If you are an American what reason do you have for hating Jews? Jews are an ally of America...

If you are an American what reason do you have for hating Jews? Jews are an ally of America. They have flooded all the other countries with refugees but not America. If you think Jews really are in charge here didn't they do good by making other countries shit with Muslims so America looks that much better? If you think Jews are all powerful shouldn't we join forces with them since they actually seem to like America?
>but black people in movies
Dude so what movies are distractions for retards. If the dumbest portion of the population nigs itself who cares?
A lot of Jews identify as white anyways. Pretty sure they don't want to destroy the white race which is the only buffer between them and
shitskins. They only want to destroy the Eurocucks and those cucks are over there.

Other urls found in this thread:


can confirm

Fuck off schlomo. I hate you and your beetle eyed insect country.

sieg heil 14/88

Sounds pretty irrational but ok

I went to Afghanistan, I can tell you that my biggest mistake was to fight for those bankers, they're not our allies, they're using us.

This. I hate zionist Christians as much as I hate the Jews. They all are traitors and deserve punishment in line with that.

Using us for what? To kill Abu so they can create their own nation of all Jews. I thought people here liked segregation.
The only people I ever see hating on Israel usually are the ones who give a shit about the poor palestinians. That ain't me.

The continued existence of Jews is irrational.

I wouldn't care if an actual holocaust happened, it would be like getting antibiotics, when you're sick
>More hate towards (((them))) pic related.

>Implying I can't hate both.

Yeah fighting wars against goatfuckers for treacherous kikes is exactly what we should be doing. Fuck you you dumbfuck kike pretending to be the whiteman. I hate you fifth column sixth column star nigger faggots.

Have you served the country? It's easy to say you don't care, when you're not doing the dirty job. Israel already has a nation, they have control over the banking system, now they want control of the oil, how more obvious does it have to be? If we keep helping them, in the end they'll control stuff like potable water and that will be the end of OUR nation. I you only knew....

>They have flooded all the other countries with refugees but not America
Bullshit. Have Trump pass a full block on immigration and then we'll talk.

t. larping leaf flag hider
Show me that leaf I know it's under there

American Jews = Suicidal
Israeli Jews = Homicidal

No sir, I can assure you I'm a patriot.

Americans have the most reason to hate Jews ya fucking goof

>jews are an ally of america
Tell that to the crew of the U.S.S. Liberty

Anonymous™: The Great Conspiracy
Decentralizing the web while maintaining net neutrality and eliminating surveillance and social engineering.

Anonymous.gov: The Great Conclusion
Our government is an automatically replenishing crate full of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Then show us your U.S. flag then.

They were trying to shoot Egyptians in was an accident.
America accidentally killed those Canadians awhile back. Shit happens.
Would you rather have Muslims?

>If you are an American what reason do you have for hating Jews?
I hate everything.

No they weren't, there is plenty of information from first hand accounts that the jews knew who they were attacking. They were attempting a falseflag to get us in another war. 1/10 bait.


oy vey

There is a proxy war among us.

Kikes with american flags defending their kikery.

We set the precedence, and now (((their))) just trying to capitalize on it like they always do.

Even Israelis hate American Jews.


I show my political opinion, not my nationality, when I'm in Sup Forums. In /k/ you can find me with my home land's flag.

Its sad that they got so much money that they can put it in other people's mouths and call it their foot.

>In /k/ you can find me with my home land's flag.
/k/ doesn't have flags. Just show us your flag and be done with it.

I can't see why nobody else notices this

>/k/ doesn't have flags
I'm talking about my rifles, they're all american (mostly AR) versions. Also, fuck yourself I'm not changing flag, already gave you enough reasons.

Saying modern Jews are responsible for communism is like saying modern white men are responsible for slavery. What do you want reparations from the Jews?
Capitalism is a jewish a system as there is.
Make up your mind are Jews greedy or do the love gibs?
Are Jews communists or do they run the corporations?
>Jews are everything and everyone

I show my flag, why are you too scared to show yours? Unless you really aren't an American.

forgot to link

Oh wow the Jews have self interest groups. The dastards.

Why won't they let us have self interest groups?

At this point it doesn't matter what flag you use if you are a kike.

The existence of aipac, jstreet, and the world jewish congress exist on a belief of ethnic and racial superiority. Fuck you

>oy vey don't question us goyim

jews ran out of context.

so did you.

that makes you a jew, too.

go sniff some glue, you poo poo eating moo moo.

Also, funny how you completely ignored the U.S.S. Liberty schlomo
pic related, it's you

the jewish oligarchy needs to relinquish its control or we'll exile you AGAIN.




On paper, Israel may be a political ally of the U.S., but Jews are allies to no one.

>60% white

>still considers the US a white country

>Jews are an ally of America

In 1964 America was 90% White. Soon it will be less than half. That is the doing of the Jew.

They have no friends but themselves... Remember that

>hurr durr dey spare murica an flood erryone else with niggerz! isnt dat gr8??
No, fuck off. We view this as a double edge sword and we're sick of worthless currency propped up by fossil fuels and Jew magic.

>herp derp just brint moar monies!
Enjoy your inflation and collapse.

>Pretty sure they don't want to destroy the white race which is the only buffer between them and
Wrong. We are the only natural enemy of the Jew, and they see us as a threat.

Get fucked, kike.

Do we need to start blasting JQ infographics again?

Why is it that the 1% of the wealthiest can stay consistent while the 99% has to be the ones to adapt to their monetary decisions?

What happens when kikes delegate all their responsibilities?

You get a hitler, or a seth rich, or a trump.

What progress have we seen politically in the past idk, decade or so?

None, it's all been technological advances from the hard working indigenous whatever.

"The more disputes I had with them, the better acquainted I became with their arguing techniques. First, they would count on the stupidity of their adversaries, and then, if there was no way out, they pretended to be stupid themselves. If all else failed, they claimed they did not understand, or, being challenged, they would instantly jump to another subject and talk about obvious truths. If these were agreed on, they immediately applied them to entirely different matters. When they were caught off guard, they would avoid the conversation and claim they had no knowledge or understanding of the issue. No matter where you seized one of these apostles, your hand grasped slimy ooze, which spurted through your fingers, only to unite again the next moment. If your argument really gave a man a shattering defeat in front of others, he could do nothing but agree. You might suppose that this was one step forward, but how surprised you would be the following day! The next morning you will find that Jew has not even the slightest memory of yesterday and continues to repeat his old mischievous nonsense as if nothing at all had happened. When pressed about the previous conversation, he would pretend astonishment and could remember nothing at all except the truth of his statements, which he felt had been proven the day before.

Frequently I was simply paralyzed. It was hard to know what to admire the most: their fluency or their artistry in lying." - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

>What political progress have we made
>Its all technological advancements thanks to the fucking Jews.
Spotted the nigger.

This is where I post a webm of a child getting brutally raped and tortured to defend my case.

Yet, I have no access to such data because maybe I'm not a nigger?

would you fight for your country against nazi germany?

Sounds like Hitler wasnt a good enough debater tbqh.
>Jews won't agree with me about how evil Jews are. Fucking Jews.

i dont hate jews

>i pay taxes

& 6,000,000 other reasons


>Over a couple of weeks the local Jewish settlers had been coming to pray there and demanded that Christian symbols be removed. Philoumenos complied. Despite this, the settlers threatened him. After his guard left home, Philoumenos was hacked to death with axes by Jewish Zionist settlers, while serving Vespers on 29 November 1979. According to Rupert Shortt, a religion editor of the Times Literary Supplement, Philoumenos eyes were gouged out, and the fingers of his right hand were hacked off. A grenade was also thrown into the church, which was ransacked.

Jews have always been evil and enemies of Christ and his followers. Fuck them, they don't deserve the holy land

>little KIKElings go to Talmud school

Where part of the training includes discussing Torah & riddles. Debating points, and even far fetched nonsense.
>kikery training & mastered at a young age

>Jew doesn't like being called out as lying like a Jew.

"All this was unattractive enough by itself, but one was positively repelled when they realized uncleanliness went beyond personal filth and into the moral mud-stains of these people. My greatest concern was the activities of the Jews in certain fields of life. I slowly penetrated this mystery. Was there any shady undertaking, any form of foulness, especially in cultural life, in which at least one Jew did not participate? If you carefully punctured this abscess with a knife, like a maggot in a rotten body who was blinded by the sudden influx of light, you would discover a Jew.
Here they were, infecting the people with a pestilence—an intellectual pestilence worse than the Black Death of ancient days. This poison was produced and distributed in massive quantities too! Naturally, the more immoral these artists and producers are, the more they grow. Such a fellow flings his garbage in the face of humanity like a windmill. Do not forget their unlimited number. For every one German writer like Goethe, nature plants at least ten thousand of these slimy creatures in the pelt of humanity where they poison the people with their disease. It was a dreadful but inescapable fact that the Jew seemed specially chosen by nature in tremendous numbers for this horrible destiny. Are we supposed to assume that this is the way he is 'chosen'? At that time, I began to carefully examine the names of all the producers of these unclean products in the world of art, and this scrutiny only damaged my attitude toward the Jews more. Though my feelings were outrage times a thousand, I must surrender to my reason and let it draw the conclusions. It was true that nine-tenths of all the literary filth, artistic trash, and theatrical nonsense must be attributed to a people constituting scarcely one one-hundredth of the country’s population. It was a plain fact." - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

>Capitalism is a jewish a system as there is.


Quit Jewing coorrelations that don't exist

>Capitalism is competing
>Jewing is USURY, & predatory lending

>Deranged axe murdering Jew killed a 70 year old Christian 50 years ago in the middle east
Oh fuck no
Hitler was a socialist with PTSD who tried to go to art school. He was butthurt Jews didn't like his art. Show someone else dude. There are fucktons of non Jewish people. That sounded like the ravings of a lunatic.

found the jew.

captcha" JEWelry

Nice deflecting. A more apt comparison would be blaming whites for slavery if we *still held slaves* which is what the banker Jew and usury kike do in contemporary-society every day. Even then I'm included to say sure morality is out the window--but then if morality is out the window, what do we get to do with you! ;) you've overstayed your welcome parasite.

>predatory lending
>borrowing money
There is your problem
>Fuck Shlomo
>Help me Shlomo

>Oh fuck no
What's that supposed to mean?

>creating debt currency
>enforcing government based on debt currency and federal reserve system

Easy to say when you own the casino and the house always wins, kike. In fact it's not even a casino. It's a place where we're forced to spend your worthless Monopoly money in order to eat bread.

>Oh fuck no
Found the Jew in the thread, the fact is attacks like these are consistent throughout history, the Jews threaten and maim anyone of a faith that isn't their own. Just look at what Jewish settlers do to the Palestineans in the west bank.

>Can't refute, retreats to ad-homs.

"The Jewish State has never been limited by space. Their one race has universally unlimited territory. Therefore, these people have always formed a state within the state. It is one of the most brilliant tricks ever invented to have this state sail under the colors of a 'religion'. The tolerance by the Aryan is assured because he is always ready to make allowances for a religious group. The Mosaic Law is nothing but a doctrine for the preservation of the Jewish race. This is why it includes almost every field of sociological, political, and economic knowledge that could possibly serve that purpose.
People protecting their own soil become heroes. With parasites, it is different. It leads to lying hypocrisy and malicious cruelty." - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

>complains about currency system
>doesn't know how to craft bead necklaces for bartering
Don't spend money you don't have it's simple nigger
>Posts whole paragraph of Hitler calling Jew art shitty with no examples
>muh as hominem

>They have flooded all the other countries with refugees but not America.
WE'RE 62% WHITE YOU FUCKING RETARD. They've been jewing us even longer than europe

Really? So the Jews brought millions of niggers for slavery?
I guess the Jews also invented Mexicans and shipped in Chinese whores and railroad workers too.

>Cough, porn industry, cough, run by Jews

"The street again offered some truly ugly object lessons. The relationship of Jewry to prostitution and, even more, to white slavery itself could be studied in Vienna more so than in probably any other Western European city, with the possible exception of southern French seaport towns. If a person walked the streets and alleys of Leopoldstadt in the evening, all along the way you could see things which remained hidden from the great majority of the German people. These things remained secret until the First World War gave the soldiers on the Eastern front an opportunity, or rather forced them to see similar happenings.

It sent a chill down my spine when I first realized the Jew was the manager of this immoral trade among the scum of the city. He was icy calm and shamelessly businesslike which made me fuming angry. Now, I no longer evaded discussing the Jewish question. Now I wanted to discuss it. I had seen the Jew in every area of cultural and artistic life, then I suddenly encountered him in another spot where I would have least expected to see him, and I recognized the Jew as the leader of Social Democracy, the Marxists, and that is when the blinders fell from my eyes. Suddenly, a long, spiritual struggle came to an end." - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

Jews aren't being good allies to America. We could, and should do better

"He guards the Jewish nationality more than ever before. While he seems to be overflowing with 'enlightenment', 'progress', 'freedom', and 'humanity', etc., he practices the strictest isolation of his own race so they do not mix with others. ... He poisons the blood of others, but preserves his own purity. ... The Jew knows this very well and they steadily use this method to deceive and confuse the leading intellectuals of his racial enemies. To disguise his actions and to soothe his victims, he talks more and more about the equality of all men, regardless of race and color. Eventually, the simpletons start to believe him." - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

Nah man they are doing great

Tell them they are doing a good job

I'm sorry, I wish things could be another way. I can't trust any jews ever. History has taught me that there is no other alternative. I will never hire a jew. I will never work for a jew. I will badmouth and file complaints against any jew I work with. I will lie and cheat and do anything I can to hurt you, with a smile on my face. Any underhanded thing I can do I will. I will live my life trying to jew the jew. You are my enemy by birth and blood. You have been for two-thousand years. There are more jews in america than is ireal. Why? White men fought and died so you could have your kingdom in the holy land. And you stayed to jew us. Fuck you. If I could I'd take to the street and drive you out like the rats that you are. But I can't, because we are your slaves. You own us, our banks, our media, our government. I have no way to resist because my own people would turn against me. You've poisoned the minds of my whole country. I wish that faggot hitler had actually done the holocaust. I wish it was real

That is just ridiculous.
>The Jew was shamelessly business like
Hitler's disgust that a jewish pimp wasn't sweet and gentlemanly to his tricks and whores kek. Jews didn't invent whoring and porn. Archeologists found rock carvings of tits in caveman lairs ffs.
Hitler was such a cuck. Acting like no Germans ever jacked off, fucked prostitutes or sold their bodies before Jews came along. His brothers in arms were probably getting sucked by Jew whores all the time. But he is just shocked that protistution and porn exist.

"When Zionism tries to convince the world that the racial self-determination of the Jew would be satisfied with the creation of their own State in Palestine, the Jews are once again craftily pulling the wool over the eyes of the stupid goyim. They never intended to build a Jewish State in Palestine, not for the purpose of living in it anyway. They just want an organization headquarters for their international swindling and cheating with its own political power that is beyond the reach and interference from other states. It would be a refuge for crooks who were exposed and a college for future swindlers." - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf


Keep being cucks living your life as the Jews nigger by choice and posting Cuckler quotes.
>The Jews own everything I'm powerless waaah
No one forced you to jack off to porn and by Jew products from Jews. You are just like a nigger complaining the whites made systemic racism against you. Literally a shame to your own race. Get a fuckin job.

Fuck you jew, go the fuck back to isreal. WE MADE IT SO YOU WOULD LEAVE. I want one fucking country in the world to be for me. The jews have it! Why are they so special that they get one, and nobody else can? Why is it racist for anybody but jews? Fuck you for changing the rules once you had what you wanted.

Search these names...(((they))) did 9/11
>Oded Ellner
>Omer Marmari
>Paul Kurzberg
>Sivan Kurzberg
>Yaron Shmuel
>Dominik Suter (!)
>Shmuel Dayan
>Daniel Lewin (Sayeret Matkal) (!!!!!!!)

Pure coincidence

CNN advocates for diversity and all this other left wing bullshit, but they themselves dont do it. They are hypocrites. Look at all the owners at CNN. They are all white jews.

This is not a coincidence.

I don't, I'd especially like to see you kick the mussies asses but I also have to stick with the jargon of this place to get my points across.

>JIDF still here spreading lies
Goyim, I...

"It is this kind of press which attacks anything that might support national independence, cultural values, and economic self-reliance using an absolutely fanatical war of slander. It pounds away with particular hostility at all those honorable characters who will not bend to the Jewish assumption that they should be dominated, or at those whose naturally inspired ability could threaten the Jew. In order to be hated by the Jew, it is not necessary to challenge him. The mere suspicion that a man might someday stumble on the idea of opposition, or because of his superior genius, he might add to the strength and greatness of a nation which the Jew finds hostile, is enough for the Jew to act against him.

The Jew has a reliable instinct in such matters which will always sense the innermost thoughts of those he deals with. His hostility toward anyone who does not share his thoughts, anyone he does not consider a kindred spirit, will flare, and they will be judged as his enemy. Since the Jew is not the victim but the aggressor, he sees his enemy not only in the man who attacks, but also in any man who is capable of resisting him. The methods that he attempts to use to break down such bold, but respectable souls are not the methods one would consider part of honorable battle. His choice of weapons are lying and slander." - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

if jews are an ally why do they take billions of money from americans every year? their poor letches who care not for any country except israel and as such must be destroyed or sent back to israel.

>He fell for The CNN Jew meme
CNN is owned by Ted Fucking Turner retard. He is a UN globalist.
The real Jews obviously support Trump.
The ironic thing is I am in no way Jewish. Although I'm suppose there is no point in saying that now.

for one, the CNN jew pic was not a meme, its facts. Look those people up. They're jews. All of them are white, too.

Second, you say the real Jews support Trump, yeah, just wait until they try and control him too. The Jews either want America to become Israel 2.0 or they want to watch it crash and burn.

OYY VEY ! Goys everything is okay, let's stop talking about this... remember when 6 million Jews died ? Pleese feel bad

"The Jew steadily works to ruin women and girls so that he can break down the barriers of blood on an even larger scale. It was the Jews who brought the negro to the Rhine. The motive behind this is clear and his intention is always the same. He wants to destroy the hated white race through bastardization. He continues to bring negroes in as a flood and force the mixing of races. This corruption puts an end to white culture and political distinction and raises the Jew up to be its masters. A racially pure people, which is conscious of its blood, can never be defeated by the Jew. In this world, the Jew can only be the master of bastards. This is why he continually tries to lower the racial quality by poisoning the blood of individuals among the targeted peoples." - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

not even niggers squeeze as much welfare gibs out of hard-working white men. fuck all jews everywhere.

Those people don't own CNN. CNN is owned by this man the Chairman of the UNF board of directors. They are the anti-Jews. Globalist who want America to disappear and have a one earth government. The true Jew is America's ally against these people. The Jews at CNN are self hating Jew atheists.

The rest of the world refuses to understand the JQ and it is this understanding that will enable us to detach from their sheckle shackles.

That's the bottleneck of the hourglass, two little letters.


either way, fuck em!