Sup Forums wtf have you done to Shia

>Niggers are going to hell
>Im a cuck, my wife wants a black bull

Other urls found in this thread:



>tfw its real

He went full red-pilled on that darkie... holy shit
And he was calling others nazis during HWNDU

We have broken him.

He found himself lurking Sup Forums, like so many of us have.

Lmfao this timezone

Shia wtf. Sup Forums is satire. Get your shit together.

That's what was telling you fucks when he was in that she'd for a month. Instead of looking for him the search should have been for the wife.

Yes, goy. Sup Forums is satire.


What is obvious about this man is that he is a vile piece of work. All his posturing, his public face is all about his ego, he believes in nothing above himself.

Possibly it's a massive shill op and he's gonna come out as a new red pilled dude, never trust this man

>Liberals are unironically cucks

i thought it was just a meme

So.. this.. is the power of meme magic.

>Shia claims his wife likes BBC
>Just drunk, talking shit
>Wife sees TMZ video
>"Hmmm maybe I should try it"
>Shia is released from jail, travels home
>Finds wife in bed with multiple niggers
>Actually becomes a cuck

He's probably mentally sick. I guess he already was like that before, but the whole YWNDU thing was like an catalytic converter.

Shia poast if you're okay

Maybe we went a bit too far, he could have been one of us

He's a kike. His place was never at our side.

>leftists are actually hypocrites who only spout their nonsense to gain social influence

Wow, I'm surprised.

Someone's been taking Sup Forums too seriously again

When will libcucks learn to fear the Trump curse?

He'd have to be a pretty big faggot if that was the case. There's literally legions of females who'd fuck him. Probably all of tumblr and half of twitter

Fuck mercy. He chose his side, and he chose wrong. Anyone who thinks that sympathy has a place in the battle for our civilization will ultimately be left behind.

>when we bully Shia so much he starts coming here and then revealed his power level


>>Im a cuck, my wife wants a black bull

The headline is written badly. Shia tells the white cop that HIS(the white cops) wife prefers black dick.

In other words, he's calling the white cop a cuck.

Amen brother!!!

So this means he's done right?
You cant bad mouth the holy negros and Get away with it, the SJW will eat him alive now


>implying the rules apply to Jews

He's a fag and he's not talented. Butt fucking Disney reject. His only contribution to this world was HWNDU, and the only reason why that was good is because Sup Forums showed up.

Real talk; I think he has totally gone crazy. At this point, I think it doesn't take much to trigger him. He's been conditioned to know where his place his.

Now that he's been broken down, he can be built back up into a worthwhile human being.

Likewise, friendanon

I think what he was saying was that the cops wife likes niggers, not his own wife

Looks like Shia's been redpilled. He must have come here during the HWNDU stuff and learned about the Jews and the true state of the world. Now he knows everything he advocated is a lie.


This is insane.

Daily reminder that a majority in Sup Forums has a severe lack of intelligence or is extremely autistic

These retards can't even read a single line properly, shia is calling the cop a cuck dumb stormnigger trash

We just had several threads about Bess Kalb fake crying on Instagram and the majority of Sup Forums was too autistic to notice it was fake


>Shia an hero live stream
would be the greatest happening in Sup Forums history

Pls no jump my border.

Stop being such a bigot. Discrimination based on intelligence level or ability is NOT ACCEPTABLE!

He clearly says the cops wife prefers it, not his.

>mfw Shia has been the one flooding threads with black dicks for years under Canadian proxy

Well played.

>when you get memed on so hard and for so long you lose your mind

He probably starts all the BBC threads on pol too

Good, good, he is finally broken... now his "ben garrison" transformation can begin.

What a fucking baby. Worse than getting arrested is losing your job, home, kids while your locked up. This asshole doesnt have that problem.

>black go to hell
wrong, pick one
you're being just retard


Literally me


Relax it's just performance art

being omniscient does not make you an asshole, it makes you human.
human and drunk.
sure he's rich, but that doesnt make him an asshole. he's allowed to feel emotions when he gets arrested, you know?

i mean not being omniscient*

First Ben Garrison, now Shiah. Who'll be next?

Lots of white women will see this and think of black dick when shia lacuck uttered the words. Shia is being a jew as usual, promoting BBC.

This is what happens when you feed someone too much red pills by both mouth and ass



This is art.


At long last we are divided

Nah, what differentiates us from the regressive left is our ability to accept anyone, even those we used to fight against.

Even if you're a darling of the left, if you slip up even once and say something that could possibly be construed as racist or sexist or whatever, you're permanently branded an evil nazi. You're shunned, and there's no redemption for you. Unless you give away all your wealth and start fucking niggers or something. Or you kill yourself. That's about it.

We, on the other hand, welcome anyone with open arms so long as they at least sit and listen to our points and views. If Shia really did change his tune, I'd be happy to welcome him here. That's the difference between us and the left though, we forgive and will work with others even if they were ultra-turbo SJWs before being redpilled.

>"Yeah, I'm a white dude! You're going to hell for being black you fucking nigger!"
>"Hey, white dude! You know your wife prefers niggers right?"
>The Jew knows the end is coming
>Yet he can't resist trying to create a race war to finally kill off whites borne on nothing but sheer jealousy

Very very sad news.

nice try

>Shia, realizing he can't beat us head on decides the only way to keep from dividing is to join us, winning the diplomatic victory at the last minute


Nothing, Shia picked a fight with weaponized autism and lost hard. That is all.

If Shia just kept his mouth shut and his cash to himself instead of splurging on stupid art projects, he wouldn't be this fucked up to begin with. He picked a fight and lost, that is all that happened.

>liberals actually think this is how Trump would talk if he were drunk


>be shia
>find out Sup Forums is fucking with your flag
>comes here to find his enemy
>accidentally redpills himself beyond repair
>completely loses his shit and starts living like a homeless fag
>calls cop nigger and says white cops wife is getting blacked

This is just fucking hilarious

As faggy as this sounds we need to get this rich white broken shambled cuck as a public speaker on our side he may be a pathetic loser now but if he fixes himself up he could be prominent voice for red-pilling communist nigger lovers.

The reason being is whether we like him or not we can not deny the fact that Shia is a prominent leader of liberal ideology and if niggers that worshiped this cuck see him on our side of the sidewalk there minds will be in shambles. After we broke Shia he became curios and curiosity kills

I read your post, No.

Daily reminder.
This is what will happen if you come here with ill intentions like Shia. However If you come here with a pure heart and a disgust for the degeneracy in the world, you might find yourself living better and lifting weights.


shia if you're reading this, learn and start dropping redpills while you still have some spotlight on you. its not like you have anything left to lose anyway.

it's just a prank bro

How can Shia even compete?

Good goyim. It's all just a joke. Donate to your local (((charity))) or something.

Great one post.
Also, I love how Sup Forums opens the mind and hits everything from every angle.

Free speech, free mind.

this goy gets it

I remember him going on some talk show talking about hearing people listening in on his phones calls right before the Snowden leak.

literally pic related, but psychologically

Shia could INSTA-REDEEM himself if he exposed his pedophile father & talked about the child-grooming rings that take place in (((Holy-Wood)))

Of which, he no doubt has been taken advantage of, being a Disney child actor who was given major roles despite being shit (see: crystal skulls, transformers, eagle eye, etc)

They seem like a happy group : ^ )

Definitely looks like it was a fun night

Classic liberals. Always racist

What's his name again

Jews are a disgusting people

He's known as "Rough Rider", but doesn't like to be called it

He said "he will not divide us". It turned out the only way for him to keep his promise was to unite with Sup Forums. I respect his follow-through.

Just go over to left cuck.

Is this all a performance art act or something or is this for real?

I could've sworn his name was Dan "The junior high insider" Schneider

Arabs are the new taboo.

I would have read your post, if not for the title of your image. Fuck yooooouuuuuuuu!

He's a mentally ill leftist crypto-kike. Sup Forums did nothing too him.

All I can conclude from shia's bizarre behavior is that the hwndu fiasco made him discover Sup Forums and he gazed into the warp. While he learned much, he couldn't handle the bitter knowledge.

Anybody else care to speculate?

Sup Forums has jumped the shark.

I get it. I've lurked on Sup Forums. I've lurked on Something Awful. I've lurked on reddit. I've lurked on Usenet.

Trolling is funny. People shouldn't take themselves too seriously. Memes are funny. Some ideas just catch on and spread like wild. Anonymity is funny. People do crazy stuff when they're unencumbered by their "everyday" identities.

I get it. We get it. Everyone gets it.

But here's the thing.

It's really getting to the point where it's not funny anymore. It feels less like satire and more like... a desperate attempt to cling to something that lost all its value, mojo, and influence years ago.

Almost exactly like, y'know, Shia LeBouf. Which is kind of my point. Sup Forums is the Shia LeBouf of the internet.

Shia fucking LeBouf.

And here's the kicker. At least Shia LeBouf has a message that isn't total shit. I mean, I get it; Trump and Pepe are edgy as fuck. Sup Forums being super edgy and triggering everyone with their edginess is the message. But it's a tired joke. And it costs people in the end.
It increases hatred in the universe. It increases chaos. It increases sadness and loss and intolerance and pain.

And sure, you have the right to make those jokes. You can troll from sunup to sundown and that's fine. That's your message.
But like I said: that's a shitty message. It's a shitty message that hurts people. And it's not funny anymore. Hurting people isn't funny.
If you think it's funny -- well, you've got problems. And that's fine. Be that shitty person.

But I'm not going to be a part of this anymore. I'm not going to be a part of your shitty, tired, formulaic Internet culture anymore. I want my message to be better than that. I want to be better than that.

that too. but you gotta admit, mountain time, what is that all about anyway?

That's a tasty pasta mate

I saw Shia Lebeouf at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn't want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, "Oh, like you’re doing now?"

I was taken aback, and all I could say was "Huh?" but he kept cutting me off and going "huh? huh? huh?" and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like "Sir, you need to pay for those first." At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually "to prevent any electrical infetterence," and then turned around and winked at me. I don't even think that's a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


This is the Sam Hyde pasta, isn't it?