Why did Generation X support the Iraq war so much...

Why did Generation X support the Iraq war so much? I remember reading polls that Gen-X in 2002/2003 supported the war more than even the Boomers. Does this prove decisively that Gen-X is, indeed, more stupider than the more anti-war Millennials?

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Because 9/11, everybody supported the war back then.

Saddam was the great villain when they were coming of age

Exactly this.

because 9/11

If by "everybody" you mean high-50's/low-60% range.

I was 5 when 9/11 happened. Then I remember being sad about Jon Kerry possibly beating George Bush, because I thought I wouldn't get to go to war.

It just proves Gen-X is far less pussified than millennial trash.

Gen X had no internet. Not easy to stay up on world events when you had no way of really ever knowing the truth. The media apparently controlled the narrative, way more than we ever thought possible. Now its completely obvious.

Jewish control of the media.

>getting into a bullshit war that leads to a democrat congress, all because saddam hurt your fee fees

Pretty much this. No one knew how deep the media was controlled

because bushes administrator brainwashed whole mediaspectrum with Saddams biological weapons arsenal. Everyone believed and congress gave the go word. Old story, don't you know your history? And reason was oil.


This is from 2003. Saddam Hussein dumped petro-dollar for euro-dollar, which was direct attack to U.S.A economy. Soon after iraq changed back to dollars.

Please archive those

Media propaganda was in full spin then. Most Gen X were and probably still do get their news from television. Of course they supported it; it's all they knew.

I wish we would've stuck to Afghanistan and that was it. At least as far as the known "evidence" at the time it made sense to go after Osama. I still think the Saudis/Israelis have more ties than is let on by our government.

Saudis 100%.

nordbro understands the value of that article. I am amazed that in U.S media so little, if nothing, they talk about petro-dollar.

> I remember reading somewhere

Cool source, bro

Because they're dumb suburban and rural retards.

they simply lied in the polls

>Most Gen X were and probably still do get their news from television
My gen X parents get their news increasingly from the Internet

Gen X'er here from 72. I get my news from internet, AJ, and others, but I'm a bit of an exception. I was happy when the WWW came online and I discovered things like Rense. But I had been reading about the NWO and things like that since probably 1990, even before the first Gulf War I was lucky enough to know a group of red pilled people back then. That was a rare thing at one time.

My generation is pretty split down the middle. Probably at least half of them are still completely media brainwashed. The other half is eithr woke or beginning to be woke. And you know once your woke you never go back. Gen Z is pretty hopeful.