Schools Are Subjecting Pupils to ‘Left-Wing Brainwashing’

>A teacher who fronted a major recruitment drive for the Department for Education accused schools of “indoctrinating” pupils “from a very young age” in the wake of the EU referendum, it has emerged.

>Calvin Robinson said he was “not at all surprised that the majority of young people voted in line with a Left-wing agenda to remain in the undemocratic, or even anti-democratic European Union.

>Robinson, who was featured prominently in the ‘I Chose to Teach’ campaign, alleged that “[S]chools will talk about (see: preach) how important tolerance is, but the moment you express an opinion that isn’t in line with their thinking, you’ll see how short-lived their tolerance truly is”.

>“Instead of encouraging students to keep an open mind, or challenging students’ perceptions, teachers have been encouraging their biases,” Robinson claimed, noting a conversation between a teacher and a pupil in which the former had mentioned the narrowing gap between Leave and Remain in the referendum polls, and the latter responded: ‘I know, it’s quite scary isn’t it?’

>“The teacher and student were in mutual agreement that Britain leaving the EU would be a bad thing. As far as I’m aware, that goes against part two of the Teachers’ Standards,” said Robinson.

>“Surely there should be some system in place to prevent our younger generations from Left-wing brainwashing,” he concluded.

>“Our young people are being indoctrinated to a Left-wing mentality from a very young age. Pretty much throughout their entire educational career, young people are being trained into a Lefty way of thinking.”

What are your personal experiences with overt leftist indoctrination and bias you've seen in schools, Sup Forums?

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No shit teachers are genereally leftist. The state pays their salary. Theyre just like everybody else. They dont question their own biases and assume everybody should think like them which result in school being screwed left.

good thread

They also need to stop teaching the Holocaust religion in schools

in an ideal world there would be an entire course devoted to spotting Jewish tricks

tha pill is so red, it almost is a black pill


Sad but true.

Colleges are way worse, but atleast the students are older and not as easily brainwashed.


While I agree that schools do teach left-wing brainwashing, the source being Breibart seems like an intentional discredit. It's like linking Stormfront to normies.

>The big bad EU
The right wing loves to imagine replacing all of these evil big policies with their own policies which they assure themselves would be great. They're great at dismantling things but when it comes to replacing them, they can't build anything at all.

even 20 years ago it was omnipresent and suffocating

I once had a class where we watched 3 Micheal Moore documentaries. Thats what qualifies as educational material in the USA. I was the only one who had a problem with it, the brainwashing starts so young that almost everyone is fully indoctrinated by the time you reach high school.

Those evil right wingers and their sovereignity, brussels knows best that's what I say! Representative government be damned!

Even the version of history that's being taught is usually biased:

Here is what went on in AP World History for me:

>no mention of Arab slave trade, the Barbary Slave Trade
>no mention of the Haitian genocide
>no mention of how shitty life was in Africa before colonialism
>no mention of Bavarian Socialist Republic
>no mention of Communist crimes in Spanish civil war
>no mention of Holodomor
>no mention of Pol Pot
>two minutes spent on Great Leap Forward
>no mention of Cultural Revolution
>several days on the Holocaust

But most of the recent leftist insanity in schools has its roots in the Frankfurt School and the Critical Theory, which leads to shit like this:

Then those people who were indoctrinated get into teaching positions, specifically hired by the state, and the cycle keeps going, with more of them hiring each other until they have complete hegemony over the education system, and dissidents usually not being hired or easily fired because of wrongthink.

They showed us a video at school about the benefits of Polish migrants

>What are your personal experiences with overt leftist indoctrination and bias you've seen in schools, Sup Forums?

It was always left for me, except from my criminal justice degree with police officers and other justice system employees as teachers.

I had fun challenging the teachers in high school, especially the leftist women ones.

And yes, it's not really a secret that schooling is overwhelmingly leftist in the opinions you're given; brainwashing is an adequate term to use.

>They're great at dismantling things
The left spent 50 years dismantling institutions and all that's come about from it is crime, lawlessness, broken families, decadence and declining standards of education

Are you retarded or just concern trolling?

Most "normies" don't care about Breitbart being conservative, liberals are the ones who really mind that much that they would disregard the entire thing, and this is literally just a quote from a guy in charge of the education system in Britain. The source is irrelevant, just like when they post report data that's usually ignored by the MSM.

Also, this is Sup Forums, not Facebook. Find another source for the quote if you want one.


What the hell are you on about? It wasnt lefties who built our civilization, moron.

>Schools Are Subjecting Pupils to ‘Left-Wing Brainwashing’
We've known this for years, everything in schools is to fuck over boys while putting girls ahead.

user, the UK has elected officials and parliament working for the people -- it's already in place, you moron.

This. For a second it was like reading a normie Facebook post about drumpff being impeached and babies whining about someone posting a breibart article saying other wise Even though 90% of the media is pro marxist

>What are your personal experiences with overt leftist indoctrination and bias you've seen in schools, Sup Forums?

Becoming a teacher. The vast majority of the shit we read and wrote essays about was completely unrelated to teaching. Mostly ideological ramblings. Even had a book on intersectionality with the complete oppression pyramid with fucking white males, ableism, etc,,

At least he's trying

YEAH, because the left wing surely build greatness. Their biggest achievement being communism and how to indoctrinate the whole population by violence.

Have a friend in canadian highschool and all the teachers kept telling students trump was evil and talking about cultural appropriation and saying books by whites were racist and shit

You should ask him to record it

Fuck you leaf for making me roll out of bed at 6am.

>What are your personal experiences with overt leftist indoctrination and bias you've seen in schools, Sup Forums?

Uhhh so let's start with how all Canadian children are taught in elementary/middle school/high school to feel shame and guilt for how canadian indigenous peoples were treated by white men. This is the core theme of history class from the time you enter schooling, until the time you graduate. After a few years spent in the workplace, around dirty natives who work for precisely two weeks before either fucking off or showing up drunk to their shifts (plus numerous news stories of these people stabbing their cousins or getting into gangs or some degenerate shit on a daily basis in metropolitan news), you stop feeling sorry for them and realize they were just an incredibly retarded group of people both past and present. They are Canada's niggers full stop. Government has spent so long giving them hand-outs that all of them have developed a collective victim mentality.

Next, let's talk about World War II in the classroom, and how they completely gloss over the fact that Hitler was actually a good leader who rejuvenated Germany. You are told that people were dragged out to Nazi rallies at gunpoint, wrongly targeted jews, and nobody actually supported him. This, of course, couldn't be further from the truth. The Jews did conspire to fuck Germany's economy pre-WW2, most holocaust masturbation stuff has been proven false by survivors' own contradictory claims, and those who lived in Nazi Germany have several good things to say about the era.

Multiculturalism and "globalization" (pic related) are shoved down your throats. Our school was predominantly white so we all sort of bought into the idea that all cultures could get along equally. Ironically, we all chose to go to our particular school because we did not want to be "overwhelmed by Asians" at the rival high school a short drive south of us.

Raised in Canada, this is all legit. Canada has the best brainwashing system, oops, I mean school system, in the world.

>Why are we spending so much time on the Holocaust?

To all you sorry sons of bitches who are still in school, consider this a dare.

Brainwashing implies it actually works. In my experience, at least in Alberta, the conditioning failed and had the opposite effect.

Basically what happened, is everyone I went to school with got a job either during senior year or shortly after graduation, and this red pilled a lot of people.

Kids would go out in the working world, and every indigenous person they'd interact with either as a co-worker or customer was a lazy slob - usually affiliated with a gang as well. Ditto for muslims; tons of stories about kids quitting jobs because their manager/supervisor was a paki and obviously talking shit about them in their language to fellow employees. So the years worth of shilling for multiculturalism was undone in about 2-4 weeks.

so deep

People who don't interact with minorities don't get that experience. It's also why it's always whites in white groups in the middle of whiteland that are SJWs, never whites in the middle of niggerland, and never niggers in the first place.

And since people self segregate, this enables the left to control the political discourse of white communities.

It's true even in the US. If you're actually an intelligent person, it doesn't work because the reasoning and lies by omission are massive signals something isn't right about what you're being told to believe. American public schools are very left leaning, it's not just the colleges and universities. It wasn't until I was 17 and started getting interested in the world around me that I realized just how much of history/social studies(my favorite subject) was taught from a very biased leftist perspective. This wasn't recent either, I graduated 8 years ago. It's been going on awhile.

have a close female family member like this. went through school and started towards a teaching degree and started yammering about the white male patriarchy and the evils of colonialism, while directly benefiting from living in a small white farming community. really sucks when you have to work like a slave every single day and then listen to that garbage, they are pushing islam in all of our schools now. WTH? We are a Christian nation, my family was there when the nation was settled and built; I know.

I went to college for electrical engineering in 2002-2007. Let me tell you my experiences of this post modern reality as a college student.

Most of the indoctrination happened in my gen eds I was forced to go through. The worst part within the EE department was when I took grad courses and the classrooms were packed full of Indians who barely spoke English and didn't use deodorant. They were taken in to the university on some government program that got the university funds in exchange for displacing the native population with their dot heads. There was only 1 kid who knew how to do the coursework, and so the class was full of pajeets passing around copies of his work and they even cheated during exams.

My required writing class was taught by a female feminist professor. I was stuck with a nigger writing partner once. I had to proof read / critique his fucking paper on waking up in the morning and taking his morning shit. He was sincere with what he wrote too. Then in my modern philosophy course, I read books about post modernism and gender fluidity.

The worst class was sociology though. That was lectured by a Russian Jew who's pet peeve was native american "appropriation" in sports mascots. He would go on rants and get red in the face. He forcefed us propaganda documentaries. He was aggressive with students. He graded based on his views rather than on arguments. At one point he told us there was no such thing as race. Later on I discovered his argument is called Lewontin's fallacy. My class was just 1 filled with 40 kids, so just imagine how many people he has indoctrinated in believing race is not real and thinking it is academic tier knowledge. Luckily that fucker died of a heart attack by now.

My friends and I did have revenge on muslims and feminists at this quaint midwestern university, but obviously we had know clue what was coming our way at the time, or even why we were already so unhappy with the state of our society.

ask it in a german school, then watch how you get suspended. After that watch how they force you to go back to school, because "we all need education, if we want it or not, but stop asking difficult questions"

We need 50% male teachers pronto.

British friends, over the past few weeks I've seen an alarming number of posts related to the accelerating decline of British (especially English) civilization. Do you see this with your own eyes, or is it just Sup Forums?

Here's my world history classes in a nutshell

>okay class let's go over the 17th century briefly
>it saw the end of the Eighty Years War, Peter the Great came to our country can't wait to tell you guys about Russia
>it also saw more developments in architecture, with more elaborate Greco-Roman ornaments and you know it's the funniest thing, I went to Greece last year...
>...and that guy was really nice afterwards, I wish I was a bit younger but that's not why you should go to the Parthenon hehe
Didn't help that she was a dedicated socialist party member.
She also insisted all teachers must vote for the socialist party because that party wants to increase their wages.

She was still popular though, because everyone knew that if you just wrote down on your paper what she wrote on the board, you'd pass the exams, which everyone did on their first attempt.

Another such teacher (humanities) was always reluctant to let us have brief political debates, because we'd be talking about how great Wilders was and how shit Labour is.

See it with my own eyes everyday.
The downfall is real.

Pic in the OP is what happens when a heeb and a negro make an offspring

Truly horrifying

no it was the right, lefties leach off the right


No shit, Sherlock.

What are you smoking? We learned about kingdoms in precolonial Africa, the Haitian revolution, a bit of the Spanish Civil War and Franco, the Red Terror and Holodomor, and the Great Leap Forward. We probably would have learned more if not for the fact that most people don't know where Bavaria or Cambodia are.

Oh yeah everything's a communist conspiracy because le KGB subversion man and the John Birch Society said so.


>le (((meme)))
Hahaha le so le (((funny))) le (((epik meme))) XDDD!!!!

>What are your personal experiences with overt leftist indoctrination and bias you've seen in schools, Sup Forums?
I went to a social justice highshcool

kids were afriad to voice their own opinions and whenever anyone would say anything not progressive they were immidiently thrown under the bus by the student body. Even i tried this as I tried to openly debunk the wage gap in class but was meant with a wave of YO WRONG BUT WE DONT KNOW WHY. Even the dumb cucked whiteboys who would bend thier asses backwards could not bear the wrath of the student body, they were always apologizing they made me ashamed that i share the same race as them. Thankfully I was able to create my own underground network of super autists whom i was able to influence to the ills of cultural marxism while successfully weaponizing their autism before i graduated

now I face my goddamn university, and during orientation they warned us about "biased crimes" pure authoritarianism

the road ahead of me is long and bitter

You have college professors that are openly Marxist, advocate for Marxism, teaching sociology, gender studies, anthropology and the like. In some schools you have ex-members of leftist terrorist organizations like Weather Underground holding comfy tenured positions.

I mean, at some point you're gonna have to realize it's not tin foil conspiracy shit, it's an actual plain fact. But I guess you're not too bright for that.

Schools have always been left-leaning, at least lower education. Higher education used to be more conservative but even they were somewhat liberal, like Oberlin College in the 1800s. But it's only recently, '60s onwards, that they shifted from classic liberal to full-on Marxism. Communism is seen as a logical and working system in most colleges nowadays. People are openly spouting Marxist rhetoric without realizing it on social media.

Eventually you'll get a job. Everyone in the world place will be constantly joking about "DRUMPF XD" or other similar topic. If you say nothing, they'll start bothering you about it. If you say something very carefully about the fact you "don't think it's that bad" when you really mean "stop shitting on it, it's great" or the more realistic "stop falling for media lies", you will open yourself up for a talk with HR, mandatory diversity classes and possible termination, along with being semi-permanently blacklisted.

They also made sure that white kids were ashamed of who they were and what they were. I remember doing "exercises" which "demonstrated" the privileged of whites. Their function was to make the whites feel guilty. I remember reading through the student reflections of those exercises, the white students were so ashamed of their race and of being white while the black students would spout rhetoric on black positivity, it was almost like reading bad slam poetry, black history month was abhorrent. My english was a post-modernist who I fought constanstly and saw through the existentialism in his books while the students stayed completely blind to the core ideas of what we read until I explained it to them in the end of the year. The last project we did in that class was a supposed to be a culmination of what we learned throughout the year. After the project was over we all sat down and the students said they didnt understand the project and felt like they didnt learn anything. I only felt pure disgust for the interpretive, nihilistic filth I had to endure. And worst of yet my english teacher constantly tried to view all the books in a social justice lens, via everything is related to oppression and race, which i regretfully appealed to him afew times

Fags in school are not teaching they are indoctrinating.
It starts off very subtle.
Take the picture I posted this is up on windows in classes as a safe place to hide in case something bad is happening or some place to go get help.
The fucking gay teachers made this shit. Because it's a rainbow and it's pretty a 5-7 year old kid doesn't know shit other than they've been trained to identify the rainbow with safe and acceptable.

sounds like you're projecting, or merely diverting what I wrote, but I worry most about being blacklisted, like what happened to MDE

I've also come to realize the complete imbalance of the sexes and how men and women no longer understand the utility/purpose of their gender roles

I remember were I did an exercises with my class were we had to write up the expectations of males and women. All of the examples the class could think of were really shallow, infant like characteristics of the sexes. It was stuff like big muscles, not show emotions, big boobs, be skinny. Keep in mind that all of these kids are 16-18 years old. I also reconnected with a bunch of people I knew in middle school. Out of the eight people I reunited with two of them had lost their virginity, all men, all graduating. Out of the two who did lose their virginity, they only had sex with one girl and the relationship ended badly. I am also a virgin, but its mostly by choice. The opportunities that have sprouted for me have been out of complete degeneracy or were straight up immoral offers (girl had bf wanted me to bang that black ass)

I should prob copy this and make my own thread or something