Christianity General! Come And Find Inner Peace, Edition

Hello there! This tread is here for the fellowship of all pious Christians and those with even the vaguest interest in the faith, here on Sup Forums!

ITT We discuss the various aspects of Christianity, and share beautiful music and information amongst ourselves.

Starting with a beautiful sermon, "How To Hear God's Voice"

And another sermon to consider listening to, discussing How To Deal With Difficult People, based on bible study and with a Christian mindset:

Here is a pair of beautiful Orthodox Prayer services, I really enjoy these chants (Not just because I'm an Orthodox Catechumen myself [aspiring convert]), but because of their deep, rich tones. Its one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard, and I hope that you will enjoy it!

Long Version:

Short (~3min) Version:

Other urls found in this thread: study bible religious justification of slavery before 1830.pdf

Often in these threads, anons post concerns about whether or not they're "Good Enough" to be a Christian, they see the opportunity to have a meaningful relationship with God almighty, they see the comfy church life and fellowship, and they think to themselves:

"I'm not worthy of that, I'm just a/an ____________. They wouldnt like or want me, I do/ did____________!"

Well dont worry my friends, none of us are perfect. We all have our demons yet god loves us anyway.

Consider this passage:

"As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,” he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him. While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples. When the (((Pharisees))) saw this, they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?”
On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’[a] For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” -Matthew Chapter 9

We dont claim to be perfect, we're just normal people and I want to make this claim to everyone out there; if you're interested in learning about God, or the church at all, feel free to stop by. I've been through churches of many denominations yet they all have something in common.

There are ALWAYS welcoming people there who will be happy to show you around, talk with you, and usually offer you some literature about the church/denomination. You're welcome anytime.

This is something which is great about the Christian faith, we dont claim to be perfect. One of the prayers offered every week at my church begins "I believe, O Lord, and I confess that Thou art truly the Christ the son of the living God who camest into the world to save sinners, of whom I am first. Therefore I pray
thee, have mercy upon me and forgive my transgressions..."

Here, have an amazing Byzantine chant, performed in English. Its beauty is something to behold:

For those lurking, here's a link to a free online bible PDF for you to read if you're interested. I personally recommend starting in the book of Matthew (first book of the new testament)

Alternatively if you would like a hard copy, I've been quite pleased with this one thats cheap (~$9!) on Amazon. Its the NIV bible edition, so its written in modern english - unlike the KJV which is like reading shakespere. I feel that the KJV is best for in depth study, but the NIV is MUCH easier to comprehend if you're reading it for the first time:

Sup Forums MADE ME A (born-again) CHRISTIAN!

What denominations do we have, representing tonight?


How do you worship something that you can't prove exists?


I dont know why you retards continue to think this is . Are you btain damaged.

You mean like white supremacy?

>what's faith?????????????????????????????????????????????
Guess we've been beat

>I personally recommend starting in the book of Matthew
That's fucking stupid. Why would you tell someone to start in the middle of a book? Why even have the front?

Every race has their advantages. That is what a National Socialist believes.

I was waiting for explosion during this video. Wnene will he explode himself??

I don't understand faith.

Excellent, I've been looking for a LARP thread and EVERY FUCKING TIME I ASK THIS NO ONE GIVES ME A GODDAMN ANSWER.

It appears that a growing trend within Orthodox circles, both in America and abroad, is the desire to move away from "Ethnic Churches", folk beliefs/practices, and mythology and instead to embrace a theologically and ideologically Protestant demeanor. My question is, are there any Orthodox (Or Catholic) theologians who explicitly say the opposite, endorsing folk beliefs/practices, mythology, and ethnic churches?

I let based Yuri field that one:

But, I'll add to it - I believe because I've felt the presence of the holy spirit around me as I pray, and in Church. Since I've joined the church and began to pray, I'm calmer, happier, more thankful for the things (material and immaterial) that I have, than I've ever been. I've ended an almost decade long family rift with the grace of god, and began to study the saints, and read stories like pic related. Tell me, can you read the bible, even make an attempt at comprehending it, join a church family, scratch the surface of studying a 2,000+ year culture which produced some of the most beautiful art, architecture, scientific and industrial acheivements in the history of the world and say to yourself "No, this is all fake. All of it".

Aside from that - there is also this passage in the bible, which explains why you dont simply see god like you see physical things on this earth:


Luke 4

Jesus Is Tested in the Wilderness
4 Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, 2 where for forty days he was tempted[a] by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry.

3 The devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread.”

4 Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone.’[b]”

5 The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. 6 And he said to him, “I will give you all their authority and splendor; it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. 7 If you worship me, it will all be yours.”

8 Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.’[c]”

9 The devil led him to Jerusalem and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down from here. 10 For it is written:

“‘He will command his angels concerning you
to guard you carefully;
11 they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’[d]”
12 Jesus answered, “It is said: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’

Feeling a presence is a natural thing. It's like when you're feeling like someone is watching you from behind. All of it is in your brain.

It's belief in a concept without absolute proof thereof.
You BELIEVE that someone loves you, but you KNOW that you just fucked them

My close Finnish and Russian heritage is calling me and I've decided to convert to Eastern Orthodoxy.

What should I know in advance? (Prayer, life style related jazz etc.) So I don't go in there completely blind, can never hurt to be prepared.

where is the fucking in this analogy?

I'm not sure what you mean by this?

user, why would you come into a thread, and start ranting about how 1/3 of the world's population is evidently "brain damaged"? If you have questions about Christianity or want to discuss things, we're here for you, we want to help you find the lord, and the love of god. I'll pray for you.

Because that is when Jesus enters the scene, and from then on in the bible is of most relevance to Christians living in the last ~2,000 years.

I dont recommend skipping the Old Testament (Everything before the book of Matthew), but the New Testament would, in my opinion, be of greater benefit to a person with an interest in the faith, to read first.

I dont know anything about this trend of which you speak, nor do I claim to be an expert on theology. I hope that you find what you're looking for, here, my friend.

Its real, user. Tell me, have you ever tried to find the presence of god? Perhaps we could help you:

Good for you, my brother :) To be honest - as one of the OCA (Orthodox Church of America) writers put it, "You can read a book about how to swim all that you want, but sooner or later, you're gonna have to get in the water"

I can tell you my story - I always had a slight interest in Orthodox Christianity (the artwork and the music), for as long as I can remember. This is what lead me into Orthodoxy threads here on Sup Forums last fall, and honestly I've never really been one whose big on studying things before I do them - so as such, I did read a little bit here and there, but I just said "Screw it, lets do it", google'd Orthodox Churches in my city, and just randomly showed up at one, one morning.

It was great. They had greeters there who welcomed me in and talked to me. They gave me free literature which they had, and even a tour of the church before the service started.


After the service, they have a lunch hour where I got to talk to many folks in the church. They answered my questions and told me their stories, and even recommended a variety of reading material and websites to study. Two in particular which I hope will help you, is the "Beginning To Pray" book, and the Aincent Faith radio show, which you can listen to for free online.

TL;DR - Truly I recommend just showing up to your local Orthodox church. The people there will be happy to guide you, and help you. I'll pray that your journey will go well, and to help you find what you're seeking. I give you my best.

God bless this thread.

Thank you, stranger. I'll check out the book and the show first thing I do when I wake up.

God bless you.

Catholic here, does anyone have any good resources for apologetics?
I recently re-joined the faith, and I want to bring back those I've taken way from God.

How do you guys make it through the OT? I've read the entire NT and somewhere over half of the OT, but I lost my place and stopped for a long time. I know that it is still important and relevant for Christians, but it just feels so much less impactful than the NT does. It embarasses me as an adult who has been Christian all his life that I haven't finished reading the Bible, but reading about how the Israelites abandoned God and got smited for the 6 gorillionth time gets old.

I could've sworn the Old Testament is moot because Jesus came to earth and now we don't need it?

I read Christian Apologetics by Norman Geisler when I was younger and thought it was really good. It takes a very systematic approach to dismantling competing worldviews and proving the Christian worldview. I also remember liking Scaling the Secular City by J. P. Moreland, though I confess I can't really remember much of the content.

The writings of C. S. Lewis are very helpful too, and written much more plainly than rigorous philosophical apologetics. Mere Christianity is a classic.

Not quite. The Old Covenant and Levitical law were made obsolete by Christ, but the moral commandments of the Old Testament and the history it contains are still important. For one, the Old Testament gives us all the old prophecies concerning the Messiah, proving that Jesus is indeed who he claimed to be. The Old Testament also gives us examples of both God's wrath and mercy, and greater insight into his character. There is also much wisdom to be gleaned across the whole of the OT, like in Psalms or Proverbs.



Sweet, does that mean you'll answer ?

The Church is the only thing that will stop the Synagogue of Satan.

God bless you.

Where do I find a girl like Christ-chan?

I tried Christian fellowship with my peers, and they spend the entire time on their phones, not discussing scripture, and blogging about their social lives. I never went back.

>Began to adopt heretical pagan practices
No they didn't, they were always polytheists. Ezra and his fellow Yahwists, under the Persian Emperor Artaxerxes' patronage, was the one who began to proselytize. Likewise, giving LaVey any attention at all is far more respect than he deserves, saying that Judaism is LaVeyan Satanism is fucking stupid especially in light of the fact that the cripchanner doesn't even get the basics of the Polytheism-Yahwism change right.

And let's not even get started with the idea of Turks and Semites being related in any way shape or form.

who the man on the pic?


literally worshiping a delusion jew whose followers claim was a zombie


Hey Ortho Bro - I was looking through the Eastern Orthodox Bible pdf. Can you explain to me what chapters are included in it and how it was compiled? (Ex - where is 2 Corinthians Chapter 5?)

I'm not trying to be contentious, just would like to know.

The real redpill is that there's no one to punish bad people except other people. Nothing will save you, nothing will exert revenge for you. God is only a fantasy to comfort weak willed people who can't face that there's no higher meaning to our lives without breaking down into self destructive nihilism.
The only meaning is what you define for yourself. Face the truth, stop believing your own lies.

I might be cured from my gayness then

>Christianity give us something to live for
>they create great empires

>wild pharisee marxism appear
>everyone is an atheist now
>everyone have nothing to fight for
>everyone depressed

even in this world God help us and we dont even know it

>be weak willed piece of shit
>only meaning in life is muh god
>become depressed when you stop believing the lie
Do you see the problem? Believing in god tries to cure symptoms, not the real illness. Start relying on yourself, start believing in yourself and your own morals. Only then can you be really free and happy while living a great life and creating great things.

blows my mind that Sup Forums did that I'm so so happy

yes this ecumenical movement is a romantic but false path espoused by the current Patriarch in Constantinople , but since there must be unanimity , it's rejected by everyone else

The right move is an Orthodox church for every country , the protestant theologeans think in terms of reforms for Orthodoxy , but they don't get it very well , even world class scholars , their error is caving in to social pressure , gay priests etc

the problem is that you dont see God as the truth, you believe this is a lie, Christianity gives you hope cos God is a reality, every lie disapear in time, but you see Him 2000+ years and counting

without God you arent free, you are slave of your owns desires
>muh money
>muh lust
all pointless

I am happy without god, I have hope without god. I don't need money or lust.
I am happy because I have a wife who loves me, because we will have children, because I will move to the US and love my new country, because I will do what I love and have enough money to buy what I and my family needs and wants.
I don't need god, and you don't either. There are no truths or lies, only whatever we say to make ourselves feel better. You are a slave, desperately clinging to the thought that some being somewhere protects you because you are so special to him. And people will control you by telling you how to behave so he will keep protecting you. Like a nigger depending on government welfare, no self reliance.

here are Christians why you thing your muh feels/ muh ideas are precious to us. You are a narcissist you've already failed a little and without a moral compass you will do like says and be a slave in a prison you don't know exists

Just found this on Amazon, thanks based user


Then maybe consider a different church - mine has many extremely attractive, wholesome women. Of course, they'll require an extremely wholesome man - as will their families - but, they ARE out there...

To be honest - I dont think that I know... Perhaps googling the quote will provide and answer... I had thought it was in the text of the image, my mistake.

To be honest - I'm just a layman myself, and I'm not particularly well versed on the different versions of the bible. I wish that I could help - but I know that we have some extremely knowledgeable and well read anons in this thread who can hopefully help...

user, while there are some passive Christians out there, the vast majority of us arent - see pic related.

Although, the bible says that "Revenge Is Mine (God's) to take", and it really is true. Folks get what they deserve in this life...

For example, let me tell you a story. When I was just getting started on my trade, I bought a machine from a local man I knew, and got totally hosed on the deal. It wasnt in the condition he said that it was, he hadnt dont the work to improve it that he claimed, it didnt even have the specs that he claimed that it did. He regularly screwed people on other such deals as I soon realized, and you think - he got away with it - bad guys always win - etc?

Well - not so much.

He was just driving through town one day and got REAMED by an armored truck. Not one of those little van sized one, but a full on, F-650 sized truck, weighing many tons and plowing full speed through a red light - and directly nailing this persons pickup and no one elses.

The guy almost died, he was in the hospital for ages, it cost him and his family most of their money, his truck was a complete loss and last I knew, his business was closed for the forseeable future.

TL;DR - God took his revenge - and it was brutal.

I unironically believe the Bible permits and encourages (spoiler) race based (spoiler) chattel slavery.
im not nasty or violent but reading the arguments of each side, the abolitinists relied on humanitarian ideas, and reality has showed they were not quite right.

well if you have childer they can be saved, you werent all useless, there are truth and lies, if you dont want to see them it's your own problem, if you believe everything is a coincidence it's your soul anyway

and im a slave to God, but we all are slaves to something, better walk along with God that knows everything

My moral compass doesn't need god you self righteous prick. I can rely on myself. God never existed and we only dreamed him up because we were too scared to be alone on this planet, to have no pre-determined meaning in our life.

we dont have a predetermined meaning, you can choose to do what you want, that's why you can choosing not to follow God
that's why it's lawful to make you burn in hell, it's your choice

you study harder before you pontificate about things you have no idea about, so you spent 2 minutes to rationalize religion and think you found it ? not only narcissist but also prideful

>study texts with a knowledge based outlook and you will start to realize your initial ignorance on the subject

go now with God's help

Nevermind. The PDF only had half the pages.

For every bad person who has bad luck in the end, there's another dying happily and none the wiser. For every good person who gets rewarded, there's another getting shafted by bad luck. Don't rely on luck for doing the job, go do it yourself.
You make no sense at all, try to speak in coherent sentences.

What in the bible fuels your theory? Genuinly curious, not being hostile... Welcome to the thread!

All good, my friend! Here's the real thing, if you're curious: study bible

im just saying it's your own choice, if you dont want to accept Christ nobody can force you

Try to explain how depressive people "found god" because suddenly they started telling themselves everything will be fine, god protects them, he listens to them. They are lying to themselves, as did countless people in our history, because their situation sucked balls with no fault of their own and that was the only thing they thought they could do.
Be free, believe in saving yourself, not being saved. You're better than that.

i dont get it, even if it was a lie, why dont you want them to be happy? they live a better life, far away from sin, following God, aren't you just jealous?

Here are the documents which explain the position; religious justification of slavery before 1830.pdf

also TBQH slavery, monarchy always existed since until the Robesperrian (i refused to call it "french") Revolution. Slavery is just another form of human interaction.
>inb4 ha you wouldnt like to be a slave!
Slaves could and did rise to prominence. some ottoman emperors were slaves.

this is called a rationalization, you see a phenomenon, you asume you know about it epidermally and then you make a decision return here and heed an advice given to you , your opinion is useless to me because I know better, you needlessly insist to be heard , who cares

where did you find the St. Paisios quote ? excellent

>if you don't do what I tell you to someone will punish you for it after you die, now give me money
The absolute state of christianity
Now we're getting somewhere, because it is weak to not be in charge of yourself and your morality, your actions. I feel sad for those people because they have huge underlying problems that warrant lying to themselves to not become depressed. I feel sad for them because they put bandaids over their broken legs. I want them to rise above and actually fix their shit so they can be happy, completely independent of anything else, especially how other people interpret thousand year old scripts of people who wanted to scam retards for their money.

holy shit
>muh money

>i will give my money to doctors or witches etc
>but to God neeever
the state of atheism, all poor

We do not hate Homosexuals:

I offer people to be independent, you offer them to blindly believe in whatever other people want them to do. You talk big but you are a weak slave to the opinions of other people. If some priest tells you tomorrow it's wrong to just flush your shit, you have to recycle by eating it, you will feel bad whenever you don't do it, or worse, actually start doing it. Because your morality hinges on outside forces you can't control, not on yourself. I feel sorry for you, maybe you will reconsider.

Where's gods bank account, how can I send him money?
No, you give money to people roleplaying as gods mouthpiece, like a good sheep you think you do good by giving them money so they can buy themselves gold crowns.

are ALL rabbis inherently nefarious?
or only the kabbalistic ones?

but if they are completely okay and want to follow God couse they can see it's the truth? they have a fufilling life + God, why do you think it's bad?

and dont fucking say >muh money
you give because you have, you poor bastard

>Where's gods bank account, how can I send him money?

>he doesn't know 'bout Tithing


you give money to people who you see they are doing a good work, lot of churches help people in need, about drinking, alcohol, give clothes to the neede, maybe they keep a little for themselves but it's all they do, so what?

nah your staying in your place because you are missing the spiritual component, your whole assessment is on a marxist almost understanding its material and misguided

Im sorry but i don't obey priesthood like you think, you oversimplified everything in your mind to fit your limited preconceptions , if everyone thought like you they would turn into a thirsty self serving beast , that bases his independence at all costs with no morality we go back to the first reply

it's not not about money , see what i tell you ? you have no idea and talk out of your asshole , go read the bible already with an inquiring mind , the NT only , now get the hell out of here , you annoy



Who are you giving that money? To people, not to god. They play you like a fiddle to have a nice life, and you fall for it. They tell you the sweet lies you want to hear, and you fall for it. You work for them, because they make you feel "god", snakeoil if I ever saw some. You can be happy without god, you can be moral without god, and you can have hope without god, because I know I have it.
You will feel better because you will be sure of yourself, you will build up your own morality and be sure of it, because it's yours, tailored to your own life. And only you control it, no one else.

>keep a little for themselves

but they are helping people! you give money to coca cola or i dont know what shit you give money to and they kill you with that shit, you give money all the time, why dont help people that help other people? for fuck sakes >muh money every time and they say they dont want money

>a nice life
not anymore thanks to you-know-joo

>work for them
people stop going to a minister who isnt effective.

That second part you just said....I think I might be having the same issue atm

Fuck you christcuck niggers.

Damn, that faggot in OP's image is a coward. Glad I'm not an effeminate christcuck.

God is great. Praise Jesus. Kill Satanists.


>being this jealous of money
you want it don't ya

would you sell your soul to God if he offers you 1 million?

>go read the bible already with an inquiring mind
Nah I'm good.
>now get the hell out of here
Make me faggot, maybe pray to god so I disappear?

it wouldnt be bad if he granted me the wish you cuck faggot greedy fucking kraut

The first step is to realize only you are in charge of what you do, and whatever happens to you by chance, you can't control in any way. You won't get anything by praying or believing in god. You can only decide how you react and what you do. Come to terms with it, don't believe the sweet lies that you can make some god like you so he does nice things to you.

Correct. That monk will die weak and his enemies will win because he was too much of a coward to do anything.

You sure snapped quickly, maybe some repressed issues you try to drown in blind faith?

what if i offer you 1 million dollarydoos, would you sell your soul to God? even if you don't believe?

Name one Christian empire. All the supposedly "christian" empires were literally Jewish. Spanish empire? Run. Y Jews. British empire? Jews. Dutch empire? Again, Jews. There has never been a christian empire, only dumbass christcucks dying to enrich their Jewish masters (same to this day). There have been plenty of pagan empires though.

What is the true form of Christianity?

arent you saying jews and Christians are the same? pagan empires died years ago, killed by Christians also

These threads are so comfy.

Depending on what selling your soul means to you, it might be an easy million in the bank. There's no soul.

wow you are a bitch
would you suck someones dick if i offer you 1 million?

>arent you saying jews and Christians are the same?
No. I was saying that Christians put Jews in charge of their society every single time and that all those empires were run by Jews. This is historical fact.