What you have between your legs doesn't determine your gender

>what you have between your legs doesn't determine your gender
I want off this ride

Other urls found in this thread:


Chromosomes are on a spectrum

Tell me what gender some malformed intersex person is with their anatomy.


>his face when being bald or having hair is influenced by genetics

nice digits famalam

we should legally be allowed to publicly execute these people

Jordan Peterson BTFO this bullshit. youtube.com/watch?v=2dbkJv6566c

The first thing a "geneticist" learns is how little they actually know about the science of genetics, so if somebody tries to make an argument from authority because they're a "geneticist" you can safely ignore them.

It's funny because she specifically said that they're not genders and this retard is too dumb to fucking read.

>I want off this ride
divine punishment

we fucked up and this is what we get for it.
sit it out and hope for the best

Intersex people should honestly be the only humans allowed to adopt a third gender or be trans or whatever, as that is an actual, scientific condition and not pure hearsay. It's a shame they get lumped together with delusional snowflakes.

A mistake.

But the hair on top of your head says a lot about your genetics...

Who is the leftist shitskin being rude to /ourgirl/ what if Sup Forums learned all about that guy? Man how the SJW would cry if Sup Forums defended Laci.

>ignores biological sex based off of X and Y chromosomes
I think this guy took Genetics as his one Science course for his History degree, and claims to understand Genetics. I bet DNA replication kicked his ass
>like, Okazaki Fragments sounds like a chiller band name, or something from Dr. Who

thats called a defect sweetie
>hurrr you cant say humans have 23 chromosomes

This. God only knows. I'm in the last year of my degree, and I'm taking Biochem currently.
Now that I'm in the senior-level courses the constant phrase that is mentioned is "we don't know exactly how this [BLANK] works, but we believe it to be..."
One thing about the sciences that I have learned is how little we actually know

Sweetieposting is the meme I love to hate.

A clear, tangible, physical aberration and deformity, distinct from some guy who is normal save for belief that his soul is an androgynous ent or whatever the fuck. Tell me why I should play pretend with you, dip.

>as the hair on top of your head
Forensic crime scene detectives BTFO


Who wants to bet this guy isn't a geneticist.

Same fucking deal with that nurse in favor of circumcision claiming he was a doctor.

Yeah, researching Zeru now. Seems he's a Crazy Cat Lady Jew with seemingly no science experience or education. He won a $500 scholarship for Jewish studies.

>Chromosonal abnormalities are genders
I sexually identify as downs syndrome

Time to start killing these people

I'm not telling you to play pretend, their feelings don't matter. It's just that there are other things you can look at to determine an answer when you have anomalies like that.

Why is laci green acting so different?

he's right. the all have the same XX or XY chromasomes


these people are literal ultra cucks

>the hair on your head isn't genetic
wait, what?

Being a non gay male nurse is actually a pretty sweet gig.

4 year degree and an exam for 50-60k starting. The demand is really high, and people want male nurses since they aren't incompetent shitheads who just talk all day INSTEAD OF DRAWING BLOOD SAMPLES

t. pharmacist

We were supposed to travel stars this century. Instead we are arguing what gender is a human with a penis.


He's right. Even if you have a (((dick))) you're still a woman if you're XX in your cells

Except the argument is that whatever's between your legs determines your gender, yet there is an entire group of people that doesn't apply to.

A hermaphrodite is a genetic anomaly with almost all cases being infertile.
Without the ability to pass on genetic traits from sexual interaction with other genders the entire argument becomes pointless.
The biology of gender/sex and its entire existence is for procreation not as a way to identify oneself.
The entire thought of a non-binary culture is counter to the evolution and continuation of mankind if it pairs two biological types together.

Why, that would make us an asexual species, wouldn't it?
Think, Leaf. We do not have all the SAME XX or XY Chromosomes

>entire group
>let's pander to a minuscule amount of the population

The concept of 3 or more different sexes to reproduce is too costly and carries to much risk for a species to produce.

why is this fucking tranny shit so common now

the vast majority of people have never encountered a tranny in their lives, why do we have this shit forcefed down our fucking throats?

Also I think Laci Green is extremely brave for turning her backs on her feminist cunt friends like this


Haha yeah right the difference is the hair on my head grows longer and the thing between my legs does the opposite.

is that a troll? both gender and hair is determined by genetics

ITT: idiots who have no understanding about psychology. There is a difference between sex, and gender.

Sex: The biological component you are born with. There are 2 sexes, male and female. Males have penises, and females have vaginas.

Gender: The traits that you display based on your sex. For example a masculine trait would be more aggression and physical awareness, or a female trait would be more tenderness/caring.

What if someone has male body parts (Sex), but predominantly female traits (gender)?
This is when the issue arises.

the tranny shit is actually what makes me believe in malicious conspiracy theories rather than that the West is being fugged by a series of unfortunate decisions. the shilling is insane

no, gender was just a euphemism for English puritans who refused to say "sex". no other language has it.
traits are not indicative of gender and never will be. you're not going to be female if you behave like a girl, just a mentally ill male

Language subversion by Marxist user. Probably their greatest accomplishment of the modern era. They've created enough confusion between gender and sex , making the lgbt issue way more confusing than it should be.

>What if someone has male body parts (Sex), but predominantly female traits (gender)?
Then they're a pussy

Sex: actual science
Gender: made up bullshit that can be artificially altered to suit anyone's purpose


Unfortunately the answer is kind of simple people are followers "trans-trender" is becoming popular and gets attention.
Being cis-normal is boring in their eyes and is being demonized to get more attention.
The saddest part is many will take hormones and mutilate themselves in this process.

is this pro or against transgenders
this could just as easily be a "it doesn't matter if you turned your dick inside out, that Y chromosome don't lie and neither do I"

>What if someone has male body parts (Sex), but predominantly female traits (gender)?

Then they're a male with a dysfunctional brain.

gender isn't something written in stone you absolute retards. thinking up an idea doesn't make that idea a fact.

.05% of the populations; nobody cares. They're exactly what you said; intersexual or hermaphodite or if they want transgender, that's fine. Everyone else in the "T" club is mentally ill

Stalin would have put you in front of a firing squad just for writing this

>based on your sex
Wew. I think you swung, whiffed, and threw the bat over the fence and out of the park on that one.

Ridiculously rare exceptions don't make the rule any less valid, retard.

And in this post some one completely over looks the important link to the two.
Masculine traits and feminine traits lead to attraction between the biological sexes the driving force behind our very existence.
To deny or attempt to alter this is destructive by nature.

>What if someone has male body parts (Sex), but predominantly female traits (gender)?
That's called (you).

Male or female. A person with a functioning SRY is male, like a Klinefelter's male.
A person with no SRY is female, like a Turner's Female or an XY female, if the SRY is translated away from a Y.
t. Biologist

> physical genitals don't determine gender
> point out physical characteristics of intersex genitals
> 'what gender is this?'

So gender is linked to biology.

So a lot, then?
You can identify a person's gender by analizing their hair

>1 post by this id

Slide thread. Sage and move on folks.

That's why the word faggot was invented, faggot. BTW we conquered our own continent while your grand pappy was suckin crown dick, how does that make you feel?

But gender IS a thing, its crazy how y'all just plainly deny that it's not. No one is 100% male or 100% female. The tweet that OP posted is correct in saying that your private parts have nothing to do with your gender. It is all physiological.
Everyone has some male and female traits. This is why you get soft males or males that aren't really physically, and conversely you get tomboys or females that act very masculine and aggressive. It is a spectrum. We label everyone "Male" or "Female" when they have more masculine or more feminine traits. This is all good up until someone has more masculine traits, but their equipment is female. Or vice versa. What now? do they continue with their life? or do they pretend that they have feminine traits? or do they get a sex change?

/pol make it out to be some simple clear cut issue. Its more complex than that.

Source: am psych student at UCL.

I caught that too. Literally agreeing with him and he's just looking for someone to be self-righteous to. Same shit happens on Sup Forums way too often so you know those faggots are here as well. Or at least people like them.

Until the 1960's, "gender" was equal in definition to sex and had no formal usage outside of grammar. It wouldn't ever be used by any sane person in the way you're referring until a marxist sexologist by the name of john money published his completely falsified study on the Reiner twins, a tragic and evil experiment which led to the life long suffering and eventual suicide of young David Reiner, a boy who dr money attempted to raise as a girl, in order to orove that gender is different from biological sex and result of societal expectations. His experiment was a complete failure as David never "succeeded" at feeling and acting as a girl does, despite recieving hormone treatment in adolescence without any knowledge of his true sex.

Dr money also coined the term "gender role".

So your entire worldview of sexuality is based on the perversions of a dead, demented pedophile who earned dozens of rewards by mainstream acadamia for ruining a childs life and destroying a family.

>what you've got between your legs says about as much about your gender or genetics as the hair on the top of your head
So, literally the chromosomes XX and XY found in said hair?
Did this imbecile just proved his own argument wrong?

1. Appeal to Authority is not an argument.
2. His second post really makes me doubt his self-proclaim credentials of being a geneticist.


Money was also Jewish.
What a (((coincidence))), goyim!

>No one is 100% male
You've never met Steven Seagall faggot

Male nurses get a lot of respect and are desired for many reasons. For example, all the jailbait throwing themselves for you.


My objection ( ) was based on the fact that the poster claimed that gender traits were based on sex, which is equivalent to your point that private parts have nothing to do with gender.

I think a better clarification of what people mean by "sex" and "gender" would be "organs" (as a manifestation of chromosomes) and "behavior." One is physical, the other psychological: one natural, the other a product of human creation.

what chromosomes they got?

that just means theyre a faggot, user. its not some scientific concept

Because gays got marriage so they need a new avenue of [that term for showing everyone how progressive you are].

psychology isnt an actual science. never use source: psychology student again you cunt

Proofs? Big if true

Yes, we all know about the Reimers, this is exactly what led to the biological gender movement in psychology. You literally proved my point. He was born a male, however his penis was accidentally damaged when he was a baby. So Money had him undergo surgery and attain an artificial vagina. He was brought up a female. He ended up committing suicide, because his traits were predominantly masculine. In the reports, he says he likes playing sports and he was aggressive to other girls.

Now use this example on someone who was born a male, but has female traits. David Reimer was born male, but made to act as a female, whilst he had male traits. Someone born a male, who has female traits? now thats an issue that we know happens

He read the wiki so he's basically an expert and you should shut your fucking mouth.
>he said with heavy sarcasm

He must be one of those "intellectuals".

Do you even know the definition of physiological you larping med faggot?

whether you act like a woman or not isnt a real thing because women and men dont all act the same. its stupid and self defeating in its own definitions.

>Now use this example on someone who was born a male, but has female traits

then he's mentally ill

I never said that there wasn't a difference.
Counter traits to your sex is detrimental not only for procreation but mentally.
But encouraging those with extreme trait differences to "change" their sex is madness. There is clearly a chemical imbalance but the idea of trying to understand this better is bigoted, but we can mutilate them and give them hormones for the rest of their lives and that's acceptable.

The world could be fixed overnight if only everyone always did exactly the opposite of what Jews wanted.

>laci green
>those digits

He's right, genetics are key to hair colour and gender.

>there are 2 genders male and female, determined solely by genetics.

>Now use this example on someone who was born a male, but has female traits.
See that's still not how it works though, just because you have the traits of the opposite sex doesn't mean you are the opposite sex

if I grow up with a black family and act exactly the same as all black people that doesn't make me fucking black does it?

your identity isn't something you can change based on feeling

That person is actually correct OP.
That's why you don't talk about gender.
Talk about biological sex.
Cultural Marxism has successfully hijacked the word "gender"
Strike it from your vocabulary.

He was at least a crypto.
The nose knows.

You completely ignored everything i just posted. All your gender studies nonsense is rooted in the work of an academic hack whose ideas, ideas that your worldview is based on, directly led to torment and death. Gender was not seperate from sex until doctor money. It didn't become so until his central argument behind the seperation of the words, the argument that gender is a social construct, was "proven" by his "work" on the reiner twins. All of your disgusting, destructive, parasitic ideas is based on one big, fat, awful, murderous lie.

fucking idiot, "acting black"? are you stupid, because you're sounding stupid right now. If you're white and grow up in India, you will speak Punjab and act just like the rest of them. Nurture is a thing.
>ur identity isn't something you can change based on feeling
your identity IS the traits that you display to the outside world. If you are black or white, or Asian or Arab, it doesn't matter because race doesn't accommodate any psychological traits, only physiological ones. So, your identity isn't what you look like, or your genetics, its your psychological traits.

He was born male and had male traits no mental illness.
Born male thinks he's a female mental illness.

>this is when the issue arises

exactly, the issue of mental health

gender isn't real

is it possible to have an XXY where the Y becomes the Barr body in half the cells?

>fucking idiot, "acting black"? are you stupid, because you're sounding stupid right now. If you're white and grow up in India, you will speak Punjab and act just like the rest of them.

YES that doesn't fucking change your ethnicity into a fucking Indian just because you have all the traits of an Indian person, thanks for proving my point, just like having the traits of a female doesn't turn a male to a female

Identity isn't solely based off of psychological traits so all of the other shit you said is wrong

Trans are sick people that need to be put into a mental institution. Parents that force children into sex changes should be sterilized & have their kids taken away forever AND institutionalized.

Next they will be telling us that their female cat is really a boy & they are going to pay for a sex change on their pet.

>4 year degree and an exam for 50-60k starting.
Not here in CA. Buddy of mine got his in 2 years and pulls around $70k a year.