Bill Nye recieves Emmy Nomination for "Sex Junk" episode

>“It’s been a record-breaking year for television, continuing its explosive growth,” Television Academy Chairman Hayma Washington said in a press statement announcing this year’s Emmy nominations. “We are thrilled to once again honor the very best that television has to offer.”

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Every day we stray further from God's light. Fucking kikes.

About three years ago I learned awards mean nothing. They are just given to somebody who is the "most daring" and as a pat on the back in an echo chamber. I don't need some douche to win an award to tell me if something is good or not. I will be the judge of my own thoughts.

Awards for media was such a mistake.


Only thing that'll stop it at this point is divine intervention.

Only way people are going to react is if these kikes come in to our homes and start killing out white children.

what the fuck am I saying, any award! They gave Obama the "peace prize" award for drone striking randos and spying on people and covering for Clinton.

He hasn't won yet, moron.
Just nominated, which is horrible, but he hasn't won

Hahahaha of course. Soon that song will be blasted on all speakers from the taco stand-mosque-gay bars on every street corner like the fucking call to prayer in Baghdad or London

Are you surprised honestly?

FFS earlier this year Hollywood gave Best Picture to Moonlight for the sole purpose of virtue signaling (at least that's what it seems, since I've seen Moonlight and can't otherwise think of why it was considered 'best picture' other than the fact that it was about a poor, gay black kid)

Its all an attempt to make the populace think that these peoples actions are the right one.

to try and get people on board with these ridiculous ideas.

It'll be played on loop before disney/pixar films start, so its embedded in childrens brains.

Cant wait to see Dr Kaku dancing on a pole.
Maybe Degrasse Tyson on a gay parade.

>Maybe Degrasse Tyson on a gay parade.
I'm like 90% sure this has already happened

I wouldnt doubt it.

every entertainment industry award for the duration of trumps presidency will by won by whoever was the most anti-trump. this will not win because it's just pro-degeneracy and sickness, and not directly anti-trump

>(((record-breaking year for television, continuing its explosive growth)))


your god is a jew leaf.

I keked at that too

>Bill Nye recieves Emmy Nomination for "Sex Junk" episode.
Which basically shows us that Emmies are just more political propaganda for the left. Ditto with Oscars, Nobel Prizes, Fields Medals, and so on. None of that shit is for actual merit anymore. It's all politics and has been for a long time now.

This is fantastic. Fuck kikes.


Fuck off racist shit

>muh sex junk.jpg

They actually gave him the peace prize less than a year into his presidency

As far as 'major awards' go, the only shit that really has any credibility are the hard science Nobels (physics, chemistry, medicine, etc). Emmys and Oscars, Peace Prizes and Pulitzers, the rest is all trash.

This is completely natural and beautiful you fucking racist bigot

That whole episode was total horseshit.

>XY chromosome doesn't always happen because I said so
>Here's a completely arbitrary chart for sexuality with no scientific evidence

As little science as the show had this episode was by far the most preachy and least scientific.

Does Chris-Chan have this?

Thats....fuckin disgusting.

I really hope it wins. What a huge red suppository that would be.

i aint clicking that shit


Jews giving Jews awards. Wow what else is new?

Fuuuck not Kaku...

I just looked this up, and while the dilation part is true, it's not 4 hours a day. it's like 1.

Fuck your pretend "god".

>manbaby retard in charge of understanding what intersex even is.

>They actually gave him the peace prize less than a year into his presidency
Basically they gave him the Peace Prize for being a nigger. He then dropped 100,000 bombs on seven countries.

God he's so fucking cringey. Not just him but the normies who pat themselves on the back because they think watching his show makes them "smart"

can he be memed into winning?

no one cares about atheist fairy tales anymore with your dragons and dinosaurs, i bet you believe in unicorns too huh?

>my sex junk is so oh oh oh


tell me this is a joke

Young Pope didn't get nominated either

The saddest part is for anyone that *didn't* grow up watching Science Guy, THIS will be what they remember him for instead.

Imagine what's gotta be going through Bill's head right now, imagine him sitting in his home with a stiff drink staring at his award across the room as he reflects on the fact that his legacy of science education and advocacy will now be boiled down to "Sex Junk"


Outstanding, here is your admission to Stanford.

He just couldnt resist that fat payday of jewbucks.

Clearly, if people absolutely must have this or they'll never be happy, the answer is to give this to them, rather than address their mental health.

What's the emmy for? More subversive tv series in the field of gender dysphoria?

Are you surprised?
The rothchilds can cause and determine the outcome of world wars but can't rig awards shows?

the first trick they played was making jesus a jew.



From what I've read he actually hates children.

Which explains his latest series.

From the stories I've read it's more like 1 hour 4 times a day and extremely painful.
Either way it is completely disgusting and trans people are living a nightmare where they can't say they regret it because they worked so hard to have this done to them and so pretend everything is great and then kill themselves.

you've got to be kidding me this was universally detested by everyone, wtf

chris chan never got SRS, he just had a gooch piercing that got infected and turned into a festering wound

stop posting this abomination, for fucks sake

Bill Nye used to be cool.

shake their sex junk

wait didn't everyone (including a lot of centre normies) think that episode was retarded?

Long read but well worth it.



ive got that one too man

The only option is rediscovering the Old Gods.

Thanks for the (You), but how the fuck is that video relevant in any way?

kill yourself you tranny fagit

the puking part. chunk is acting like he didnt like it but he was doing it cause he did
i said i got that one to, and then i posted that video. your asking me what makes it relevant?

translaters note
kaku means lan

Of course they arr going to congratulate themselves and tell each other they are all doing the right thing. They live in a bubble.

Since even normies puke at this shit we need to meme this to win. kay?

Fair enough I guess.

Part of me hopes it wins the Emmy since it will increase the hatred towards Hollywood and the kikes that support this.

The thing is, most normies (even liberals) hated "Sex Junk" and felt like their childhoods had been ruined.

The people who award TV shows and movies are liberal Jews totally out of touch with everyone even liberal normies.

Don't worry about this show getting an Emmy, most people don't like it. It's literally a few kikes who like it.

Imagine writing for a TV show and getting nominated for an Emmy, an award that will land you tons of great writing jobs.

Imagine losing the award to the writers on a Bill Nye episode where a chick sings about her "sex junk" while Bill pretends to DJ with a guy dressed as a Seahorse.

That would drive a man to suicide.

Doctor "Exterminate a Jew, it's good for you" Kaku


I don't believe that for a second.

Even science is degenerate now. Nothing is safe...

The left pulled science into politics,basically corrupting it. Like they do everything else.

These Climate FREAKS cannot keep getting away with it



>and this WOULD mean something if the legacy media wasn't dying.

Who gives a shit about an Emmy, faggot? Bill can fuck himself with his Emmy for all I care. That song was cancer.

Can we just end humanity already? Its not going to get better from here.

It's fucking hilarious how the world reoriented itself in such a manner that an insane retard like Chris-Chan is perfectly normal in our society, while someone who upholds traditional family values and a strong interest in heritage is an outcast.
And by fucking hilarious, I mean frightening beyond rational comprehension

Are Emmy's the new Grammy's?

Why are you archiving the dailycaller?

Jews giving gold to other Jews, what a surprise.

I hope someone suicide attacks the emmys and kills a bunch of celebrities

I'd much rather form a kike death squad and purge them from this country.

Bill Nye "The science guy" who is also a failure of an engineer

I archive everything

God, I hope video sharing sites and anime downloads eventually put (((TV))) out of business.

dc is owned by carlson.

>do butt stuff
But my wife says my dick is too fucking thick and she can't shit right for days.

Emmy awards dont mean shit, just like how every author that sells more than 2 books is a new york time bestseller, wasnt even a good song in general, repeatitive lyrics and all


I read it all. Oh my fucking god.

I can just imagine a SJW accusing this poor man of being transphobic. In fact I'd be surprised if they didn't. Poor guy has no choice but to kill himself