Are Romanians slav or latin?

Greetings Sup Forums,
The old thred died before it even started. Are Romanians latins or slavs? They are basecly Daco-slavs with a latin language and a 200% Balkan culture.
I consider mtself a slav for example.
Any opinions?
>inb4 gypsy.

stop stealing money sand nigger

They are beggars and thieves.

Latins, but they mixed with Slavs.

They are gipsys from india

more like a mix of turks and gypsies just like balkanites


Romanians are dirty euro niggers

scum is the correct term

They are the Mexico of Europe.

Never knew that I was "Greco-Slavic".

I always figured it depended on the person. I was born in Romania but I look like I'm Italian, then there's my other Romanian friends who look like they could be from Russia.

Why the fuck are my lands coloured germano-celtic... we wuz Slavs!

How about 'land thiefs'

You seem like ethnic slavs with heavy latin influence

that map is ridiculous

Stole dobruja from bulgarians and north transylvania from hungarians.

Romania is a disgusting stalinist dystopia filled with gypsies and gypsified romanian who shouldnt have betrayed germany in ww2 so the country could die in peace.It would have been been better to disappear as a country than to become this complete africa-tier failure.Good we will die off by 2100.
"The most hardworking and just thracians" became a bunch of welfare leeches thieves.

veeeeesniiiicaa pomenireeeee

id say subhuman - not otherwise specified

muie jegosule de ce nu faci ceva să schimbi asta


They are a descendands of albanians, mixed with turks and gypsies who gave up their cyrillic alphabet in the 19th century to larp as french and latert romans full force.

Of course, they will disregard it because of flag but romania is up there for the worst excuses for a country with fyromia and kosovo, If not for the designs of the eternal frog and the eternal pidor they would be a provincial bulgarian dialect.

How stupid are you not to notice he's Hungarian ?

Probably some Trianon kid, whose mongol family didn't manage to fuck off over their border.

Why did we never treat Hungarians as they treated us when they were in power ? Why did we not ethnically cleanse them ?

Because we're pussies, that's why.

You are ethnically slaves with a Latin (Romance) language.

There's Romanian documents from the 15th century, written with slavic letters, yes, but if the alphabet is translated, it's understandable even today. The Romanian language was spoken here long before the huns came, and will continue to be after you are annihilated.

How many times do we have to march through Budapest to teach you huns that this is not your land ?

Maybe third time is the charm.

Ce să faci? Cu cine să faci? Am încercat să intru în politică de n ori.în toate partidele e la fel.Ceartă intre proşti si dat vina pe cei din alte partide.Nimeni, la nici o întâlnire nu vorbeşte de binele tării, numai de binele partidului.Tot ce înseamnă funcţie însemnată aici se transmite din tat-n fiu în stil medieval.Nu e nici o uniune care să facă lumea să facă ceva.Doar atunci când e la modă gen "colectiv" , "ordonanţa 13".Toţi sunt patrioţi până văd că trebuie sa suferi pentru ţară.În 60, bunica mea a fost în germania de vest şi o batrână i-a spus " germanii strâng cureaua ca să-şi recladească ţara, au facut-o şi o vor face".Aceaşi mentalitate e si in Japonia.Chestia asta se transmite copiilor.Vezi vreun român să strânga cureaua pentru românia? Sau că pleacă cu milioanele şi după se plâng de dor? O să rămânem câțiva tineri in milioane de moşi, după ce mai facem noi ca s salvăm ţara.Diaspora trb sa se intoarca pentru a avea tara o sansa.

Fuck,unnironically this.

Anyway, in Transylvania not one romanian lives, they are erdelians, and me as a moldovean I accept the union of Transylvania with its mother country, Hungary.

You're not a slav. You have to speak a slav language to be a slav. You can't be "culturally slavic" and speak a Latin language.

Most are heavily mixed, and our ancient dacian blood (which was nordic) is very diluted. You still get some good people, but not nearly enough. As they say, the proof is in the pudding.

>Celto-germanic and near eastern

>this map


Danish tourist in Romania right now, here.

Some people are really brown, some look slavic. People who say they aren't gypsies are sometimes super dark. Do you guys mix?

The most accurate answer based on genetic haplogroups studies.

Did you bring your sister too?Man I'd love some danish meat right now

The language sounds latin and they have dark hairs so latin

I am here with my two brothers. It's funny how in all eastern euro countries, the men look like skinny-fat downs syndrome idiots, while the women are pretty hot. We are here to hike and mountainbike, but keep your women on a tight leash, danish BULLS are in the vicinity now


Language group =/= ancestry.

>declare war in 1916
>get fucked within months and sign humiliating peace
>try again in 1918
>get fucked
>try again in the middle of the civil war with huge french help and communist uprising after a communist jew disbanded the hungarian army on purpose
>finally manage to win
>tout as the greatest triumph of romania forever


Also, this guy gets it

better keep your wallet nearby, because i sure as hell won't hesitate to steal it

I agree with you, but what can we do now?History was already made, we can't turn time back.

Why are people so mad at Romania?
I guess superiority does breed jealousy.

What's up with the self-hate, Romania?

A gypsy already ran away with my brothers phone in Brasov

We can be sure that they are not white.
I think they are a bit Turkic.

romanians are slavs in denial
just like eastern germans
and 90% of greekss
and albanians
and hungarians

they are all so niggerish because they reject their real identity

probably beacuse your main export are gypsies

>Do you guys mix?
Did danish women swallow my cum in Groningen ?
Yes, but we don't mix here with g*psies, only western men import gypsy women for sex.

lol what a cuck
next time he wont get away so easily

The EU mandated it, blame Germany and France, they wanted this.

I feel like we're latins with slav culture.

What's up with that strip of Celto-Germanic in Norway?

I'm guessing this is a Y-chromosome study, so some Viking women couldn't resist the BCC.

We arent in denial about it. We fully know that we are genetically a german-slav hybrid despite the waves of steppe infusions but the culture sets us apart.

And Italy !
And Norway !

They forced and based Romania to integrate fucking gypsies.

Funny thing gypsies in Romania flee with thousands into the exact same countries that forced Romania to integrate them.

Fucking topkek is based !


Bratsky! Didn't you learn about how we were part of the Byzantine Empire in school? Or about how we use a script based on Greek alphabet? Or about first king, Stjepan, who converted to Orthodoxy? Slava Slavs!

>insulting Hungarians

So Finns are Mongols not Nordics and South Africans are germanic. Damn USA, you are hitting us full force with your logic!

WE WUZ ROMANS,also vampires,some gyppos and some retarded.
Mostly no good except for irl bantz.

Rate my 101% pure Roman ancestry.

slavs are actually from swamp and forest and not from steppes

>burger education

Many of us aren't, including me. I am a proud daco-slav, a slav with a latin language. Many of us still have bad memories with Stalin and the USSR and they asocoate them with the slavs- which is a huge huge huge induced lie. We are slavs.

>reading comprehension level: zero

But he has a Romanian flag, Croatia-bro.

Haplogroups are so outdated bru.
Just an example, millions of europeans are E3b or J haplogroup, of an old origin but autossomaly (all your dna) they are as europeans as someone R1b, on the other side of their own street.
Napolean bonaparte was E3b, also Adolph. H


*pickpockets* this thread

>So Finns are Mongols not Nordics and South Africans are germanic

Yes, that's right.

You are indians