Would dissolving parliament and giving his Majesty the King supreme power solve Sweden's problems?


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Yes, Long Live the King!

Isn't he just as cucked as the rest of your 'elite'?

Can't be worse

It's the filthy politicians pandering to the base desires of the scum of society that has put us in this infernal mess

I thought the king was too busy with strippers to pay attention to his country.

He's a French usurper.

The politicians are shit, but the true enemy is media. Of course the politicians are obedient servants to media so we should probably kill them too.

He would do a fine job.

Then Victoria, the crown princess would inherit and it would be just as bad.

The national debt has increased by over 350% since 1970. I don't care who rules as long as it isn't the people.

>doesn't have 20/20 vision

It might better things a little bit because I'm sure the king wouldn't be as corrupt as the politicians.

But in general, I'd be happier with SD because they have tangible ideas I know of and can approve of, even if they aren't exactly what I want.
SD as a stepping stone is still the best option, I want to go back to the 70s from a social standpoint.
-Swede on Bornholm

with niggers

Don't forget the failing

Police force
Higher taxes
Wasted money on useless social programs

Our country is slowly descending into chaos.

it wouldn't solve it, but it'd be better

you'd be better off under a new royal house though

Why don't the Swedes just kick the Muslims out of the country? Make Islam illegal?

Because the political parties have the power and people keep voting for the party they always voted for.

Not at all, we should turn our country into a presidential Republic. President Löfven sounds beautiful, who else thinks that Stefan Löfven is our greatest prime minister since Palme?

Hahaha they are racists and Israel supporter, only rednecks votes for them. Here in Stockholm almost everyone hates SD and Åkesson

no he is a useless fucking cuck

He has supreme power. EU was created by monarchy. EU is monarchy, Sweden is a monarchy. You got monarchy inside of monarchy, double supreme, double retarded Christian cuck.

>Många asylsökande i Boden går redan i kyrkan
Many asylum seekers in Boden is already in the church
>I Bodens kommun är 1 280 asylsökande inskrivna i asylsystemet. Många av dem kommer till Rörvikskyrkan.
In Boden's 1280 asylum-seekers registered in the asylum system. Many of them come to Rorvik Church.

>Eritrean wedding in Stockholm 2011 kista kyrkan
Eritrean wedding in Stockholm 2011 coffin Church

>En del undrar varför Svenska kyrkan engagerar sig i flyktingfrågan. Som medmänniskor och kristna har vi ansvar för att värna varandras liv oavsett bakgrund, tradition eller religion. Gud kallar oss att se, inte att titta bort eller blunda. Därför är det självklart för oss att på olika sätt arbeta för att människor på flykt ska få det bättre.
Some wonder why the Swedish Church is committed to the refugee issue. As fellow human beings and Christians we have the responsibility to protect each other's lives, regardless of background, tradition or religion. God calls us to see, not to look away or close your eyes. Therefore, it is natural for us to work in various ways for people to flee'll be better.

Swedish hymn:
>With God I shall fight for home and for hearth

Don't have the majority to do so, but considering SD (the anit-immigration party) is soon to be the largest party, change will hopefully come soon. More and more people are getting tired of the rapes and the abnormal amounts of money spent on it.

>If Stockholm thinks something, it must be so

You're Sweden's California, no one likes you, but you think you matter.

Medborgerlig samling kanske kan vara nåt, Sven

Why would we kick out all Muslims? Most Muslims are just normal people, yes we got some bad Achmeds, but we have had bad Magnus's, Sven's, Alice's, Victoria's etc. For centuries

Can't afford to divide our votes, SD is the safest bet for political power right now.

lyssna inte på han, det är extremt mycket skillnad i område till område.

Kek, I love swedish threads. Yall are so pathetic and emasculated.

Just join the Nordic Resistance Movement and start killing traitors, or keep trying to fix things (((democratically))) and lose your homeland. Take some notes from the IRA.
>inb4 thats illegal

We are the ones making money in this country. the countryside always hates the capital, I think the countryside got some sort of inferior complex

Nah. SD har visat sig för cuckade och verkar inte vilja ha någon verklig förändring. MED finns det hopp för även om de antagligen är mesigare än SD gällande invandring.

Immigrants are bleeding our society dry. We cant afford to have them, they refuse to ingrate, can't get jobs and criminality is now more widespread.

I'm all for immigration, in small doses, with an educated workforce that we require.

Kan tänka mig det, även i Stockholm så måste det finnas svenskar som är trötta på invandring.


>Just join the Nordic Resistance Movement
Hahaha, NRM are a bunch of pathetic losers, they are irrelevant

>muh SD

>was Prime Minister of Sweden from 2006 to 2014 and was also the chairman of the liberal conservative Moderate Party from 2003 to 2015.
>The party was increasingly seen as extremist, and in hopes of changing its image, it changed its name to the Moderate Coalition Party (Swedish: Moderata Samlingspartiet, generally just referred to as Moderaterna) in 1969, or just the Moderate Party
>The party supports border controls and tougher rules for immigrants, including temporary residence permits, stricter requirements for family reunification and cuts in welfare benefits.

Daily reminder you migration started with ultra far right conservatives.

i princip 80% av min klass stödjer SD och vi går i en skola på Norrmalm

Keep trolling.

SD kommer igenomföra sina reformer om dom får chans, annars så försvinner dom efter sin första mandatperiod. Om vi splittrar våra röster, så får vänstern inflytande i politiken.


>ultra far right conservatives

>ultra far right conservatives

You obviously don't know shit about Swedish politics.

No, he needs to me given more power like the Queen has (she actually does veto shit look it up) but keep the Parliament.

no, because he's a fucking mega cuck. in his yearly christmas speech he ALWAYS mentions how shitskins are "important for our country and an integral part of what makes us who we are, we need shitskins to help our economy and save our country", etc.

he's a traitor plain and simple.

The moderate party has never been ultra far right. Their current policies is more similar to Socialism than conservatism

>implying Socialism had more than 0 migrants
Nah Swedecuck, Communism is the solution, it had 0 migrants. Retard.

>here in Stockholm
Storswänsken is the first to be gassed

Verkar vara en trend att många som kommer gå ut ur skolan är SDare, hoppas på att ni fixar rösterna vi behöver

>Daily reminder you migration started with ultra far right conservatives.
Hahaha, their conservative party is just like the Norwegian conservative party. Yes they used to be conservative, but in modern times the party has been turned into the cuckservative party

The supreme power to suck nigger cock? I think so, yes.


all the conservatives already went to SD and now its just faggy "classic" liberals.

>Swedens king
If only we had a Vasa on the throne

I can't speak for Sweden but I would be uproariously happy if Lizzie booted out the current shower of incompetents and assumed direct control of the UK, even at 91 she'd do a better job than May or Corbyn.

He's not from the Vasa line.

Ok then lets vote Sweden Democrats, they exist since 1988. Lets say they get elected, what then? Will they deport those native African families of Sweden?

Ok Sven, you don't have to answer if you feel like you going to get deported for bad words.

>bunch of pathetic losers
t. Achmed

>Here in Stockholm almost everyone hates SD and Åkesson
And here in northern Sweden everybody thinks Stockholm is an angry parasite living of the rest of the country