Why are businesses transfering to an "open office" layout?

At my company, and at the companies of most people I know, they totally removed their cubicles and most of their private offices and instead use an "open office". I don't understand this obsession with having everyone around each other, all the time. Businesses seem to hope that this will improve "spontaneous collaboration" but I am skeptical. Many people would prefer working with a bit more privacy or quiet. What does this say about our culture, that we feel the need to always be out in the open, all the time?

I notice this is going on with schools, too. More and more, the idea of separate desks is fading, now they are putting kids into "pods", which are collections of 5 or 6 desks, in a classroom, in the hopes of more group work and collaboration. Why the fuck is there this obsession with group work? It's creepy.

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Its cheaper

don't worry senpai, companies are slowly taking the red pill. i work in a stodgy finance firm so it never bought the bullshit for the most part.

CEOs Want Their Offices Back

Google got it wrong. The open-office trend is destroying the workplace.

Companies Are Rethinking The Open Office, And It’s About Time

Has the open office trend gone too far?

Is The Open-Office Trend Reversing Itself?

Also, pic related doesn't necessarily give the right idea, most officers I've seen have the workers much closer

Straight to archive
>washingtonpost com/posteverything/wp/2014/12/30/google-got-it-wrong-the-open-office-trend-is-destroying-the-workplace/?utm_term=.8507461b9849
>huffingtonpost com/2015/02/12/open-offices-changing-to-include-private-space_n_6669666.html

Wow thanks for all the sources, will definitely be reading

Diversity doesn't do too well if they're left on their own. Instead of white/asian/jewish men stealing the show, the preference is to share work, collaborate, and only look at the group output.

this, the kraut understands efficiency.

Clear sniping of dissidents.

One of the reasons is to make sure employees aren't surfing the internet all day.
My office is switching to this. Sucks. Anyone know how to get deals on those 3M privacy screens?

it's also far more unproductive, unless you're some poo in the loo telemarketer plebs, in which case I hope you fucking die

Theyre preparing you to share your home when the communist revolution happens

ahh, here we go. spbp.

Go 9 hours and have to go to the bathroom to pick your nose.

What kind of idiot thought this crap up.

If they REALLY wanted to improve productivity, they'd go to a 4-day work week.

A lot of research has been done and it shows that the 4-day work week makes employees actually achieve more over the 4 days than over 5 days.

Shit, Henry Ford thought that by now we'd be on a 3-day work week.

>sitting in a chair to earn money

we also are going for dynamic placement : there will not be enough desks for all people in the team, as management plans for 15% absence. So it's the end of personalized workspace. You'll have to share your keyboard and mouse with pajeet muhammad and obongo

I work in silicon valley and have experienced the open office for years
It's primarily to keep people replaceable and gives management the ability to move or replace people with no notification.
You will often return from vacation to find your desk has moved, and coworkers appear and disappear without notice.
It's very isolating t.b.h. I end up not forming relationships with my coworkers now not only because they're either chinks or dicks, but because it will bear no fruit.

>open office
You mean computer warehouse?


you will have to kill me before you make me work only 4 days a week

Women's brains work in groups, not individually. This is the result of female management and teachers.

Also less of a chance of an individual jerking off on reddit when others are nearby.

Really glad I am going the trade route. At least if I was in a cubicle I could commit sucide in peace as opposed to shanqua airwrecka mouthing off about more time off for her little niglets because daddy ain't home and I have to watch and hear that while I pull the trigger.

this its just like groupwork in school the nerd does it all and the brainlets take the credit for it

Yeah, you have to pay for Mohammed and his 5 kids to sit around all day plotting your demise.

They think it makes them cooler and less formal.

The reason for this is when you're starting a company you may literally have one room so you all work there, like apple starting in a garage. You're all mates so it's a bit of banter, you wouldn't have it any other way.

Doesn't quite work when you're a company full of people basically selling their time to an organisation and who aren't best mates on a business adventure, though.

I worked in an open plan, it's fucking shit, it's incredibly loud and you have people bothering you the entire time because they can just walk up. Not a conducive environment for getting shit done

u only see this at trendy ((silicon walley firms)) cuz mr goldbeg employs only the best, and best are literal autists and if they had cubicles i bet people would work for years without looking someone in eye and making a convo.

My company just did this. I don't really care since I have an office. But, you can tell the bullpen employees hate it.

I think it starts with tech startups that have little money, cubicles cost a lot of money. So they go for open space and desks to cut down costs. Then as they grow popular, others follow, and then more follow the followers.

This is a really bad sign that you live to work as opposed to work to live. You need real hobbies and things outside of work that you love. If money is the issue then you just consolidated your hours better and you can pick up a second job and get more ahead.

This looks like absolute hell. I would never be able to get any work done.

>90's media always portrayed the "poor wageslave in his cubicle"
>they look spacious and private as fuck now

The company I work for moved into a new office building last year and we have a layout similar to this.
First day I went in I noticed that basically everyone who walks in to the office would be able to see what's on my monitor.
I moved the whole fucking thing and now my back is facing the wall, no one ever said anything.

I don't know if this is what you are referring to, but my office is taking the "open office" one step further; coming soon, we won't even have assigned desks. All desks will be shared, the hope is that we will sit with our teams. It's fucking perverse. A lot of people (not me) have personalized their desks and put some items there, but now they'll have to take them all away, we now have to store items in the lockers at the end of every day instead of just leaving them at the desk. I don't get it. Seems like a fucking hassle


I have a PhD and work with a bunch of engineers around me. They are loud and talk all the fucking time. I work with earplug in all the time when I'm at my desk so I can concentrate.

If people want to collaborate they can send me a god damn email and set up a meeting, I am busy and have shit to do on a schedule and you can't just butt in thinking it's okay.

There's always a chance for Zuck sighting.

Trying to get people comfortable with a lack of privacy.

It's amazing isn't it. Those poor oppressive cubicles now look unbelievably luxurious. What the fuck is happening to the world.

If you can create the same value in four days why would you work five?

If I can build a house and have it sold in 4 months why would I want to push it to 5?

They don't want white people to have any place where they can avoid having to be around non-whites.

dehumanization, people are a resource, disposable. not sure if this improves productivity but it sure make people replaceable without after thoughts by managers.


I fucking wish. My company likes schedual me for 12 12s on a regular basis.

It doesn't make people productive when you have someone trying to get your attention a few desks over going
>Hey. Hey. Hey user. Hey user we have a question. Hey user we have a question about something we didn't pay attention at the meeting.

While I'm trying to get documents together. Jesus. Send and email or get off your fucking pilates ball chair and come talk to me directly at my side instead of shouting over people's heads like a barbarian.

my workplace has an open layout and i cant stand it. i am never at my "desk". i always take my laptop down to the cafeteria where i can have some space. but when i am at my desk, my coworkers never shut the fuck up. im pretty sure i do twice the work of the rest of them.

Office Worker Here
My BGL company that is open office helps me and most of everyone to get trough the day pretty easily because you can have Banter and shit talk all day with my colleges and in that way it increases my productivity and my happiness status

Looks way better if you are the guy who is first to work and last to leave. Makrs the guy that's late look like an idiot.

They spent all of the money on stupid fucking HR studies that conflate productivity with "feelings"

>lucky luke
oh god its been ages

I do that. Plus coffee pauses and shitting at work. In IT you aren't paid to do work, you are paid to be at work.

This is how you know your work is of little importance to the world. Is there nothing at all sensitive enough that these individuals do to allow for such open air workplaces? Jesus.

I would never walk into a colleagues office without knocking even if the door is open, to ensure they weren't on a call on speaker.

I guess it works if you like to hang out with your coworkers. I don't. All my coworkers are liberal hipster cucks.

Bring dividers back.

Its so everyone can see you and knows what you are doing. Prisons use a similar trick to keep an eye on inmates.

IDK but I would be mad if they did this at my office. Personally, I love my cubicle.

in b4 wage cuck, jewish slave, etfc.

I used to be in the open format then I was promoted and gained an office.

The open office is to keep everyone "on task". It creates a sort of social pressure that you follow the norm. If none of your peers leave for lunch, you likely won't leave for lunch either. If your peers all stay 20 minutes late, you will likely stay 20 minutes late too.

It's a way to take away your freedom and turn you into a robot with corporate soul sucking culture of one-upmanship to get more work out of you.

also silicon new age bullshit
probably a magic chrystal in the room too

Advancing collectivism , minimalizes individualism, read ayn Rand

It makes having friendships even harder since you have to keep your conversations at the lowest common denominator to not offend or weird anyone out. It's very dehumanizing.

I work for a software firm (I do DevOps) and I work in an open-office environment.

Personally, I don't mind because everyone I work with is pretty chill and we're not a publically traded company (less scrutiny). I will say this, I used to work for a Fortune 500 company that did the open architecture deal and that shit is infuriating when management tries to implement statistics to go along with it because people will use whatever they can eavesdrop from your screen as political ammo.

It can be cool if you have a cool company and it can be absolute shit if you don't.

It's a work environment that works when everyone is friends. Like old classroom buddies working together and everyone knows everyone else's habits and likes and shit.

It's a fucking disaster when everyone is a stranger and you just want to do some work in exchange for some pay, not get to know the vapid lives of everyone around you.

It's cheaper

schools have been both ways for a while.
Really dependent on the teacher and classroom.
Some teachers would even allow you to move desk together with your friends as long as you could keep your mouth shut.
TFW when your the teacher made a new seating chart and your hoping your at the same tables as the super QT

Those offices look like fucking cancer, like something you see at a uni library

Fuck you

I'm in a basement office right now, we're 2 to a large cubicle. Except I'm on graves so I'm the only one in the office.

Cheaper, social pressure to make people work harder and be good goyim

It's more the opposite, you can't have personal conversations with anyone or share deeper feelings/views with coworkers and develop deeper bonds because you have to keep your topics, vocabulary, and opinions to the approval of the lowest common denominator. For example, I can have locker room talk with one or two guys I work with, but I could never do that in an open format. It really sucks the fun out of going to work when I can't be myself and I have to put on this fake robotic persona all day long.

>huffpo """journalist""" mad he's not gettin dem shekels

THIS. Not even memeing but the female management at my company have the dumbest fucking ideas.

>I notice this is going on with schools, too. More and more, the idea of separate desks is fading, now they are putting kids into "pods", which are collections of 5 or 6 desks, in a classroom, in the hopes of more group work and collaboration. Why the fuck is there this obsession with group work? It's creepy.
One man school desks are retarded.

Isn't this what they already do in Japan?

What's your PhD in? Just curious...

smoking is bad, mmmkay, burger?

It's cheaper than cubicles and people can keep an eye on each other, which discourages slacking off.

it's the fucking Panopticon

Glad to see you back

Open Office only works in separated instances when you have teams. Otherwise that shit just encourages everyone to talk about non-work shit.

Female management at my company are constantly organizing pointless team spirit meetings among other dumb moronic shit. Just kill me.

Women are made to just spend and waste money. They're not producers, not even in the work place. They're just consumerist leeches. I don't know how companies approve of these team building exercises, it's a huge waste of company resources.

Yeah, not sure why they think making a bunch of autists who most likely have social anxiety work in an environment like that is a good idea. I know I would never get anything done and would have armpit stains down to my belt in that kind of office.

Just take the polarized film off and wear polarized sunglasses

welcome to the future! How's your tracking chip feeling in your ass today? Do you like all those "security cams" we've installed just recently? And why are you going so often to the toillets, burger? Did you eat Mexican food again? Of course you did! We'll have to talk about this later.

I often wonder how much money has been lost by having women in workplace. I don't think they could possibly provide a net positive in any way.

Depends on the occcupation. For example women were the fucking best telegraph operators (and later cable phone patchers) ever. They also tend to make good secretaries. And coffee.

Holy shit. After seeing. These layouts I would kill my self if I had to work there. It looks like a fucking classroom.

It's female orientated style

men absolutely do not benefit from this system.

I'm sure the big bosses still get their own offices for sensitivity

lel fuck that. I'm standing by the door ready to go at 5 minutes to knock off time

It really is. It's so funny to me. Growing up and in adolescence, that was all over the media, it was crazy. Dilbert and Office Space were classics. Everyone hated that shit.

Now, as a young man in the modern job market, I would absolutely fucking love having an office cubicle job. I work well in structured, separate, focused work. I always despised group work, even though I work well with others. Now, with how shit the job market is, both in opportunities and the way they treat workers, I would kill for an office job. You're telling me I have my own space I can control, order, and somewhat decorate, I have privacy, I have my own fucking chair, I don't have to scrounge or put my shit wherever, I am guaranteed 9AM-5PM Monday to Friday, all weekends off, no fucking schedule that changes every fucking week, AND guaranteed time off and sick days?

That's supposed to be bad? That's supposed to be hell? To who?

You'd be surprised, Americans have been trained to be the greatest of good goys. They love to work overtime for free - not even joking man. If you tell people you don't want to they get pissed off. It's fucking ridiculous.

My work day ends at 5, and I usually leave right at 5. It makes me embarrassed, because most other people stay extra minutes. But if I'm not getting paid for those minutes, what the fuck is the point? I don't want to stay later than I have to. I have to be there at 8:30 the next morning so I want to leave as soon as my shift is done. And yet everyday at 5 I feel weirdly guilty when I leave.

You mean females talking for 7 hours and maybe on a productive day get maybe an hour of work done.

Also, my office has even set up the coffee spaces around the building to be more "open" and to allow for more "spontaneous encounters" in the hopes that we might talk more about ideas for work. What the fuck

Because managers see that their employees have the slightest modicum of privacy and dignity with cubicles and it drives them insane. They won't stop until the American workplace is like a fucking Foxconn sweatshop, the execs who run the companies go to places like China and see the situation and are impressed, they want to bring that shit to the American workplace.

>working for free

Americans aren't chinks. It won't work for long.

People with under 110 IQs absorbed the meme that teamwork is super duper important so now they push it on everyone thinking THAT is why certain teams are more productive than others. They don't understand the Pareto distribution and that certain people, due to their IQ and conscientiousness, are just going to be 100x more productive than everyone else regardless of what you do.

tl;dr normies fucking shit up as normal.


Illusion of freedom

I think there is some benefit to an open office, but there is a limit to how many people can be in the room. I've done pair programming before and it can help catch a lot of errors and bugs before they even occur when one guy is next to you as you write the code together. However, too many people in the room and it becomes distracting.

>Open office, with no walls to block out sound or co-workers from interrupting your work

Do you even work in a office? It's fucking shit. It's even worst when you have 4 people that have conjoined desk together. There's always that one person that's doesn't know when to shut the fuck up and do their job and then there are others that are offended that you won't engage in every conversation.

>be me
>have math phd
>first job everyone in r&d have my own office
>personalize it
>everyone in our department has own office
>work hard, no distractions
>current manager (also phd) is replace by MBA fuckwit
>meetings everyday
>nonstop bullshit buzzwords
>has no fucking clue about technical details
>recommends open office
>relocates us to different area in building
>he still has own office
>won't leave us alone
>tells us our statistically sound methods are too expensive
>hey user look it's says so here in MBA Fuckwit monthly
>give two weeks notice
>old manager hears I am leaving
>mfw I had a job offer at the end of the day
>company fires me because of IP reasons
>cash out vacation

I love where I am now. Back to my own little office, and three years in. I am sad that I'll have to hit the market for a new job again. Open office will be a deal breaker for me.

welcome to the panopticon