I miss Obama. Trump is a clown

I miss Obama. Trump is a clown.

do you miss obama like your mother misses me?


I miss Rand Paul. He would've been great.

Time to summon Obamaleaf :^)

OP cant even name 5 good things he did as president

obama is so muslim looking i don't understand how there was ever a question about it
the lips alone give it away. he looks like one of those northern african desert tribesmen. probably has a scimitar collection in his native village.

>lots of white sluts
>lots of asian sluts
>respectable numbers of hispanic sluts
>left chicago
>washed his hands after using the bathroom

Goddamn, you finns are alright.

Obama killed American citizens overseas without due process. He should be in prison but instead he's making millions giving speeches to the banks he was supposed to reign in.

Please don't he needs sleep ever now then.

so close

1. saved economy from great recession
2. killled osama dead
3. tricked russia into getting stuck in syria
4. tricked trump into getting stuck in the swamp
5. Obamacare, bitches.

Do you really think a nigger washes his hands

Do you really think a nigger would leave Chicago alive? With a job?

what a man

Heil Hitler t. Digits

I miss Bush. Obama was a clown.

>I miss Rand Paul. He would've been great.
Sup Forums needs to chip in and buy rand a shirt that fits

He's a growing boy.


>a growing boy.

He should have gotten the nuggets.

I never understood why Rand Paul wears shirts that are 3 sizes too big.

Is it some kind of libertarian fashion thing?

Based Rand

You are one dumb Nigger
>1. TARP saved the big banks and auto industry, it would have passed if that closet faggot McCain won with Lindsey Graham rimming him on inauguration day.
>2. General's killed Osama (lmafo) Obama just said "Yes". Obama drafted no plans, they yanked him off the golf course, look at the situation room pictures.
>3.wtf i love obama now
>4.Yeah, he wanted to be remembered as the first sitting President to endorse a LOSER.
>5.It will get repealed

His dad was better.

Well sure, but Rand is still really good.

I voted for Obama twice, but that was before the Snowden documents' publication in 2013.

I hated Dumbya for his unnecessary wars, warrantless mass surveillance, and his prosecution of whistleblowers and journalists.

Obama did everything that I hated Bush for. Obama expanded drone warfare, using drones to commit war crimes like targeting first responders who attended the victims of a strike.

Obama enabled the NSA to spy on American citizens, collecting literally all internet traffic.

Obama established the program that sold surplus military equipment to local police departments, leading some departments to use SWAT teams with MRAPs to serve warrants as a "training exercise" when a single unarmed clerk would have been sufficient.

Libya. What the fuck business did Obama & Hillary have in supporting al Qaida to overthrow Qaddafi? Oh, yeah, to prop up the Petrodollar against the threat of a gold-backed currency in Africa.

I'm tired of typing, but FUCK OBAMA and fuck those Democrats who sold out their values by supporting Bush's policies once a Democrat did them.

True, Rand was a bit disappointing but still my favorite out of the choices for candidate.


>not going to wendys

Obama leaf is a legend

I miss Buchanan. Lincoln was a clown.

A legendary schizo, sure.

Obama did finish what Bush started with the 1984 state.

I used to work at my state veterans home and there are way better schizophrenics there.

It's not about Obama really. He was a weak figurehead, that is all.
The answer is not to depend on a ruler but making government and corporations not take the rights of individuals.

He has a very punchable face for a manlet.

No trump will finish it.



I agree with your obvious typo.

I miss Roosevelt. Obama was a clown.

>1 post by this ID

His name is Barack Hussein Obama, he is definitely Muslim


lol. niggers always trying to be superior white man.

>pocket pres
>pres dispenser

Donald Trump eats his pizza with a knife and a fork.
Donald Trump eats his pizza with a knife and a fork.
Donald Trump eats his pizza with a knife and a fork.
Donald Trump eats his pizza with a knife and a fork.
Donald Trump eats his pizza with a knife and a fork.
Donald Trump eats his pizza with a knife and a fork.
Donald Trump eats his pizza with a knife and a fork.
Donald Trump eats his pizza with a knife and a fork.

This really is the mindset of the dems now, not to mention their party is split up almost as bad as during the Civil War.
I wouldn't be surprised if they split into factions like 1860 for the 2020 election.

Obama really was the worst thing that could have happened to the democratic party.