywierd I'd imagine

I seem to recall the Jews banning her from youtube, and the 8 chan mods banning everyone who supported her. It's like there is a conspiracy against us.

No, a common medieval technique was to grab your long sword half-way on the blade to gain more control of the blade. It's called "half-swording". Larger types swords would also be carried resting on your shoulder the same way a soldier carries a rifle on the shoulder.

Indie films suck, though. We've gotten used to low talent production since the advent of Youtube, but the ability to, say, produce something that looks and feels like Jurassic Park requires a level of talent and skill that is so astounding it's borderline godlike.

Hollywood has a near monopoly on top-talent cinematographers -- period. Nobody else can't even compete. Get a camera and try to make a short film that feels like a real movie. It's really fucking hard even at the most simple of levels, and it's not clear if most people are even capable of that level of artistry even with training.

A real racist would have tons of kids so their race can thrive, like blacks and hispanics! And the chinese! And the Indians! Children are literally the most accurate indicator of racism. Birthrates. Whites are clearly the least racist.

>When thine foe hast no honour and thou must make haste

>It isnt because (((certain people))) control hollywood and choose what is made and who is hired

Hollywood Screenwriter Fag here. Conservative as hell. It's because anything that smacks of being "offensive" won't get funded. It's all about the money. The Leftists don't want to be associated with anything that isn't politically correct/leftist. And, the money people won't fund it. I can write the most conservative shit I can write all day long, but a) no one will pay for it to get made and b) my phone will stop ringing once it circulates town.

this place drives me crazy.

He has NINE.

ask yourself what fiction is, retard. It's lying in endearing ways, using techniques to make it believable or relatable. This is a lefty's entire goddamn profession from the moment they figure out they can get paid to lie and get away with it. When they convince themselves of a particular delusion, it's "getting into character."

Billions of dollars and working hours are sunk into an entire industry making believable bullshit. It's an analogue to the American political system and MSM at this point. Just look at Schwartzenegger keeping Commiefornia a leftist shithole, or the fact America has a reality TV show as a president (not to mention Reagan).

Population growth is literally racism. Fuck immigrants and babies, fucking racist! We all need equal population growth to be racially equal.

movies are not art. they are calculated to maximize profit.

That's good

>Why are right-wingers, conservatives and traditionalists NOT ALLOWED to produce movies, TV shows and/or comedy?
Fixed it for you.


>Shouldst thee wisheth to endeth that gent rightly, despite his want of honour, then unscrew thy pommel and throweth t at that gent

It's funny, because the few conservative movies and TV shows that have been produced have been massive blockbusters and spiked the ratings.

>Master & Commander
>Batman: The Dark Knight
>Downton Abbey (I know they tried to ram leftist messages in after a while)

The Jews are afraid at how easily conservative thought will re-instate itself amongst whites. That's why they block all conservative thought in Hollywood and New York.

out myself? no thanks. what proofs would you like to see? Can't tell you credits, when you'd have my name.

You can't expect him to give you his name and get blacklisted, now can you? If you mean proof of Hollywood being leftist, well that's as obvious as fuck, just look at scum like "male model" George Clooney campaigning for democraps

Jews have a monopoly on hollywood


How about writing like, you know, a professional writer?

Johun Millus and Basil Poledouris...
Such a good movie

It's not like the kikes control hollyw-

I write screenplays, user. Not novels.

Your argument is true, if you ignore everything Western Civilization produced until the 1990's. But sure, films with white people erased and scripts that are little more than lectures on "social justice" are such high quality.

>blocks your path


That was the greatest self BTFO of screen writers I have ever read

"In modern war... You will die like a dog for no good reason."

rural and suburban retards

Future hero of Cyrodiil

'Tis true. This shit ain't high art, man. Besides, writing only what can be seen, or heard, for a screenplay is, by its nature, not like writing a novel.

Well actually you die for money, just the means that change.

u wot m8


Clint Eastwood hates Germans though.

i'll bite. wha'd he take out

Aspiring screenwriter fag here, what's your advice once you have a pilot and bible written? Do you work on marketing that or do you diversify and keep writing?

How do I into Hollywood? Have you had to perform any satanic child rape rituals or are you too low-level for that?

How can you even cram that much nose into the same room?

The whitest kids you know is pretty redpilled. Also most right wing entertainment is on books because we still know how to read.

>How do I into Hollywood?

>Gran Torino

Do you guys still get paid like trash compared to actors and directors or did it improve after the strikes?

uh no. none of your /ourguys/ are engineers technologists or scientists.
jordan peterson is a social science teacher and pewdiepie is a no job youtuber degenerate

go kill yourself or get a fucking job

If you have it written, sit on it for now. The trick is to make people a fan of you and your writing. The people who write the amazing script that just blows everybody away and is sold for a million is rare. Write something that's just entertaining as all hell. Something that will make the reader love what you do, specifically. That's how you get traction in this dump. Unless your idea is just fucking jaw dropping.
How into? Move to Hollywood. I hate to say it, but you really have to be here to get into the game.

>We Were Soldiers
>Top 3 war movie

What are good quality tv shows and films though? I somewhat enjoy Man in the high castle atm but most of the stuff coming out these days doesnt capture me at all. Is it really true that leftist are good at it? Maybe people that want to make movies tend to be leftist, doesn't mean most of the movies and series are uninspired trash. I like Spielberg though.

I dunno, why have you never watched a John Ford movie?

Movies? Tell that to Mel Gibson. And what was the Golden Age of Hollywood?

Shit that made no sense, I"m drunk.


The engineers i know at my local nuclear power plant all support Trump. I'm assuming it's that way for the rest of the country since it seems the Dems hate clean energy.

Trades workers are mostly conservative.

There used to be more before Spielberg got powerful enough to blacklist anyone who isn't a liberal kike worshiper

Compared to what level of actor? I make really good money. But, I've been doing this shit for 10 years. You usually get paid based on your quote (what you got last time). But, I do movies. TV guys usually make a lot less, and it's more of a 5 day a week thing. This last strike nonsense was all about TV writers, which I am not. Honestly, I ignored a lot of the details, as it didn't really shake my particular tree. But, the Jews do try and squeeze blood from stones. They'll fuck you every which way they can.