Aztecs 'n shit

What does Sup Forums think of the empires of ancient America.
Are they like nignogs or is it a grey area in between.

A worthless race of barbarians that bred themselves towards a predisposition blood thirst and savagery.

for as mighty warriors as they have been said to be, they got played bretty badly by a few spaniards

look at mexico. they were third world savages then and they're still third world savages

rainforest asians

Fascinating cultures but also really horrible and disgusting ones

Lightyears ahead of Africans. They actually wuz emperors with complex societies, infrastructure, science n shiet
That said I would still not want to live there and have my heart ripped oit

pretty neat, they didn't invent the wheel, but they had floating farms

They're pretty cool besides for the ones that did mass human sacrifice. I'm actually surprised by the amount of civilization they did managed to achieve with being isolated from the old world and having little to no metallurgy. They're better than Arabs in my opinion given their circumstances.

They were obviously light years ahead of nignogs, but still retarded savages. They got BTFO by a few hundred whypepo (and smallpox). Racemixing with them was a horrible mistake that may have doomed America.


i love their structures and artwork

and what they did with agriculture.

Mayans had their shit together much better. They even had hot air balloons.

Mïxco cà in yäöyötl in nècaliliztli.

Aztecs even had primitive hieroglyphics, not as developed as even the ancient Egyptians but still at least they had something. But the Indios were so violent and self destructive they more or less destroyed their own civilizations every few centuries. They probably couldn't have evolved much past the point where they were in the 16th century.

The other natives fucking hated the aztecs and helped the conquistadors a lot, kidnapping your neighbors and cutting their fucking hearts out doesn't make you friends. Not that the other tribes were much better, they just weren't as powerful.
The Spanish helped unify them against a common enemy.

i know, thats what i meant with played pretty badly.
mindgames, diplomacy and such.

>Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

>Mighty warriors
>Only ever fought other rainforest asians

Maybe I'm thinking of the Incas...but anyway, the Mayans and Incas had much better primitive technology and societies than the Aztecs. Which has made me wonder: If the Bearing Strait was the route, how come the Northern Indians were much more backwards compared to their southern kin?

They were absolutely masters of their realm and exceeded niggers by light years. The problem arises with them now because the Spanish and Portuguese dominance of them created an underclass of the stupidest and most slave like among them because they were the only ones that were of economic importance to the new European ruling classes that conquered them. Hence, the reason we see such an over abundance of near-retarded mestizos flooding the labor markets of the US.

good question, why north americans stayed nomad?

at least we advanced beyond muds huts. we had writing and shit alwell. sticks with bits of sharp class on the edges bro.

There is actually evidence now that the Inca and Aztec did have the wheel. They just didn't use it, as bizarre as that sounds.

mountain regions are not good for wheels.

Remember that the spaniards came from decades of a vicious reconquista in Spain, this was akin of sending a 40-3 boxer to a boxing school and pitting him against amateurs.

Also, cruelty is one of the three defining traits of the spaniards accoriding to Montesqueu (the two other being lazyness and envy), so the mesoamericans got themselves pretty much the worst kind of invaders on their home turf; cruel, experienced, very cunning and willing to delegate shit...

That excuse only flies with the Inca, and even then not much. You could still use it within cities/towns. They didn't even have metal tools. But for being literal stone age savages they did some impressive stuff.

They were Egyptians but 3000 years late

>In Incan legend there was a sun-god named Con-Tici Viracocha who was the supreme head of the mythical fair-skinned people in Peru. The original name for Viracocha was Kon-Tiki or Illa-Tiki, which means Sun-Tiki or Fire-Tiki. Kon-Tiki was high priest and sun-king of these legendary "white men" who left enormous ruins on the shores of Lake Titicaca. The legend continues with the mysterious bearded white men being attacked by a chief named Cari, who came from the Coquimbo Valley. They had a battle on an island in Lake Titicaca, and the fair race was massacred. However, Kon-Tiki and his closest companions managed to escape and later arrived on the Pacific coast. The legend ends with Kon-Tiki and his companions disappearing westward out to sea.

Basically it was white people. It's a controversial theory but it's really the only thing that makes sense since even modern tribes in the area couldn't construct such buildings let alone thousands of years ago.

>They just didn't use it, as bizarre as that sounds.
Have you ever tried to traverse the thicc centroamerican jungle?

Its a fucking disaster, its not just the trees and bushes, but the hidden hills and constant rivers.

The mesoamericans lacked the technology to build proper roads (something the romans had developed almost to the point we pretty much use that technology nowdays). Also, there wasn't the need to build roads either as Mesoamericans lacked the horse, which made long distance travel way easier.

When the spanish arrived, at least here in Panama, they started developing "caminos" like the camino de cruces.

they did a ton of mushrooms, so that's kind of cool. (they called the psilocybin mushroom teonanácatl - lit., god mushroom)

imagine cutting someone's heart out while tripping your balls off...

as a canadian mycologist pointed out, the aztec's penchant for both shrooms and human sacrifice suggests that the hippie-dippie notion of psychedelics bringing about world peace is likely bullshit.

They had written language, religion, understood Astronomy when your ancestors were in caves. Also during the same time "nig nogs" in Africa not just Egyptians also had written language, religion, and science while your ancestors were in caves. I wish the Romans never came to North Europe, you fags would still be in caves.

Nahuatl language was pretty complex and involved a really unique counting system using knots.

There is always a need for roads, and the Aztecs had roads in and out of Tenochtitlan. They were still overall stuck in the stone age, probably due to their cycles of civilizational collapse. MesoAmerica is filled with the ruins of cities as advanced as Tenochtitlan only centuries and even a thousand years older. The Aztecs did not know exactly who built most of them or what happened to them. At the time the Spanish arrived the region was on the verge of collapse again.

They're nothing like niggers fuck off.

Blacks literally did nothing.

Learn about the Caral Supe Valley, Olmecs, and Cahokia.

You are thinking of the Inca quipus, that was an Arawak variant not Nahuatl. It also is only known to have been used for counting/keeping numerical records, no proof it depicted words. The Aztecs had hieroglyphics, even books of hide written in them.

>They had written language, religion, understood Astronomy when your ancestors were in caves.
Sure thing, Al Sharpton.

Europeans and Native Americans both developed those things independently and at virtually the same time, although some things were invented earlier in each of those racial groups.

You niggers on the other hand still can't even manage to maintain the modern societies left to them when Europeans left. The Chinese are now taking advantage of this and ruthlessly raping your people for every last drop of resources and material wealth.

>Also during the same time "nig nogs" in Africa not just Egyptians also had written language

you mean amharic, the semitic language written and spoken in ethiopia by a dark-skinned but clearly semitic people (who later took on some ssa admixture)? yeah, doesn't count.

any written languages in sub-saharan africa?

>completely isolated
>make a floating on a lake bigger than France at that time
>made giant pyramids without use of the wheel
> being gracious and letting Spaniard into city as grand guest
>get backed stabbed by Spaniards
> Spaniards use others native groups to destroy the Aztecs than kills the groups that helped him

it would have been interesting to seen what they could have a accomplished if they didn't get screwed over

you're retarded if you believe those savages had floating farms. lmfao. see pic related.

they were smart enough to realize water is wet and just dumb enough to not take it anywhere. so they planted shit in the river side. nice.

That's more like it. Bull shit they even had the wheel. They made circles sure, never a wheel.

Quote unquote, "THE" wheel, implies vehicular travel. Well beyond the capabilities of savages. They may have crafted circular rape and murder devices, since that's all non-white civilization ever seems to amount up to.





Native americans were/are definitely better than nig nogs, but defintely worse than whites/east asians.

Mound Builders and shit!

Pic related, personal finds.

The fate of the Aztecs should serve as a reminder to the dangers of religion and religious prophecy.

Kek, the Aztecs were still in the stone age in the fucking 16th century. They were using stone speartips against plate mail, cannon, and arquebus. SubSaharan Africans never developed a written language or even numbers. North Africans were Mediterranean peoples prior to Arab migration after the fall of Rome.
Spaniards didn't backstab anyone, they told Moctezuma up front they were coming to conquer the city, he let them in because he knew he was fucked either way. And they didn't kill the groups that helped them either, they even gave the Tlaxcalans, their GREATEST ALLY, special titles and let them carry weapons and ride horses. They made their leaders honorary nobility.

it doesn't matter how mighty they were if they don't even have iron weapons or armor vs guns and steel

>third world

typical divide and conquest old shit
that is just bad propaganda, spain have this bad reputation due to their long lasting enemies, for example spanish inquisition didnt killed that much people but is most known becouse propaganda, chek real data, that has debunked

The biggest lose of conquering those lands was losing the knot language by the incans, also you have to differenciate

Inca--> Pretty based very cool buildings, not warmongers, doesnt kill people becouse religion good sience and agriculture, though if you die in battle you go to heaven so didnt care about dying

Mayans--> pretty bloodthirst motherfuckers that killed everyone kidnap other tribes leaders and ate their heart so everyone join forces against them this got the infamous "mayan calendar" also very good in astronomy

Aztecs --> they are a mix not as peaceful as incas but not as savage as mayans, got good science and shit, people usually feel proud of being their descendance

why are you soo mad leaf? Canada was literally a cold desert almost all of his existense. No culture or History. You are just an American Brit. Sad!

Damn. Is it really that easy to just find tools like that in tourist-areas?

>showing proyections to prove something

>getting money just because they're near the US
a country of scavengers

This really is a great question. Does the Younger-Dryas comet strike have something to do with this? That could have wiped clear any civilization that was starting to take root in North America 11k years ago. Then with the following rapid climate change at beginning of Holocene, it'd be like a blank slate with no traces remaining.

The fate of the Aztecs is a reminder of what happens when a tribal band seize control of society and incinerates all historical records for a year zero rewrites

Because what happens then is your puppet emperor whose brains were fried on coke and peyote meets these white people going 'WE WUZ GODS' and doesn't immediately imprison them due to a lack of contradicting information.


why do you need vehicular travel if you live in a fucking forest and doesnt have any animal to carry you? you morron first use of wheel were egypcians and that people who uses carriages with horses, each civilization or culture develops its technology according to their needs, phoenicians were early sailors, becouse the mediterranean sea etc...

They weren't very mighty at all compared to Europeans. Not only were they inferior technologically but physically they were much smaller and weaker. Imagine an army of 5' Squatamalans with stone axes trying to fight a bunch of 6' knights with swords.
GDP is worthless for most purposes. Going by GDP Mexico is 'wealthier' than Switzerland. Who is better off?
Inca also enslaved people, but yeah they were much more peaceful compared to MesoAmericans. But they were in a civil war when Pizarro arrived.

you got a source on their height that isn't modern Mexicans?
and it doesn't matter how tall a warrior is if one is constantly training every day and very experienced in war and the other has never seen combat before and spends most of his time relaxing and doing leisure activities

Their king killed all the astronomers/wisemen about 200 years before the Spaniards enlightened them. Their empire was already in decline.
Also, human sacrifice. Good riddance.

>Mexico superpower by 2030

>that chart
Predicting GDP 40 years out is crazy, look at india for example, your graph claims 2050 at best

you know that European height was around 5'5 at that time right?

>you got a source on their height that isn't modern Mexicans?
Yeah, they left their bones behind.

Moctezuma may not have really believed Cortes was Quetzalcoatl, but he couldn't fight them off anyway. The Aztec were facing revolt on all sides when the Spanish showed up and although there were only a few hundred of them they had thousands of other indigenous people with them that wanted the Aztecs defeated. Plus they were terrified by the guns. Even though the Spanish crossbows were more effective overall the firearms were completely incomprehensible to the natives. They just pointed this stick at someone and there was an explosion and they were dead. They demonstrated their cannon by blowing up trees and rocks to terrify the natives.
I'm exaggerating slightly, the Spanish would have been slightly shorter than today, but the Aztec were pure native and were shorter than modern Mexicans. Their own versions of events describe the Spaniards as towering over them, as do Spanish accounts. The more isolated MesoAmerican native groups still around today are still small. And reach and speed on foot are determined by height, and their strength would have bern lower on avg for the same reasons, diet etc. The Conquistadors also were not random Spaniards, they were petty noblemen who were trained in war, with many of them fresh off of the battlefield in Italy etc. Cortes himself skipped slipped out on an Italian campaign to come to the Americas. The Spaniards as a whole were fresh off the Reconquista.

...your source is bones?
do you have a source with a LINK?

The Inca's constructed a complex canal system.

lmao go back to your chichinitza town mayan

well the only reason the old world was so advance because they interacted with each other. the only reason Europeans have metals because it was people in the middle east. they only have guns because of the Chinese. The Europeans would be right were the Aztecs are without other societies in the old world. The people in the Americas could be compared to the neanderthals they may have been smart and strong but the isolation was there downfall.

sure but European war with muskets and horses was a lot more comfy than melee tribal war running in the jungles on foot

I'm guessing the Aztecs had better endurance, stamina, running speed, and stronger bodies than the Spaniards
but ofc none of that matters when fighting against guns with stone axes

this many spaniards soldiers, saw his job end when the reconquista ended in granada so they had to find more lands to prove them worthfull, they were trained soldiers, actually one of the first profesional armies paid by the state with revolutionary techonology that they were proving to be superior in europe.

Also spaniards didnt start to earn control just killing eveyr native they saw, they were using this divide and conquer, terrifying them with superior techonology horses wardogs etc.... reaching their leaders and blackmailing with them.
Its not as simple as 400 spaniards destroy an empire

Tourist area? I find that shit in my backyard. Grandfather purchased land in the 40's. About 70 acres of natural springs and caves.

>Are they like nignogs
>dey belt duh peer uh meds

what are you talking about retard?
Greeks and Romans mastered bronze and iron on their own

thank you father, to made us more White and civilized.

>Mighty warrior
>roughly four foot tall
>BTFO by based spaniards

they also eventually got the natives to fight for them
but they could have though if they had enough ammo and supplies
in battle just a small group of conquistadors would kill hundreds of incas or aztecs

you seem to forgot discipline, discipline always won battles, those were like 5000 romans beat 100000 barbaric celts (boadicea for example) with a strong formation and high discipline (and then higher technology) you dont need to outnumber them. Spaniards were professional soldiers tought with any place to surrender or reagroup,they didnt knew the terrain but they didnt need to defeat them, also diseases and shit


for making us *

I don't forget discipline in fact I was thinking of mentioning that
but I just wanted to focus on the technological aspect

Spic detected

dude pick up to a museum,
My uncle got land in a mountain that eventually found things like that wheels and shit, he told to the local museum, and that lead to an archeological explotation in the mountain that led to the discovery of a preroman celtic village, very well conservated

>still in stone age tech during the 17th century
it was only natural for them to submit to the superior race

Someone posted a really smart theory that Aztecs were cannibals. See they didn't have pigs or cows or any other large livestock in meso-america so the only logical explanation for why there were so many people but no sources of meat was that they ate people.

The human sacrifices were just a way to justify cannibalism which is taboo almost everywhere else. After they "sacrificed" the captives to the Gods they had a potluck

This is what we think, pic related.

they had turkey and xolos dogs, its not an excuse.

>implying their bronze age civ looked like your pic.

>A worthless race of barbarians
No, the Barbarians became the greatest race in the universe: Europe. The brown people are nothing but cattle, even animals are closer to humans than these beasts.

also speaking of diseases I've actually argued with retards that think that Cortes basically just waddled in there and kicked aside a few sickly women and then planted a Spanish flag
that if it wasn't for sickness the natives would have actually beaten the Spaniards
they failed to realize that the Mayans, Aztecs, Incas and others all had standing armies of at least hundreds maybe even thousands
and they fail to comprehend the huge advantage steel armor, guns, horses, tactics, and logistics gave the Spaniards
they could have won even if they weren't sick

The Aztec Empire was walking on a tightrope, granted, but Mocteczuma made the absolute worst decisions possible regarding the Spanish. He knew they were coming long before the Conquistadors even knew the Aztecs were a thing, let alone made allies with the Tlaxcalans and other parties.


actually they did pretty good considering
>no inner sea to trade (pacific and atlantic to brave to make your first boats)
>not livestock or any other food reliable but corn cocoa and avocados
>any petable animal dogalike or catalike that help you in diary duties such killing pest or exploring and protectinc the tribe
>surrended by jungle so they couldnt even make roads
>any mountable animal that could help them with transport

Niggers got all these things and still achieve anything compared to them

>90% of South America wiped out my smallpox
>ZomG u guise a few Spanish totally wrecked them!1

Make dogs great again

they also didn't really have much water sources that wasn't underground
and I don't remember if it was the Aztecs or Mayans that were suffering from about 100 years of drought before the Spaniards showed up

Wtf are you taking about? The bronze age ended in Europe before the founding of Rome. And it isn't known how Europeans got gunpowder, it may have been developed independently (although trade over Silk Road may have brought it too). Contact with far flung lands is dependent on technology, not the other way around.
15th century warfare was not 'comfy'. Most of the work was still done with a sword or halberd, riding a horse in armor is an extremely difficult and taxing thing to do. These were basically knights and medieval infantryman, they were hardened killers.

>any petable animal
They had dogs

Grey area in-between. They were descendants of East Asians who got the short end of the stick when it came to flora/fauna distribution.

The Mayans independently invented the wheel, but had no beasts of burden to make use of it. How might've history gone if horses were indigenous to the Americas?