Liberalism is a mental disase

What the fuck is wrong with "the so-called left"?

Other urls found in this thread:

it's white people.
ever see a black man cut out his own balls and eat them? No.
The earth was a paradise before Yakub created you. Eductate yourself.

fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake

troof my nigreo


please you heathens mental health is degrading just as fast as ours.



Thats enough internet for today.

Are these people even human ?! Are we fighting against demonic forces ?

Keep telling yourself that.



Yeah and how many black people did you white devils put in cages unduly?
We make up 13% of the population but how many of us rot in cages?


Well I've eaten Rocky Mountain Oysters (fried bull testicles). I wouldn't eat my own nuts, or another humans, but lefties are mentally ill, what more do you want.


The vast majority of liberals do not believe in self-inflicted genital mutilation. Great job burning down a strawman.

it's real, dumbass

there's even a book on how to castrate yourself being shared around in far left communities

Right... you just believe in genital mutilation when it's done by a doctor

Who gives a fuck, you're black.

Not enough.

reddit please leave shit's fake and old af

Well, I guess on the plus side they're removing themselves from the gene pool


The term is Sex Re-assignment Surgery. And no, it is not "genital mutilation." They don't just go in with a pair of Elmer's scissors and chop off your penis... these are trained professionals.

Btw, this procedure has been performed over 1,000 times with less than 0.3% of cases resulting in serious complications.

Other than the increased suicide rate

>They don't just go in with a pair of Elmer's scissors and chop off your penis

They slice up your penis, invert it, and give you different sized rods to insert for a few hours a day for the rest of your life. You will never have a vagina. You will eventually kill yourself, solving the problem.

Africans belong in Africa.

> Are we fighting against demonic forces ?


You know demonic forces because they go against nature. They put waste in the mouth and food in the toilet, they seek pain, they reverse evolution, they create noise instead of music. This is demonic work, no doubt.

Yakub's children never change. You're just his slave.

I haven't seen this in years. Maybe 2008ish?

Where does the time go, Sup Forums?

How much does ShareBlue pay you faggots?

Jesus Frenard Christ that is horrifying.

I don't work for white devil cave dwellers. I work for the Ebonoid master race aka humanity.

How much does ShareBlue pay you faggots?

How could I get a woman to do that to me?

You mean like the paradise in all black areas of Africa? Kek
American niggers would never dare go back to Africa to live in a tribe.
You're welcome for enslaving you, nigger.

Stahy woke muh nigger

These same arguments could be used to justify religious female genital mutilation. Try harder

Africa is a paradise, unlike the caves we sent you Tricknologists into for 2000 years.
You've run the world for a bit, but we'll put you back in your caves again.

How much does ShareBlue pay you faggots?

Answer the question- is this not exclusive (for the most part) to white people?

Divide and conquer Tricknology tactics won't work any more.
Yakub had two brains, we have the internet.

How much does ShareBlue pay you faggots?

> baiting and people believe it

The top shekel my goy

Your Tricknology 120 is nothing compared to Teachnology 720

How much does ShareBlue pay you faggots?

t. Professor Kang of Niggernomics


preach mah nigga

fucking lmao this nigger here has this to say meanwhile half of Africans are AIDS infested cannibals. Yeah I bet south Sudan is a real paradise bro.

Take a look at a nigger hate thread sometime & learn something about your people.

The first people in recorded history known to habitually dwell in caves were East African.

there's a book called the psychotic left, haven't read it

This thread is cancer.
>OP posts some dumbass shit
>Nigger instigates race war
>Niggers and shitposters argue

According to surface dwelling Albinoids who unconciously preach Tricknology and don't know about the hollow earth.
Not for long, 6000 years. Tick tock.

How is he gonna pee now?

Should be done to all Penises desu.

Okay what the FUCK

Shit meme for a shit thread

Been a long time since I've seen this one.

said by burger who probably had the same thing happen to his foreskin at birth as a matter of course.

How much does ShareBlue pay you faggots?

Yeah but the patients often kill themselves so I wouldn't call it a success breh. Could it be that they were mentally ill all along?

ShareBlue and the establishment in general are all Albinoid, mostly the Jewish version, which is probably more concentrated as they excel at Tricknology 120.
Ask yourself this, why are Ebinoid women so unpopular? It's because their Ebinoid genes cleanse all unnatural Rubinoids, Citrinoids, and Albinoids and revert their children Ebinoid, the natural state. They (the Albinoids who control you and are stronger in Tricknology) don't want you to know that.

How much does ShareBlue pay you faggots?

D-does anyone have the aftermath of this??

About tree fiddy

How much does ShareBlue pay you faggots?

This kills the penis

How long have you been on the internet? This actually fucking happened. Look up ren rikka faggot, this is some ancient 7chon/tranchan shit.

Why aren't we encouraging more weak men to do this?

Almost got me...

ALso anyone have Pain olympics gifs?


I'm a lifelong liberal and I think transexuality is a mental disorder, SRS is Cronenberg-tier horrifying

Nostalgia thread?


yeah cut off your penis you weak faggot
because they will do anything anyone says right
you are so fucking stupid



fucking hell faggot




I don't know about ball cutting, but I've seen videos of niggers in Africa mutilating their dicks for ritual/tribal/equally retarded reasons.


That's where the slippery slope ran dry? Now-vaginas? Too bad your old and irrelevant now. A useful idiot who is losing its usefulness.

Back up chronologically from natural trannies disgust, to aversion to homosexual acceptance, gay marriage, no-fault divorce, sexual liberation, miscegenation and (half of the) civil rights movement.

Once you did THAT, then divest yourself of substance abuse and dependency. Reject materialism as a means to self reflection and define status. And you will soon realize (this is not satire) Hitler was 88% right.

idk, it's almost as if they have some sort of mental illness

I love these!


pic is literally my reaction when I scrolled down and saw

Check this out!

is that an at-home diy sex change?

None of you faggots ever been to Sup Forums?
Fuck is happening to this place....

4 seconds in and I have to close it... fffffuck!

Most the users of this board came here in 2015+ directly from reddit or twitter. Nothing but a bunch of weak faggots and roastie cunts here now.

you're weak